
Tag: connection

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  1. I'm Back

    Started by Prian, 21st-September-2011 02:17 PM
    bac, back, coming, con, connection, cut, established, internet, limited, money, service, ter, what, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,458
    Last Post: 21st-September-2011 02:17 PM
    by Prian  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  2. Sky Broadband - Capped

    Started by SteveW, 26th-June-2011 09:03 PM
    advance, art, bet, better, broadband, capped, connection, free, hen, hey, moving, paying, questions, quid, sky, slower, star, start, strict, telly, ter, virgin, worse
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,846
    Last Post: 26th-June-2011 09:03 PM
    by SteveW  Go to last post
  3. Blues - A step too far

    Started by djtrev, 13th-June-2011 09:27 PM
    9 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    blues, connection, dance, dancing, eve, evening, feel, girls, give, god, lory, make, music, people, playing, problem, queen, report, room, save, sentence, step, taking, time, too, weekend, what
    • Replies: 163
    • Views: 28,132
    Last Post: 18th-June-2011 10:55 AM
    by Easily Led  Go to last post
  4. Ceroc / Modern Jive for the under 18s

    Started by Minnie M, 6th-June-2011 12:56 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    18s, aged, boys, camber, ceroc, classes, con, connection, dance, female, future, great, jive, las, leads, learn, live, local, modern, modern jive, olds, policy, teacher, timing, watford, weekend, what, whilst
    • Replies: 90
    • Views: 21,904
    Last Post: 9th-June-2011 03:39 PM
    by Prian  Go to last post
  5. Brushes with celebrity (was "Claims To Fame")

    Started by Prian, 11th-December-2009 08:54 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • Replies: 51
    • Views: 7,305
    Last Post: 13th-September-2010 10:14 PM
    by philsmove  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  6. 2 external hard drives from a lap top

    Started by philsmove, 10th-August-2010 12:39 PM
    400, back, card, compact, con, connection, dell, drive, drives, external, files, flash, hard, hub, lap, laptop, laptops, makes, moment, move, photos, room, single, top, usb
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 3,575
    Last Post: 12th-August-2010 04:06 PM
    by David Franklin  Go to last post
  7. Dance teaching in the UK compared to other countries

    Started by Glenn, 7th-June-2010 01:39 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    class, classes, compared, connection, countries, dance, dancing, empire, eve, forum, friends, great, learn, looking, made, makes, midlands, open, partner, playing, private, regular, social, swing, teaching, venues, wanted, wasn, weeks, what, year, your
    • Replies: 44
    • Views: 10,821
    Last Post: 10th-June-2010 09:05 AM
    by Gerry  Go to last post
  8. cerocscotland DNS broken?

    Started by jiveclone, 11th-January-2010 08:57 PM
    address, broken, cerocscotland, connection, dns, fails, forum, global, hat, isp, jan, land, level, number, people, place, point, pri, problems, query, question, stuff, time, top, war, warning, working, wrong
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,813
    Last Post: 12th-January-2010 06:14 PM
    by Lee Bartholomew  Go to last post
  9. What's the best bit of advice for beginners?

    Started by Lost Leader, 30th-December-2009 09:19 PM
    advice, amazing, ant, beginners, better, bit, connection, counter, dancing, dressed, favourite, franck, give, ice, leaders, line, made, music, partner, rather, rings, shoes, smile, start, technique, time, tips, too, tracks, what, working, your
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 3,810
    Last Post: 1st-January-2010 04:49 PM
    by Andy McGregor  Go to last post
  10. No connection

    Started by Jay Jay, 21st-November-2009 06:49 PM
    bottom, computer, con, connection, cross, desk, desktop, give, hints, icon, internet, light, problem, red, sad, shows, tan, tom, turn, what
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,440
    Last Post: 21st-November-2009 07:04 PM
    by Jay Jay  Go to last post
  11. Modem struck by lightning.

    Started by jivecat, 4th-August-2009 10:55 PM
    brother, buy, computer, connection, giving, house, ideas, internet, july, laptop, light, lightning, modem, money, phone, problem, server, signal, struck, switched, system, time, wan, want, waste, wee, what, wireless, won, work
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,044
    Last Post: 6th-August-2009 11:19 AM
    by jivecat  Go to last post
  12. Reworking the Beginner Moves

    Started by David Franklin, 14th-July-2009 05:31 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    back, ball, beginner, beginners, change, circle, connection, drop, eve, foot, great, ice, jive, learn, list, long, modern, move, moves, nice, reworking, star, start, too, top, turn, versions, want, woman, your
    • Replies: 85
    • Views: 13,411
    Last Post: 26th-July-2009 01:47 PM
    by FirstMove  Go to last post
  13. O2 as an isp

    Started by martingold, 23rd-May-2009 10:48 AM
    awesome, broadband, cha, changing, company, connection, current, download, friend, full, half, happy, isp, line, make, meaning, mind, mine, money, month, movies, normal, price, regular, support, wondering
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 6,235
    Last Post: 6th-June-2009 11:20 AM
    by martingold  Go to last post
  14. Competitions - close hold or open?

    Started by Terpsichorea, 1st-June-2009 10:41 AM
    ballroom, beginning, close, competitions, connection, contact, demo, forumites, hand, hear, hold, idea, interested, latin, open, par, part, poi, point, star, start, starting, track, views, wcs, what, wondering
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,844
    Last Post: 3rd-June-2009 04:06 PM
    by Spiky Steve  Go to last post
  15. Can anybody become a good dancer?

    Started by tanjive, 31st-March-2009 06:51 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2009, blog, cha, connection, dancer, definition, fun, good, guess, interesting, jive, keeping, leader, london, music, offer, par, part, partner, played, question, star, tango, won, world, your
    • Replies: 59
    • Views: 11,921
    Last Post: 6th-April-2009 10:19 AM
    by Princess Fi  Go to last post
  16. Various little queries I have this Friday afternoon.

    Started by Phil_dB, 13th-February-2009 03:56 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    accross, advice, afternoon, bridging, connection, dancing, drop, eve, face, fancy, flamenco, friday, hard, lady, late, leading, low, move, news, nice, perfect, queries, question, spot, star, thinking, too, turn, what, your
    • Replies: 21
    • Views: 5,529
    Last Post: 23rd-March-2009 04:53 PM
    by Phil_dB  Go to last post
  17. Blues Competition - HOW??

    Started by Gus, 1st-September-2007 02:27 PM
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    blues, categorise, chest, choreographed, competition, confused, connection, dance, dancing, fine, follow, ice, judge, judges, lead, national, nice, nut, par, part, partner, people, run, running, type, wee, what, worthy, your
    • Replies: 126
    • Views: 16,929
    Last Post: 22nd-January-2009 10:47 AM
    by straycat  Go to last post
  18. Wireless Routers

    Started by philsmove, 10th-December-2008 12:52 PM
    advice, brillant, con, connection, don’t, edi, edition, existing, gear, looking, mac, media, php, replace, router, routers, url, virgin, wireless, www
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,724
    Last Post: 12th-December-2008 11:45 AM
    by philsmove  Go to last post
  19. Ethernet connection not working

    Started by Jive Hunny, 6th-December-2008 04:09 PM
    advice, cable, card, con, connection, ethernet, friends, hen, house, internet, keyboard, light, line, problem, research, round, router, stopped, today, wee, windows, working
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,558
    Last Post: 8th-December-2008 12:33 PM
    by Dreadful Scathe  Go to last post
  20. Vista and WifI? Problems??

    Started by Beowulf, 17th-October-2008 08:12 AM
    access, back, connection, couple, download, drop, exterior, happening, home, ideas, interior, internet, line, made, messages, network, people, problems, quick, silly, treat, vista, wifi, wireless, work
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,818
    Last Post: 20th-October-2008 08:07 AM
    by Beowulf  Go to last post
  21. Only one way to run a business?

    Started by Magic Hans, 18th-October-2008 11:24 AM
    business, connection, family, hard, house, ice, insurance, led, line, mad, makes, needed, part, rather, rich, run, running, shop, simply, star, started, state, system, what, working, world, years
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,829
    Last Post: 18th-October-2008 03:46 PM
    by geoff332  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  22. Police abuse powers

    Started by Dreadful Scathe, 25th-August-2008 05:16 PM
    abuse, called, cameras, connection, define, feel, ghost, give, involved, kind, made, man, mobile, news, people, phones, police, powers, rather, real, reason, search, states, stop, stopped, terrorist
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,951
    Last Post: 26th-August-2008 01:34 PM
    by Stuart M  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  23. Barry George

    Started by Barry Shnikov, 2nd-August-2008 09:05 PM
    barry, based, book, con, connection, george, hat, interesting, interviews, jill, john, killing, led, legal, library, light, local, looking, murder, note, person, police, read, ted, time, wan, want
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,547
    Last Post: 3rd-August-2008 09:39 PM
    by Barry Shnikov  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  24. Help with 5th Generation Ipod

    Started by Easter Bunny, 5th-July-2008 07:32 PM
    5th, add, art, company, connection, day, disco, era, errors, generation, internet, ipod, itunes, list, music, ouch, problems, restoring, shows, spent, star, start, wan, want, what, windows, year
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,335
    Last Post: 5th-July-2008 07:32 PM
    by Easter Bunny  Go to last post
  25. Wii internet access

    Started by Lee Bartholomew, 1st-July-2008 04:13 PM
    access, browser, con, connection, how to, internet, ter, wii
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 1,431
    Last Post: 1st-July-2008 07:41 PM
    by Lee Bartholomew  Go to last post
  26. (Learner) Leading Lady

    Started by purplehyacinth, 14th-May-2008 09:59 PM
    advice, class, classes, connection, counter, couple, dance, dancing, eye, following, freestyle, give, home, ice, jive, ladies, lady, leading, learner, made, man, moments, nice, night, properly, rather, sequence, till, time, tracks, turn, wasn, what
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 3,443
    Last Post: 30th-May-2008 02:21 PM
    by whitetiger1518  Go to last post
  27. Bouncy versus smooth - two styles or two dances?

    Started by Twirly, 7th-May-2008 11:42 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    bad, blues, bouncy, champs, connection, dancers, dances, dancing, discussion, feedback, growing, jive, london, modern, move, music, room, smooth, star, started, styles, taught, teachers, thing, time, versus, word, years
    • Replies: 29
    • Views: 3,714
    Last Post: 8th-May-2008 06:44 PM
    by Tangled Feet  Go to last post
  28. That Ceroc Dancer is a Right Dog!

    Started by John S, 11th-April-2008 02:30 AM
    13th, 2007, august, back, bigdjiver, called, connection, dancer, dog, entry, find, forum, ideas, january, love, make, nuala, picture, potential, promo, results, sponsored, website, what, www
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 2,803
    Last Post: 12th-April-2008 04:45 PM
    by Double Trouble  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  29. Your wasting my time, enjoy dancing by yourself, see ya!

    Started by DundeeDancer, 11th-March-2008 03:50 PM
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    association, cold, connection, cool, dance, dancing, decision, enjoy, free, great, long, looking, made, make, run, running, sad, shop, sick, song, spin, stopped, thinking, thought, time, turn, want, wasn, wasting, woman, your
    • Replies: 107
    • Views: 14,268
    Last Post: 31st-March-2008 12:38 PM
    by Gadget  Go to last post
  30. Poll: L.D.A (Line Dancers Anonymous)

    Started by Cruella, 9th-March-2008 08:53 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    anonymous, cha, connection, cruella, dance, dancers, dancing, fancy, great, lda, learn, led, line, martin, music, musicality, part, playing, robd, tale, thread, time, tube, usa, videos, want, wcs, work, your
    • Replies: 46
    • Views: 7,724
    Last Post: 20th-March-2008 04:06 PM
    by Donna  Go to last post
  31. Dance Failure

    Started by CheesyRobMan, 7th-March-2008 12:20 PM
    con, confused, connection, dance, dancing, eve, execution, failure, fusion, half, hey, mad, mat, matter, moves, musical, random, results, sad, stopping, ter, what, work
    • Replies: 18
    • Views: 2,416
    Last Post: 11th-March-2008 12:26 AM
    by Trouble  Go to last post
  32. Changing ISP

    Started by Barry Shnikov, 25th-January-2008 02:27 PM
    bee, cha, change, changing, con, connection, day, download, downloading, experience, extra, freedom, happy, hat, isp, las, left, load, monthly, offer, quid, ratio, service, ten, tiscali, unlimited
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 2,334
    Last Post: 10th-February-2008 11:53 PM
    by Barry Shnikov  Go to last post
  33. Broadband help please!

    Started by Lynn, 29th-November-2007 01:44 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    advise, broadband, check, con, connection, day, dial, emails, figure, finally, fine, free, hat, how to, obvious, outlook, questions, secure, security, terms, wan, wireless
    • Replies: 29
    • Views: 4,546
    Last Post: 1st-December-2007 06:23 PM
    by martingold  Go to last post
  34. Advertising on the Forum

    Started by David Bailey, 28th-June-2007 03:20 PM
    advertising, coast, connection, dance, forum, franck, free, latin, learn, led, made, men, moderators, perfect, person, rules, scotland, suggest, swing, tango, teachers, wcs, weekenders, west, west coast swing, what, working
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 3,065
    Last Post: 5th-November-2007 01:06 PM
    by Martin  Go to last post
  35. Help-Local Authority IT support

    Started by dance cat, 22nd-October-2007 01:54 PM
    access, authority, connection, contact, dan, dell, free, helplocal, home, internet, laptop, laptops, local, mad, needed, network, personal, point, problem, qualifications, run, running, star, start, support, wanted, what, wireless, work
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,002
    Last Post: 23rd-October-2007 10:36 PM
    by dance cat  Go to last post
  36. A, V, or H Blues?

    Started by bigdjiver, 17th-October-2007 02:46 PM
    blues, bosom, call, chest, close, comment, con, connection, dance, fox, hat, high, hold, ish, letters, mix, open, path, rot, sharing, slow, style, styles, swing, thigh, what
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,245
    Last Post: 17th-October-2007 07:34 PM
    by bigdjiver  Go to last post
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,023
    Last Post: 15th-October-2007 05:23 PM
    by Ste  Go to last post
  37. Is it the modem or the computer???

    Started by Ste, 14th-October-2007 11:46 PM
    ache, annoying, ant, computer, connection, find, guess, important, internet, las, lost, men, modem, night, opera, photos, quick, read, slow, system, thought, too, ups, upstairs, website, weird, windows
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,868
    Last Post: 15th-October-2007 12:18 PM
    by Dreadful Scathe  Go to last post
  38. Your personal top ten leads/followers

    Started by Cruella, 28th-September-2005 08:23 AM
    12 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 12
    amazing, back, blush, challenge, connection, dancers, dancing, doh, favourite, feel, france, french, great, latin, leads or followers, music, order, partner, personal, rules, scotland, similar, smooth, ten, top, tracks, want, who's, your
    • Replies: 220
    • Views: 23,252
    Last Post: 2nd-October-2007 09:34 AM
    by Gav  Go to last post
  39. Poll: addicted to the internet- how long can you last?

    Started by Dreadful Scathe, 24th-September-2007 01:16 PM
    2007, addicted, admit, better, connection, couple, create, day, den, disco, feel, feeling, group, hat, internet, las, long, miss, news, poll, sex, ted, tonight, week, world
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 2,566
    Last Post: 28th-September-2007 06:12 PM
    by Martin  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  40. Myers-Briggs and dancing

    Started by MartinHarper, 5th-September-2007 12:10 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    cha, connection, dance, dancing, favourite, following, forum, leader, leaders, level, life, line, love, music, myersbriggs, online, part, partner, people, personality, rather, sensing, social, spend, talk, thinking, time, type, your
    • Replies: 41
    • Views: 4,482
    Last Post: 16th-September-2007 12:01 PM
    by Baruch  Go to last post
  41. MSN Live Messenger

    Started by Minnie M, 14th-September-2007 04:05 PM
    code, con, confused, connection, end, error, geeks, hat, how to, hug, kiss, live, load, make, messenger, msn, note, offline, online, positive, rolleyes, sign, southport, tears, webcam, what, your
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 2,044
    Last Post: 15th-September-2007 09:02 AM
    by Minnie M  Go to last post
  42. i-Tunes HELP!!!

    Started by Rocky, 6th-September-2007 05:58 PM
    buy, click, con, connection, hat, itunes, network, search, select, tunes, weird, work
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,298
    Last Post: 7th-September-2007 03:03 PM
    by Lou  Go to last post
  43. Look at me, woman! (or Eye Contact.....again)

    Started by robd, 29th-August-2007 09:55 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    advice, club, connection, contactagain, couple, cruella, dance, dancing, eve, eye, face, feedback, forum, give, intermediate, job, ladies, looking, made, neo, nights, point, room, teachers, watch, woman, year, your
    • Replies: 43
    • Views: 4,879
    Last Post: 4th-September-2007 12:39 PM
    by Wobbly Dave  Go to last post
  44. Moral Dilemma

    Started by under par, 24th-August-2007 12:07 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    back, bbc, book, charge, coming, computer, connection, dilemma, gentleman, ice, internet, laptop, light, london, man, moral, news, person, real, spot, suggestions, taking, thing, walking, west, wireless, world, your
    • Replies: 44
    • Views: 4,937
    Last Post: 27th-August-2007 11:26 AM
    by bigdjiver  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  45. Is it just me or is this just not done.....

    Started by Almost an Angel, 27th-July-2007 10:38 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    better, car, clubs, connection, dance, died, driving, eve, happening, held, home, local, night, person, problems, read, regular, star, started, thing, thought, thursday, time, too, type, venue, venues, what, your
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 2,572
    Last Post: 1st-August-2007 08:26 AM
    by Double Trouble  Go to last post
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,048
    Last Post: 31st-July-2007 01:49 PM
    by Beowulf  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  46. Cooker Help Needed Urgently Please!!

    Started by WittyBird, 23rd-July-2007 08:15 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 23
    • Views: 3,060
    Last Post: 25th-July-2007 11:15 AM
    by Beowulf  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  47. Disagreeing with Franck

    Started by Caro, 27th-June-2007 04:01 PM
    banned, cha, connection, dance, dancing, dirty, disagreeing, floor, footwork, franck, french, ice, lines, living, men, part, partners, people, scotland, straycat, stuff, suggest, talk, venues, want, women, work
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 2,934
    Last Post: 17th-July-2007 05:18 PM
    by straycat  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  48. Your favorite workshop

    Started by Martin, 4th-July-2007 03:28 PM
    asked, aussie, australia, bee, choose, comp, con, connection, day, design, favorite, follow, lead, par, part, partner, prefer, teach, teachers, tech, techniques, timing, weeks, what, workshop, workshops, your
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,059
    Last Post: 5th-July-2007 12:44 PM
    by ducasi  Go to last post
Results 1 to 50 of 166
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