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Thread: By way of introduction...

  1. #1
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Lightbulb By way of introduction...

    Following Dreadful Scathe's suggestion, here is a thread for everyone to introduce themselves.
    While this is aimed at all new Forum members, it might not harm if 'older' members introduced themselves too!

    No need to post a full biography (though you are welcome to ), just a few words about who you are, where you dance, how you started dancing , how you found out about the Forum and any other quirky feature you would like to share

    To start the ball rolling, my name is Franck, Ceroc teacher and franchisee for Glasgow, Perth and Aberdeen (soon Stirling). I have been teaching for over 10 years now, and started (with Jean Harris) the first Ceroc night ever in Scotland, as well as pretty much every other class in Scotland since

    I dance in Perth (where I am currently teaching) and in Glasgow / Aberdeen when I visit the venues. I can also be found dancing at most Glasgow / Aberdeen parties and very occasionally at Dundee / Edinburgh parties.

    I have too many quirks to mention, but being a French man with a Scottish accent and an orange kilt will do for starters.

    Ceroc for me is a way to make myself and other people happy and I started this Forum as a way to bring Cerocers across Scotland together.

    So here you are, your turn!


  2. #2
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: By way of introduction...

    My name is Dreadful Scathe Ive been dancing for around 3 years and have gotten gradually worse over the last year - amazing how quickly you forget stuff! I used to dance in Edinburgh regularly and Jive Bar in London about once a month but recently not had so much time and my dancing has been erratic and all over the place (in more ways than one ).

    Will probably go to the Strirling venue more often as its quite a bit closer to Falkirk. I can safely proclaim myself the resident expert on Smurfs, but won't suggest Im an expert at anything else .

  3. #3
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Re: Re: By way of introduction...

    Originally posted by Dreadful Scathe
    My name is Dreadful Scathe Ive been dancing for around 3 years and have gotten gradually worse over the last year - amazing how quickly you forget stuff! I used to dance in Edinburgh regularly and Jive Bar in London about once a month but recently not had so much time and my dancing has been erratic and all over the place (in more ways than one ).
    Careful DS, you are in serious danger of starting to sound like the Tramp... Next you'll claim you're a Beginner


  4. #4
    The Forum Legend
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    He is my Paduan Learner.

    Feel the force, young DS.


  5. #5
    Chief Worrier PeterL's Avatar
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    My name is PeterL

    I have been dancing just under 2 years and am totally hooked, unlike theTramp I can claim to be a begginer and mean it. I am mainly seen dancing in Edinburgh but have been known to attend Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee and the Jive bar London. My dancing has cut down recently because I have a wedding to arrange but I am sure I will quickly be dancing a lot when I have tied the knot.

    I am known on the forum for worrying about things but am really quite a happy go lucky chap so don't believe everything you read.

  6. #6
    The Forum Legend
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    I'm sorry Peter. But after 2 years, you can hardly claim to be a beginner (okie, so this may be a case of the pot calling the kettle black!!). I entered my first advanced competition after I'd been dancing less than 2 years!!

    It was nice meeting your fionce on Friday night. I hope that you have many happy years together!


  7. #7
    Registered User John S's Avatar
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    Hi, my name is (checks avatar) John S and I started Ceroc at St Stephens in Edinburgh, having never before done any dancing of any sort. That was about 4 years ago, and I still remember being so freaked out at how good the intermediate dancers were, that for several weeks I couldn't even stay to watch them.

    I can be found mostly at Dundee, Perth or Rosyth, with occasional forays to Aberdeen or Glasgow and other Ceroc venues down south. Without exception, lovely people everywhere.

    Dancing Career Highlights? Undoubtedly being part of "Team Dundee" - Scottish and now UK Cabaret Champions!!!! (A far cry from those traumatic first few weeks.)

  8. #8
    Commercial Operator SwingSwingSwing's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm SwingSwingSwing.

    I've been dancing for over 3 years now, starting off doing Ceroc at Falkirk after being "forced" into taking part in a Ceroc demo at a Fitness Fair in Denny that Franck was at but now I mainly do Lindy Hop in Edinburgh with the Edinburgh Swing Dance Society.

    I've danced Ceroc at Falkirk, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and spookily enough at the Jive Bar when DS was there. I didn't know him them but recognised him a few months later in Scotland.

    Dancing career highlight. A woman in Glasgow telling my girlfriend, "I love dancing with your man. He makes me feel like I can dance." Made my day that did.


  9. #9
    Not a spoon! Lou's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm Lou, and the token LeRoccer on this site (at least - the one that posts & doesn't lurk!). I learnt to dance about 9 years ago at the Elmgrove class in Bristol. That's not to say I've been dancing steadily since then - I'd be so much better if I had! I'm afraid I go through long spells of not dancing & then I remember how much I really enjoy it & go back!

    I dance in Bristol - mostly at the Yate class, as it's so friendly - but I also go to St Bons & Kingswood on the odd occasion. I'm married to a muggle - so I don't tend to go to that many dances - only special occasions.

    btw... my avatar is a routine by Steps.

  10. #10
    Registered User Jon's Avatar
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    As the name says I'm "Jon". I dont hide behind an alias

    I've been dancing about 1.25 years now and I'm a taxi dancer at Greenwich. I go to every busking event I can, well it's an excuse to dance isn't it!.

    I started dancing to make more friends after I moved to London and I've certainly done that.

    Now I enjoy giving something back to the new people who start dancing because Ceroc has changed my life for the better.

  11. #11
    Registered User Alfie's Avatar
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    About Me

    Hello Everybody,
    My name is Alf(Yes really it is,and Iwill grow into it eventually)
    I've been dancing almost four years.Sometime Demmo sometime Taxi Dancer. Currently helping out at Blitz Coventry as a Taxi. Really Love to Jive any excuse to go and dance.
    We orriginally started Ceroc as an alternative first dance on our wedding day. Have danced all over the Midlands and are regularly seen 100 plus miles from home at freestyles.
    Please ask me for a dance as I never refuse

  12. #12
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    The 'g' in gcapell stands for Gary.

    I've been dancing in Sydney for just on two years. There is so much still to learn, but I'm still loving the learning.

    I started cerocing because I was chasing a girl who'd been cerocing for about six years. That didn't work out, but I'm still hooked on the dancing.

    Lately I've been trying to switch my emphasis from "moves" to interpretation and technique (which is kind of going against the flow, but I'm having more fun).

    My claim to fame is winning a "most popular ceroc'er" trophy (which is amazing because I'm not very social, I just ask a lot of different folks to dance - dancing is great for us nerdy not-so-social types).

    Please come and say 'hi' if you're ever way over here.

  13. #13
    Omnipotent Moderator Tiggerbabe's Avatar
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    I'd like to introduce - Sheena

    Hi there everyone!

    My name is Sheena and I'm a taxi-dancer in Dundee.
    I've been dancing for nearly 4 years now and I'll still never forget that first night - and first dance with Bill!

    I've been told my avatar is very appropriate as I'm quite a lively person and won't sit down if there's anything approaching a decent beat going on........

    I love to dance, just LOVE it! Always wanted to learn and found out about ceroc from a colleague who saw a busk and picked up a leaflet.

    I travel regularly to parties in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen as well as attending any in Dundee and now of course will have a new option in Perth.

    I also go to West Coast Swing classes and have learned to Cha Cha. I've done a couple of Lindy workshops but truth be told would give anything a go if it meant I could dance some more.

    Attended the tea-dance after Chance2Dance on Sunday and Alex showed me how to quickstep - wow!

    Don't be shy - come and ask me too - I'd be delighted - but be warned I might change my outfit in the middle of the evening

  14. #14
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    Hi, I am Will.

    I've started Ceroc about 9 years ago at St Paul Onslow Square in South Kensington.

    Since having my first taste of Competition at last years Champs at Hammersmith I've become totally addicted now and dance nearly every day at venues all over London (and elsewhere whenever possible). Tend to do my fair share of demo work so as to maintain the worlds largest collection of Admit-Ones.

    I'm also known through-out the Ceroc world as being Stevie Wongs biggest fan - No small feat considering how popular the man is!!!

  15. #15
    Ceroc Franchisee
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    And I'm......

    Hi, I'm Mike

    I'm the Ceroc Franchisee for Middlesbrough and Sunderland. I've been dancing for 8 years having never danced before (or since some would say) and coming from the hairy-ar**d trucker brigade becoming a dancer was a bit unexpected!

    I started dancing in Newcastle after meeting a girl, who could already dance (where've we heard that one before?). After several years I did a Victor Kiam (showing my age again) and bought into the company to become a Franchisee.

    Apart from when I'm working in Middlesbrough and Sunderland I also dance at Newcastle and Nottingham whenever I get the chance.

    As a Franchisee I do everything, DJ, demonstrate, taxi, everything except teach that is.... Ceroc does want to keep the standards up so they're keeping me away from that

    There some pictures of myself and Eddi, my teacher at Sunderland at
    Mike Walker
    Too much is never enough

  16. #16
    The Oracle
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    My name is David, and I've been trying to dance since 1984.

    I've done lots of styles - Ballroom & Latin, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Hustle, Salsa, European Rock'n'Roll, etc. My first Ceroc class was at Pineapple Studios in London in 1986.

    I have absolutely no natural talent for dancing. Everything I do I've picked up from taking lots of classes and lessons over these years. Although most of it went in one ear and out the other, I have a rough idea of what I'm supposed to do. But I have real problems putting the theory into practice! I still look like a rugby player trying to dance. The one thing I can do well is to take the credit for the lady doing the hard work.

    I try to make sure I dance at least once a week. I go to several venues in London (Casbah, Hipsters, Ashtons) and try to travel a bit more at weekends (eg Fleet, Brighton, Oxford, Uxbridge, Dorking.)


  17. #17
    The Forum Legend
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    I'm Steve (no, really), and I've been dancing since April 1999. I'd never done any dancing before that at all. Ever. And though I try hard (am very trying), I'm still a beginner with a lot more to learn about dancing. Currently, I do modern jive (which is why I'm on this forum of course), blues, and a few of the smaller airsteps. I've also done a little hip hop, salsa, swing and chacha. Although, I have a long way to go in all of those.

    I can be found dancing all over the UK at various times, and have been seen in most of the Scottish venues, Newcastle, Nottingham, Nantwich, London, and at other flavours of modern jive - Blitz in Sheffield, LeRoc in Brighton, Eastbourne & Bristol & Plymouth, Bournemouth, Dorking, and just about everywhere else there's dancing to be found. Currently I teach in Bracknell (Tues), and soon will also be teaching in Basingstoke (Mon). I also teach freelance, often in Brighton, but am available to go anywhere in the country.

    I have also recently started doing some DJing, at a couple of ceroc venues, and others, and also on Jive Spree weekends.

    Like DavidB, I also look like a rugby player trying to dance. Especially in the competition in Blackpool in 2003!!

    I'm easy to spot at dances - I'll be the bald, fat, ugly one who can't dance, sitting in a corner, wishing that someone would dance with me


  18. #18
    Commercial Operator
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    I'm John and I've been dancing Ceroc for four years, along with my ever tolerant wife Irene. I was Originally dragged kicking and screaming to a Leroc venue in Edinburgh by Irene, who had been going for around six months. After the first night I thought" this ain't so bad," and started going to Obi's classes at St Stephens.
    Although I enjoy modern jive, my real passion is for what I call "real jivin' music" and am now involved in running a monthly club where my colleague and I play a good mix of roots R'n'B, swing, doo wop, rock'n'roll, and blues. In the last four years Irene and I have tried various different types of dance, including Lindy hop, Salsa, west Coast swing, and most recently, and probably my favourite, Glasgow Jive. Without doubt, dancing has changed our life, and it is nice to still be enjoying an active social life together even after 25 years married.

  19. #19
    Registered User Diane's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm Diane and I have been dancing for about 2 and a half years.
    I started at ceroc in Leicester with my friend michelle and she is now a Blitz franchisse and instructor and I am her DJ.
    When i look back at the first night and the laugh me and my friend had I would never have believed it if anyone had said what we would be doing 2 years later.
    i am still as hooked as ever on the dance and now being a dj adds to it, I just love to play the music and find new tracks to enjoy

  20. #20
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    I'm Melanie, mostly known throughout the ceroc world as fc. For those who don't know, the name filthycute was given to me by an american line comes from the Prince song Cream. I did line dancing for 5 years but unfortunately my classes stopped so i was promptly dragged down to Ceroc by my teacher, Elaine. Always wanted to do couples dancing but trying trying to find somewhere to do this without a partner was mission impossible......until i found ceroc. I got completely hooked after my 2nd class...(my 1st class was a nightmare and i didn't think i'd go back!) I didn't realise you could do so much dancing and have such a hectic social life with so much fun without downing extreme amounts of alchohol.....(the odd bottle or 2 doesn't count)
    Most of the time i'm dancing in Dundee but can found lingering around various Scottish venues. Now that i've found myself a B/f who loves dancing as much as me we'll hopefully get a tour in north of the border, where i'm sure the people are just as friendly as they are in Scotland

    Highlight of my dance career so far is getting to the finals in Blackpool. My partner/bf has only been dancing 4 months and he did me real proud

    filthycute x x

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