Well, I have half hour to kill at work before I can leave so why not.
The "body & lens" setup isn't the only option, there's also the fixed lens + add-ons option; but there are 2 schools of thought regarding that and beginners gear.
The purists will poo-poo the fixed lens option, however, the advent of digital cameras should have killed that off (but it hasn't).
The point is, getting dirt, dust and grit in the body.
In the days of film, a bit of grit would ruin the current exposure, then move off with the film; However, a bit of grit on your sensor means all of your snaps from then on are ruined. Also, cleaning grit off a sensor isn't simple and could result in permanent damage if you're not careful.
A fixed lens DSLR can't get anything in the body, therefore it isn't an issue.
The downside, is that they are slightly less flexible WRT lens option, however, I think for a beginner that doesn't matter so much.
Probably less model-specific advice than you wanted, but I hope it helps (FWIW, I have an old Olympus E-10 which I got a few years ago from ebay for about £150. Old but I still use it).