
Tag: letter

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  1. Release your inner God/Goddess :)

    Started by Lory, 10th-September-2010 11:23 AM
    awesome, ears, fun, god, god or goddess, goddess, letter, lol, pre, pretty, release, stay, tears, ter, tony, url, www, your
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,546
    Last Post: 10th-November-2010 01:36 AM
    by DavidY  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  2. AA Membership - resurrection!

    Started by gamebird, 2nd-July-2010 12:05 PM
    account, back, bank, cancelled, car, december, feel, great, guy, house, left, letter, member, membership, moment, money, permission, remember, resurrection, selling, star, started, taking, time, today, wan, want, years
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,927
    Last Post: 2nd-July-2010 08:33 PM
    by jivecat  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  3. Red Light Traffic Camera - any advice?

    Started by Chicklet, 11th-June-2010 05:04 PM
    advice, camera, cross, drive, friend, green, hand, happen, head, letter, license, light, line, made, middle, moved, properly, red, scared, show, tape, times, traffic, turn, wait, wan, want, white
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 4,314
    Last Post: 16th-June-2010 03:05 PM
    by stewart38  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  4. iPhone news

    Started by Lory, 20th-April-2010 06:01 PM
    201, apple, apples, bar, devil, employee, era, fired, found, geek, generation, hat, iphone, left, letter, made, news, released, url, who's
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 2,001
    Last Post: 20th-April-2010 06:32 PM
    by Lee Bartholomew  Go to last post
  5. Very Basic Excel question..

    Started by Lory, 13th-April-2010 01:20 PM
    answer, art, back, basic, bet, better, cell, cha, change, edi, excel, flower, give, kind, letter, moved, previous, question, scratch, simple, star, start, ter, things, wan, want
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,959
    Last Post: 13th-April-2010 01:30 PM
    by Lory  Go to last post
  6. Bigger brother....?

    Started by NZ Monkey, 22nd-April-2009 10:42 PM
    access, april, back, better, bigger, brother, contact, couple, cover, evening, following, internet, issues, letter, london, looking, makes, men, message, open, personal, respond, security, skin, social, ted, today, travel, what, working, years, your
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,912
    Last Post: 26th-April-2009 07:17 PM
    by Astro  Go to last post
  7. fraud and stupidity

    Started by Dreadful Scathe, 9th-April-2009 10:09 AM
    2nd, age, back, bank, bbc, benefit, buns, class, cost, following, fraud, hats, letter, made, man, money, news, police, ratio, spend, stupidity, ted, thighs, thought, warning, words, year, £10, £19
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 2,213
    Last Post: 12th-April-2009 08:26 PM
    by jivecat  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  8. Geert Wilders

    Started by Barry Shnikov, 12th-February-2009 06:46 PM
    age, back, bbc, clip, coming, community, decision, film, geert, home, leaders, letter, line, made, mind, modern, news, office, online, people, put, read, security, straight, ted, web, what, wilders
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,461
    Last Post: 12th-February-2009 11:14 PM
    by Maxine  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  9. Bill for downloading porn

    Started by Gav, 5th-December-2008 11:07 AM
    bbc, bill, called, company, date, download, downloading, film, involved, laughing, lawyers, letter, news, pas, people, place, porn, report, set, sharing, time, titles, today, weeks
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 2,550
    Last Post: 5th-December-2008 04:07 PM
    by Dreadful Scathe  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  10. Letter to the bank

    Started by martingold, 1st-December-2008 02:13 PM
    access, account, bank, black, button, cover, ending, following, happy, history, home, letter, made, message, music, open, opportunity, playing, prosperous, room, sir, smile, today, true, woman, year, years, your
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 1,886
    Last Post: 2nd-December-2008 01:16 AM
    by martingold  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  11. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 17th/18th/19th October 2008

    Started by DavidY, 9th-October-2008 10:00 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    2008, central, dance, ducasi, ending, eve, events, forum, freestyle, fri, friends, jive, letter, moderators, october, reported, sat, scotland, software, spare, tuesday, weekend, what, white, who's, your
    • Replies: 75
    • Views: 4,820
    Last Post: 21st-October-2008 02:53 PM
    by Northants Girly  Go to last post
  12. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 10th/11th/12th October 2008

    Started by DavidY, 3rd-October-2008 07:42 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    2008, breeze, ducasi, eve, events, forum, fri, friends, leave, letter, lory, make, men, moderators, october, people, reported, sat, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 70
    • Views: 4,810
    Last Post: 10th-October-2008 07:47 PM
    by Villemo  Go to last post
  13. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 3rd/4th/5th October 2008

    Started by DavidY, 27th-September-2008 11:55 AM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    2008, 3rd or 4th or 5th, 5th, central, ducasi, eve, events, forum, fri, friends, jive, leave, letter, lory, men, moderators, northampton, october, reported, sat, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 83
    • Views: 5,774
    Last Post: 9th-October-2008 09:47 PM
    by Achelous  Go to last post
  14. Yeah right!

    Started by Gav, 3rd-October-2008 07:44 PM
    account, adverts, cancelled, company, couple, expecting, experiences, find, insurance, letter, long, made, money, pay, poor, save, send, share, similar, stop, story, true, warning, weeks, yeah, years
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 1,365
    Last Post: 6th-October-2008 12:32 PM
    by Barry Shnikov  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  15. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 26th/27th/28th September 2008

    Started by DavidY, 20th-September-2008 10:59 AM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    • Replies: 81
    • Views: 6,720
    Last Post: 29th-September-2008 01:04 AM
    by Dance Demon  Go to last post
  16. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 19th/20th/21st September 2008

    Started by DavidY, 11th-September-2008 11:52 AM
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    1st, 2008, central, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, leave, letter, london, lory, men, midlands, moderators, music, sat, september, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 107
    • Views: 7,079
    Last Post: 24th-September-2008 07:11 PM
    by DavidY  Go to last post
  17. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 12th/13th/14th September 2008

    Started by DavidY, 5th-September-2008 03:15 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    13th, 2008, addiction, eve, events, fri, jive, jive addiction, leave, letter, lory, make, men, moderators, nottingham, people, sat, september, suggest, sun, ticket, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's, wild
    • Replies: 20
    • Views: 2,181
    Last Post: 14th-September-2008 10:08 PM
    by David Bailey  Go to last post
  18. The iPhone Tango

    Started by straycat, 10th-September-2008 09:11 AM
    apple, back, biggest, disco, download, free, friday, graphics, iphone, issues, laptop, letter, luxury, night, phone, playlists, software, song, space, takes, tango, tracks, transfer, what, wifi, windows, your
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,673
    Last Post: 10th-September-2008 12:05 PM
    by drathzel  Go to last post
  19. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 5th/6th/7th September 2008

    Started by DavidY, 30th-August-2008 12:17 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • Replies: 44
    • Views: 4,680
    Last Post: 8th-September-2008 12:50 PM
    by Maxine  Go to last post
  20. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 29th/30th/31st August 2008

    Started by DavidY, 22nd-August-2008 10:47 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 29th or 30th or 31st, 31st, august, central, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, leave, letter, london, lory, midnight, moderators, oasis, oxford, sat, strictly, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 58
    • Views: 8,871
    Last Post: 2nd-September-2008 04:50 PM
    by Tiger Pants  Go to last post
  21. Poll: Who's going where? Bank Holiday Weekend 22nd/23rd/24th August 2008

    Started by DavidY, 16th-August-2008 12:44 PM
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    2008, 22nd, 22nd or 23rd or 24th, 23rd, 24th, 2nd, august, bank, eve, events, fri, holiday, jive, leave, letter, lory, men, moderators, nottingham, sat, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, west, who's
    • Replies: 106
    • Views: 9,437
    Last Post: 29th-August-2008 12:33 PM
    by blackisleboy  Go to last post
  22. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 15th/16th/17th August 2008

    Started by DavidY, 9th-August-2008 11:55 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 5th, 6th, august, ball, dance, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, leave, letter, lory, moderators, modern, music, sat, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 57
    • Views: 5,559
    Last Post: 18th-August-2008 06:47 PM
    by Caz  Go to last post
  23. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 8th/9th/10th August 2008

    Started by DavidY, 1st-August-2008 11:38 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    2008, 8th or 9th or 10th, august, create, eve, events, fri, jive, leave, letter, london, lory, make, men, moderators, people, poll, sat, suggest, sun, thunder, time, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 61
    • Views: 5,744
    Last Post: 11th-August-2008 12:15 AM
    by fletch  Go to last post
  24. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 1st/2nd/3rd August 2008

    Started by DavidY, 26th-July-2008 12:25 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    2008, 2nd, august, ball, coast, dance, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, leave, letter, lory, moderators, modern, sat, suggest, sun, swing, time, tuesday, want, weekend, west, west coast swing, who's
    • Replies: 71
    • Views: 7,238
    Last Post: 5th-August-2008 11:50 PM
    by Dottie  Go to last post
  25. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 25th/26th/27th July 2008

    Started by DavidY, 18th-July-2008 11:51 AM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    • Replies: 60
    • Views: 5,681
    Last Post: 4th-August-2008 03:21 PM
    by Filthy Monkey  Go to last post
  26. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 18th/19th/20th July 2008

    Started by DavidY, 11th-July-2008 11:23 PM
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    2008, central, dance, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, july, letter, lory, midlands, moderators, modern, music, room, sat, smooth, social, sun, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 110
    • Views: 9,563
    Last Post: 22nd-July-2008 10:53 PM
    by Little Monkey  Go to last post
  27. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 11th/12th/13th July 2008

    Started by DavidY, 4th-July-2008 10:27 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    13th, 2008, central, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, july, late, leave, letter, london, lory, men, moderators, rachel, sat, suggest, sun, thunder, time, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 51
    • Views: 4,670
    Last Post: 15th-July-2008 08:31 AM
    by David Bailey  Go to last post
  28. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 4th/5th/6th July 2008

    Started by DavidY, 26th-June-2008 10:25 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 4th or 5th or 6th, 5th, 6th, central, dance, dave, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, july, leave, letter, lory, make, men, moderators, sat, strictly, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 58
    • Views: 6,129
    Last Post: 12th-July-2008 05:34 PM
    by David Bailey  Go to last post
  29. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 27th/28th/29th June 2008

    Started by DavidY, 22nd-June-2008 12:37 AM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    2008, 27th, 27th or 28th or 29th, 28th, dance, eve, events, fri, jive, june, leave, letter, lory, make, men, midlands, moderators, nottingham, people, sat, strictly, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 67
    • Views: 5,450
    Last Post: 29th-June-2008 08:10 PM
    by fletch  Go to last post
  30. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 20th/21st/22nd June 2008

    Started by DavidY, 12th-June-2008 10:48 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    2008, 20th or 21st or 22nd, 2nd, central, dance, eve, events, fri, jive, june, leave, letter, lory, midlands, moderators, north, sat, strictly, suggest, sun, ticket, time, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, west, who's
    • Replies: 37
    • Views: 4,456
    Last Post: 25th-June-2008 03:46 PM
    by cheeks  Go to last post
  31. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 6th/7th/8th June 2008

    Started by DavidY, 30th-May-2008 02:08 AM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    2008, 6th, 6th or 7th or 8th, central, chill, dance, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, june, letter, lory, moderators, modern, north, sat, scotland, sun, time, tuesday, want, wcs, weekend, weekender, white, who's
    • Replies: 73
    • Views: 6,760
    Last Post: 10th-June-2008 10:33 AM
    by Paul F  Go to last post
  32. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 30th/31st May/ 1st June 2008

    Started by DavidY, 24th-May-2008 12:06 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    1st, 2008, 30th or 31st, 31st, addiction, dance, eve, events, freestyles, fri, jive, jive addiction, june, leave, letter, local, london, lory, may or, men, moderators, sat, suggest, sun, time, tuesday, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 32
    • Views: 2,582
    Last Post: 29th-May-2008 05:33 PM
    by bigdjiver  Go to last post
  33. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 23rd/24th/25th May 2008

    Started by DavidY, 17th-May-2008 12:23 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    • Replies: 69
    • Views: 5,620
    Last Post: 28th-May-2008 10:16 AM
    by dep  Go to last post
  34. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 16th/17th/18th May 2008

    Started by DavidY, 8th-May-2008 10:17 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 6th, ball, black, central, dance, eve, events, fri, gold, jive, letter, lory, moderators, north, room, sat, sun, time, tuesday, want, wcs, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 57
    • Views: 4,673
    Last Post: 19th-May-2008 08:27 AM
    by Kel_Warminster  Go to last post
  35. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 9th/10th/11th May 2008

    Started by DavidY, 3rd-May-2008 03:05 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 9th or 10th or 11th, central, dance, eve, events, freestyle, fri, friday, jive, letter, london, lory, moderators, music, night, rachel, sat, scotland, sun, thunder, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 53
    • Views: 5,002
    Last Post: 15th-May-2008 09:30 PM
    by jivecat  Go to last post
  36. Poll: Who's going where? Bank Holiday Weekend 2nd/3rd/4th May 2008

    Started by DavidY, 26th-April-2008 12:04 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 2nd, 2nd or 3rd or 4th, bank, central, coast, dance, dinner, eve, events, freestyle, fri, holiday, jive, letter, london, lory, moderators, north, sat, sizzle, strictly, swing, tuesday, want, weekend, west coast swing, what, who's
    • Replies: 57
    • Views: 5,430
    Last Post: 6th-May-2008 01:24 PM
    by Caz  Go to last post
  37. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 25th/26th/27th April 2008

    Started by DavidY, 19th-April-2008 03:25 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 25th, 25th or 26th or 27th, 6th, addiction, april, back, ball, central, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jive, jive addiction, letter, looking, lory, lou, masquerade ball, midlands, rachel, strictly, tuesday, utopia, want, weekend, who's
    • Replies: 45
    • Views: 5,563
    Last Post: 27th-April-2008 08:32 PM
    by Caz  Go to last post
  38. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 18th/19th/20th April 2008

    Started by DavidY, 12th-April-2008 11:13 AM
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    2008, april, dance, dancing, daventry, events, freestyle, fri, jive, letter, lory, modern, music, news, room, strictly, ticket, tickets, too, tuesday, utopia, want, wcs, weekend, what, who's
    • Replies: 124
    • Views: 10,108
    Last Post: 24th-April-2008 12:19 PM
    by DavidY  Go to last post
  39. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 11th/12th/13th April 2008

    Started by DavidY, 5th-April-2008 12:39 AM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 4
    2008, addiction, april, central, dance, eve, events, freestyle, fri, friday, jive, jive addiction, letter, lory, moderators, northampton, room, strictly, super, thunder, tuesday, want, wcs, weekend, weston, who's
    • Replies: 63
    • Views: 6,015
    Last Post: 15th-April-2008 02:16 AM
    by Whitebeard  Go to last post
  40. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 4th/5th/6th April 2008

    Started by DavidY, 29th-March-2008 01:12 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2008, 4th or 5th or 6th, 6th, april, ball, central, club, dance, eve, events, freestyle, fri, jack, letter, london, lory, midlands, music, north, ticket, tuesday, utopia, want, wcs, weekend, weeks, who's
    • Replies: 45
    • Views: 5,317
    Last Post: 13th-April-2008 06:24 PM
    by Astro  Go to last post
  41. Who’s the worst at getting back to you ?

    Started by stewart38, 31st-March-2008 11:38 AM
    age, back, barry, big, call, cha, change, divorce, field, god, holiday, letter, license, list, long, mad, makes, part, partner, phone, put, shnikov, thinking, today, weeks, who’s, worst, your
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 3,100
    Last Post: 3rd-April-2008 06:31 PM
    by Astro  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  42. Poll: Who's going where? Weekend 28th/29th/30th March 2008

    Started by DavidY, 21st-March-2008 08:20 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    2008, 28th or 29th or 30th, addiction, ball, coast, dance, events, freestyle, fri, jive, jive addiction, letter, lory, made, march, neo, rachel, regular, room, strictly, swing, tuesday, venue, want, wcs, weekend, west coast swing, who's
    • Replies: 81
    • Views: 9,003
    Last Post: 3rd-April-2008 03:29 PM
    by angelique  Go to last post
  43. Poll: Who's going where for Easter? Weekend 21st/22nd/23rd March 2008

    Started by DavidY, 14th-March-2008 07:43 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5
    • Replies: 96
    • Views: 8,803
    Last Post: 25th-March-2008 06:45 PM
    by Lost Leader  Go to last post
  44. Quadraphnia - led to my mate being beaten up

    Started by Ste, 22nd-February-2008 01:01 AM
    albums, back, beaten, couple, dave, family, favourite, film, heads, history, led, letter, local, long, mate, music, night, people, quadraphnia, remember, star, stuff, til, time, today, tonight, too, wanted, wasn, years
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 2,171
    Last Post: 27th-February-2008 08:46 PM
    by Astro  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  45. Progress?

    Started by Barry Shnikov, 22nd-January-2008 09:40 PM
    ant, back, barry, bit, button, buy, cool, dec, disco, keyboard, letter, microsoft, people, progress, recommend, rings, rubbish, selling, shop, shops, show, software, takes, what, working, years
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 2,013
    Last Post: 23rd-January-2008 06:10 PM
    by ducasi  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  46. Something to think about!

    Started by Cruella, 16th-January-2008 10:35 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    awe, back, better, buy, choose, divorce, give, history, late, leave, letter, living, moments, night, partner, person, problems, quick, slow, space, spend, time, too, trouble, watch, word, years, your
    • Replies: 55
    • Views: 6,605
    Last Post: 21st-January-2008 08:22 PM
    by Astro  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  47. How to dodge Christmas obligations

    Started by Astro, 20th-November-2007 07:35 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    bah, cha, chance, chris, christmas, dancefloor, dodge, flower, how to, humbug, letter, nights, obligations, par, pool, press, run, send, staying, tactics, ted, unwanted, wan, wanted, xmas
    • Replies: 42
    • Views: 5,482
    Last Post: 16th-December-2007 01:24 PM
    by Astro  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

  48. What does it mean to be a Christian

    Started by Gus, 25th-September-2007 01:37 PM
    16 Pages
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 16
    age, call, challenge, chris, christian, core, easy, fun, general, give, god, ice, interpretations, letter, love, made, make, man, meet, messages, nice, star, started, stop, thread, what
    • Replies: 313
    • Views: 24,319
    Last Post: 23rd-November-2007 05:35 PM
    by Barry Shnikov  Go to last post

    Chit Chat

    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,023
    Last Post: 15th-October-2007 05:23 PM
    by Ste  Go to last post
  49. Southport June 2007 DVD

    Started by Lost Leader, 6th-July-2007 08:15 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    007, 2007, arrives, box, dvd, june, letter, long, southport, surely, ter
    • Replies: 33
    • Views: 3,075
    Last Post: 7th-August-2007 10:01 AM
    by Wuzzle  Go to last post
Results 1 to 50 of 128
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