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Thread: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

  1. #141
    Registered User Rogboy's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Cercoc’ing at the Spadesborne Suite

    Cercoc’ing at the Spadesborne Suite
    What a Bromsgrovian hedonistic treat!
    Thursday nights they all flock
    For that dancing pleasure they call Ceroc!

    Starters sit and wonder why they came
    Not wanting to stamp on feet and get the blame
    Old hands move effortlessly round not aware of the nervous glances
    From ‘Newbie’s’ whilst watching the dances

    The ‘Professionals’ put on their shoes: be it high heel or spats
    Towels on chairs and refreshing drinks on hand to sip between tracks
    Now the new people’s hearts are racing
    Not sure what to make of this fresh hell they are facing

    It’s Beginners Moves and ‘Dancing Queen’ Debs appears
    ‘Hello Bromsgrove!’ she utters with a microphone headset just like Britney Spears
    It’s begun, new Women now faced with a stranger to which they place their trust
    And new Men trying not to look down at their opposing partner’s bust

    It all settles down thanks to Debs, shimmering and moving, never out of breath
    ‘Take hold of the left hand and step back’… Newbie’s grip on like grim death
    The steps are repeated over and over aiding the brain, that most delicate tool
    Of course it’s now plotting its revenge making new people think they’re a fool.
    And forgetting right from their left, armjives and octopuses become a sight
    Like a very bad orgy, limbs are being placed into positions that aren’t quite right

    But no-one is moaning, shouting or having a fit
    You see we’ve all been there, feeling clumsy and awkward in short, a bit of a tit
    The evening continues, freestyle begins
    Newbie’s are loving it, dancing, watching, all have big grins
    Performing moves, remembering hard, trying to pay heed
    They are DANCING! Ok not quite Fred or Ginger, but less like Frankenstein on speed

    The last song is played that’s it, time to stop
    Lights come on and the feet are fit to drop
    Sit down, take stock, you’ve had a go
    It really wasn’t that terrible and do you know
    That’s how I started, nervous and shy
    Ceroc is the drug that I now try
    So forget your cocaine, your amphetamines and Crack
    Cercoc’ing at the Spadesborne Suite is good for the soul, if not your lower back!

  2. #142
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Seeing as it will soon be Valentine's Day again!!

    thought id put my pen to paper....

    A ruby red rose that died in the fall
    Its petals like paper leant back on the wall
    Its beauty had dwindled so brittle and jaded
    Damaged and fragile its perfume long faded

    The long winter months that passed like a dream
    Left the red rose alone and unseen
    Hidden from sight up high on the wall
    Away from the world where no rain could fall

    The wind and the snow passed over her head
    The rain and the ice had left her for dead
    To crumble like ashes to turn into dust
    To fall down and wither red faded to rust

    My fingers reached out to touch the red rose
    But her thorns stabbed my fingers and stained the white snow
    As she tore my soft skin she then pricked my heart
    Blood dripped in the snow as the rose fell apart

    Fallen and scattered then blown in the wind
    Lost for all time like an Angel that sinned
    I smiled to myself as I walked down the path
    The pain faded quickly at last I could laugh

    Ruby Red Rose your lifetime has ended
    Your days on this earth had my life suspended
    I’m so glad you’re gone now my life can start
    You can now rest in peace as I follow my heart

  3. #143
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Lets ave a go at this poet milarky then....

    You have brought me happiness
    The likes i never thought i would see
    You have made me something
    I never thought i would be

    You have broken my hard shell
    And shown me a softer way
    You have made me feel the love
    And i feel it every day

    Something about you touches me
    Deep inside my heart
    I never thought i would find it
    And that it would never start

    I have so many dreams now
    That i thought i would never do
    But the dreams i have are special
    As i get to do them with you.

    good aint i xxx LOL

  4. #144
    Senior Member rubyred's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by jacksondonut View Post
    Seeing as it will soon be Valentine's Day again!!

    thought id put my pen to paper....

    A ruby red rose that died in the fall
    Its petals like paper leant back on the wall
    Its beauty had dwindled so brittle and jaded
    Damaged and fragile its perfume long faded

    The long winter months that passed like a dream
    Left the red rose alone and unseen
    Hidden from sight up high on the wall
    Away from the world where no rain could fall

    The wind and the snow passed over her head
    The rain and the ice had left her for dead
    To crumble like ashes to turn into dust
    To fall down and wither red faded to rust

    My fingers reached out to touch the red rose
    But her thorns stabbed my fingers and stained the white snow
    As she tore my soft skin she then pricked my heart
    Blood dripped in the snow as the rose fell apart

    Fallen and scattered then blown in the wind
    Lost for all time like an Angel that sinned
    I smiled to myself as I walked down the path
    The pain faded quickly at last I could laugh

    Ruby Red Rose your lifetime has ended
    Your days on this earth had my life suspended
    I’m so glad you’re gone now my life can start
    You can now rest in peace as I follow my heart

    Have to say I gave a little shudder when I first saw this, good sentiments though, look to the future
    if you love the life you live then you'll get a lot more done

  5. #145
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by rubyred View Post
    Have to say I gave a little shudder when I first saw this, good sentiments though, look to the future
    Bless you... nothing personal.. ! I have a climbing rose bush outside the front of my house.. which is actually a lovely perfumed yellow rose.. I changed its colour for the poem..

    and yes youre spot on, its meant to convey Hope.. take care!

  6. #146
    Senior Member rubyred's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Thank you

    I never got to thank you
    For being there beside the bed
    For holding her hand
    And for the gentle things you must have said.
    I often think about that moment
    When the two of you alone
    You took my place
    But I am grateful
    And for my absence I do atone.
    Last edited by rubyred; 22nd-March-2009 at 12:07 AM.
    if you love the life you live then you'll get a lot more done

  7. #147
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by rubyred View Post
    Thank you

    I never got to thank you
    For being there beside the bed
    For holding her hand
    And for the gentle things you must have said.
    I often think about that moment
    When the two of you alone
    You took my place
    But I am grateful
    And for my absence I do atone.

    .. its nice to have someone else add something to this thread.. must be honest, this one gave me goosebumps everywhere.. thank you x

  8. #148
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Is an oldie, but as inspired by Ruby, decided to repost....

    Thank You

    Thinkin' 'bout when I was young I had U on a pedestol
    I always used to run straight home And show U what I'd learned at school

    I shared with you my innocence, my lack of understanding
    U shared with me your wisdom, in the places I was lacking

    To count, to read to tie my shoes, U'd patiently coax me along
    U showed me grace, humility, love, what's fair, what's right. what's wrong

    U tugged my strings when I flew too high, U lifted me when I was low
    In the time we had together, U'd share all there was to know
    I thought we'd last forever, how was I to know??

    That for your couarage, spirit and strength, U were bound for a higher place
    Where He was waitng to reward U for your love, humility and grace

    The biggest thing U taught me was "Where there's a will, there's a way."
    And that is why your spirit lives in ym heart today.

    I realise it's my turn ro teach the young as I get old.
    And if I have my doubts or lose my way, I see you on the pedestol.

    In our short time together, I never showed my gratitude
    For being there, with a smile, no matter what U were going through.
    My only hope is it's not too late: "With all my heart, thank you."

  9. #149
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    Unhappy Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Can I just state my admiration for everyone's efforts on this thread, and for the commitment because it has gone on for so long now - especially I must mention Jacksonsdonut of course - what an imagination and so prolific.

    In my family there are some members who have produced poetry and had some published in a very small way, to support local village halls etc. and my mother has dabbled all her life but never published (most with quite sentimental themes).

    I'm not too proficient myself and have only ever made a few efforts, so maybe I'm not the one to advise but I would have thought there was good reason to believe these poems should be more widely published if that hasn't already occured.

  10. #150
    Senior Member rubyred's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..


    I was not puzzled by your sadness
    I too feel like this is goodbye.
    When you held me close
    Although happy, I felt that I should cry.
    Should I fear that your strength is fading?
    Should I prepare now for the end?
    Is that what you were saying?
    My tender, gorgeous, dearest friend.
    if you love the life you live then you'll get a lot more done

  11. #151
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    I still love to write...

    Grey skies

    Gazing through the window pane
    See Leaden skies of grey
    Dreaming of my lover
    so many miles away

    Dreaming of his kisses
    Gently placed upon my lips
    Wishing for his gentle touch
    Softly stroking fingertips

    Memories like cobwebs weave
    Stories in my mind
    Remembering warm acts of love
    Wild passion there to find

    Silent rain starts to fall
    Like tears upon my face
    The distant shores are calling
    My lover to that place

    Waiting for the one I love
    So Desperate for bliss
    Hours stretch into endless days
    Still dreaming of his kiss

    True love stands the test of time
    Everlasting will it burn
    I'll wait for an eternity
    For the sunlight to return


  12. #152
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Journey to the Moon and stars

    When the night begins to fall
    And Darkness spreads it's wings
    I seek the comfort of the moon
    The nightingale that sings
    Surrounded by the velvet sky
    Bathed in the moons bright glow'
    Wrapped in evenings magic spell
    The world begins to slow
    Each star appears as if on cue
    A diamond glittering white
    An barn owl calls out hauntingly
    And flys into the night

    All creatures curl up in their beds
    For now it's time to sleep
    Unless the night time is their world
    For them it's time to creep
    The moon and stars light up the sky
    Bewitching those who stare
    A pathway to a universe
    I'd love to take you there
    Where stars are everlasting
    And moon glow never dies
    I'd love to take you travelling
    In everlasting skies
    Fly past the clouds without a care
    An adventure to the moon
    Where love shines bright eternally
    We ll meet there sometime soon


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