Seeing as it will soon be Valentine's Day again!!
thought id put my pen to paper....
A ruby red rose that died in the fall
Its petals like paper leant back on the wall
Its beauty had dwindled so brittle and jaded
Damaged and fragile its perfume long faded
The long winter months that passed like a dream
Left the red rose alone and unseen
Hidden from sight up high on the wall
Away from the world where no rain could fall
The wind and the snow passed over her head
The rain and the ice had left her for dead
To crumble like ashes to turn into dust
To fall down and wither red faded to rust
My fingers reached out to touch the red rose
But her thorns stabbed my fingers and stained the white snow
As she tore my soft skin she then pricked my heart
Blood dripped in the snow as the rose fell apart
Fallen and scattered then blown in the wind
Lost for all time like an Angel that sinned
I smiled to myself as I walked down the path
The pain faded quickly at last I could laugh
Ruby Red Rose your lifetime has ended
Your days on this earth had my life suspended
I’m so glad you’re gone now my life can start
You can now rest in peace as I follow my heart
