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Thread: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

  1. #61
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    What is ‘it’?

    I have a question
    Is it love? Or is it infatuation?
    My waking hours are spent wondering
    Is it my loneliness and desperation?
    Can it be something else?
    Do I miss you every day?
    The answer must be; yes I do
    What is it about you that I cannot forget?
    I’ll let you know, when I know too

    I have no answer to my question
    Maybe it is both love and infatuation
    I can acknowledge these feelings
    It isn’t loneliness, or desperation
    This is not heartbreak and pain, not this time
    I wait patiently for the answer
    And although I miss you every night
    And I think of you so very far away
    Whatever ‘it’ is; it will be alright

  2. #62
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    ok here's another daft one from me..

    I wrote this when trying to understand one of my friends and thought if people were more like computers then at least I could understand them.. anyway, poetry's not my thing.

    oh that some power was on me bestowed
    the secret ability to instantly decode
    The software and programming one could Find
    in the innermost workings of the female Mind

    The Formulae which I must compute
    To solve the equation found at the root
    of the females wants and needs and desires
    that fans and fuel their lustful fires.

    To me women are strange alien creatures
    with odd procedures and hidden features
    i wish I had the correct processor installed
    to allow me to understand what leaves me enthralled

    For , if I understood the entire female range
    then Upon me I could effect a change
    I could upgrade myself to a compatible specification
    and reprogram my brain with a new control application

    A new body For myself I would reverse engineer
    soley designed to bring women near
    and as I interfaced with these beauties in all their finery
    .. I'd beep and whistle and chatter in binary

    no wait, scratch that, for that idea is absurd
    The delusional ramblings of a computer obsessed nerd
    Now all this wishing may well just seem
    like a lonely geeks sad techy pipe dream

    No, You can't treat love like some computer game
    everyone is different, we're not all the same
    I'd rather have someone illogical and unique
    who'd be loving and caring to this crazy geek.

  3. #63
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    The nearest I can come to summing up a woman 's effects in binary is:


  4. #64
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    and its off to work I go ...

  5. #65
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Through the Window

    Looking through glass
    The moon stares back
    White light, cold and distant
    Nature’s perfect circle
    Riding high in the sky
    Twinkling stars; tiny fairy lights
    Wink at the icy moon
    She seems to stare back balefully
    Silent and grave as the night glides by
    Timeless, everlasting and eternal
    Moving majestically around our earth
    This place that we call home
    In a circle for all of time
    Watching quietly and in awe
    I am struck by her beauty and grace
    And as the moon traces her nightly path
    I shiver and close the window
    One last look before sleep takes me
    For its cold outside and I am tired
    I must give in to sleep
    Inside it is warm and I close my eyes
    The night takes me and carries me away
    The lonely moon stares down
    Waiting for the night to end
    On her never ending journey
    Through the skies

  6. #66
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    On a songwriting forum someone issued a challenge to write a song on the theme of someone who is close friends with someone of the opposite sex, and is fearful of trying to take the relationship to a more intimate level in case it did not work out and they then lost their most valued friend. I made pages of notes, and ended up throwing them all away. I looked at our window and started to think "It needs clea....", but then saw the garden outside and the lyrics just came to me:

    On the other side of the window the flowers have a scent
    Bird's cries and humming flies paint the firmament
    The breeze will caress me, the sunshine may bless me
    and raindrops may anoint my head.

    This side of the window, we are safe and warm
    our fears a'sleeping, safe from the storm ...

  7. #67
    Registered User quiet_flame's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by jacksondonut View Post
    Through the Window

    Looking through glass
    The moon stares back
    White light, cold and distant
    Nature’s perfect circle
    Riding high in the sky
    Twinkling stars; tiny fairy lights
    Wink at the icy moon
    She seems to stare back balefully
    Silent and grave as the night glides by
    Timeless, everlasting and eternal
    Moving majestically around our earth
    This place that we call home
    In a circle for all of time
    Watching quietly and in awe
    I am struck by her beauty and grace
    And as the moon traces her nightly path
    I shiver and close the window
    One last look before sleep takes me
    For its cold outside and I am tired
    I must give in to sleep
    Inside it is warm and I close my eyes
    The night takes me and carries me away
    The lonely moon stares down
    Waiting for the night to end
    On her never ending journey
    Through the skies

    lovely... I have to spread the love around before I can rep you again...
    Keep up the great work

  8. #68

    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by Flat_Eric View Post
    Dancing haiku thread anyone?
    Dancing in summer
    Flower petals on the breeze
    Dew under armpits

  9. #69
    Registered User stewart38's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    question............... why ?

    Answer.............. why not ??

    I want to start a business to write proper fortune cookies

  10. #70

    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by Juju View Post
    Dancing in summer
    Flower petals on the breeze
    Dew under armpits

    Nights are drawing in
    Dancers flicker like firelight
    Beats watching the soaps

  11. #71
    Registered User stewart38's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by jacksondonut View Post
    What is ‘it’?

    I have a question
    Is it love? Or is it infatuation?
    My waking hours are spent wondering
    Is it my loneliness and desperation?
    Can it be something else?
    Do I miss you every day?
    The answer must be; yes I do
    What is it about you that I cannot forget?
    I’ll let you know, when I know too

    I have no answer to my question
    Maybe it is both love and infatuation
    I can acknowledge these feelings
    It isn’t loneliness, or desperation
    This is not heartbreak and pain, not this time
    I wait patiently for the answer
    And although I miss you every night
    And I think of you so very far away
    Whatever ‘it’ is; it will be alright

    that is no real have some rep

  12. #72
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Just for today..

    Precious Memory

    It only took a moment
    But, it seemed like a lifetime then
    The seconds stretched
    And melded themselves into minutes
    And my heart leapt with joy briefly
    Just for a short time I felt at peace
    And how I try to recapture that blissful moment
    But, it is a fleeting as the autumn sun in November
    Or the rapidly fading rainbow after a storm
    And as elusive as a startled deer, in the forest
    It keeps me warm on a cold bitter night
    No one can take this away from me
    For no one knows my secrets
    A few moments to remember always
    Wrapped up and treasured in my heart
    More precious than anything
    Is my memory of you

  13. #73
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf1970 View Post
    ok here's another daft one from me..
    Your coding does not compute;
    I tried this once and faild to re-boot!
    "Fatal exception" was just one cause;
    the program was just riddled with flaws!
    To say she's right, and never wrong,
    cased an overflow with integer (long).
    To gosub praise without return,
    caused the main processor to burn.
    The memory measured in giggabites,
    to store the variables on avoiding fights.
    Checksum failed on procedure call;
    on each response to a shopping mall.
    Random beeps and failure to respond,
    when trying to input all she was fond.
    A deathly scilence as the fan shut down,
    when inputting all that made her frown.

    In the end I started from scratch:
    this new verson only requires a patch -
    A quick plugin of chocolate and flowers,
    saves decoding the program for hours!
    Memory lapses are built into the machine;
    a convenient excuse to blow off steam.
    It does what you ask, and not what you want:
    and you're stuck with the input in an obsolite font.

    {Gadget: Can't be bothered signing in as me }

  14. #74
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    !! I let gadget browse the forum on my PC while I iron my shirts and I find I've written another poem !!

    hehehe.. (Yup,, must be gadget.. it has his.. UNIQUE grasp of spelling )

  15. #75
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Something a little more lighthearted..

    The Simple Life

    Oh, how I wish I was my cat
    A simple life with no regret
    Food in my dish at my request
    Occasional visits to the vet!
    I'll spend the day beneath a bush
    Watching as the world goes by
    Sit on the wall, wail to the moon
    It's light reflected in my eye
    The moonlight keeps me company
    As I go stalking in the night
    Dodging shadows, catching moths
    Maybe a mouse, a tasty bite!
    On winters days I curl up small
    quietly dreaming all day long
    Until the night time calls me out
    Up to the wall, to sing my song
    But most of all I love my bed
    I lie there warm and snuggled deep
    And when you call me for an hour
    I'll just pretend I was asleep!
    Finally, I'll stroll down to my dish
    To nibble on a tasty snack
    Look very grateful, purr a lot
    And LET you gently stroke MY back..

  16. #76
    Registered User quiet_flame's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by jacksondonut View Post
    Something a little more lighthearted..

    The Simple Life

    Oh, how I wish I was my cat
    A simple life with no regret
    Food in my dish at my request
    Occasional visits to the vet!
    I'll spend the day beneath a bush
    Watching as the world goes by
    Sit on the wall, wail to the moon
    It's light reflected in my eye
    The moonlight keeps me company
    As I go stalking in the night
    Dodging shadows, catching moths
    Maybe a mouse, a tasty bite!
    On winters days I curl up small
    quietly dreaming all day long
    Until the night time calls me out
    Up to the wall, to sing my song
    But most of all I love my bed
    I lie there warm and snuggled deep
    And when you call me for an hour
    I'll just pretend I was asleep!
    Finally, I'll stroll down to my dish
    To nibble on a tasty snack
    Look very grateful, purr a lot
    And LET you gently stroke MY back..

    lovely... fairly accurate too

  17. #77
    Registered User quiet_flame's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    She smiled today,
    I felt my heart soar.
    We laugh, I cry,
    I stay behind closed doors,
    Asking my mind to rule.
    My heart calls out, crying,
    And my mind shuts down.

    Why, when I feel like crying,
    Do I go back?
    Some days are easy,
    Some days, there is no repreive,
    I smile for those around me.
    But do I act, or am I truly happy?

    Days seem like months,
    Months seem like hours,
    I'm going crazy in here,
    No room for rationality,
    No room for a fight.

    I feel myself pushing against the walls,
    No light,
    Just the dull thudding,
    Like a heartbeat,
    Holding me there,
    In a prison of my emotion.

  18. #78
    Registered User stewart38's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Think twice thats my only advice

    I rarely follow this

  19. #79
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Waiting for the End of Summer

    Will you be here this time next year?
    I need to know I’m full of fear…
    The time when all the leaves will fall
    A golden brown carpet wall to wall
    The skies go grey and turn to lead
    You’ll always be here, that’s what you said
    When birds fly south to other lands
    With warmer winds and golden sands
    Will you still be here, Daddy?

    When black storm clouds come rolling in
    The sun turns pale, shrivelled in its skin
    The rain falls in steady streams of tears
    To wash away oh so many years
    I’m frightened of what’s yet to come
    The future looks like it’s come undone
    You have always been right there for me
    So sad and scared, I just can’t see
    Will you still be here, Daddy?

    And when the snow falls deep on the ground
    We’ll walk together quietly, without a sound
    I’ll tread so carefully around your pride
    I can stand strong, right by your side
    I will not show my fear and dread
    I will not think of what the doctor said!
    So when the autumn comes back next year
    I’ll make sure that this is crystal clear
    I’ll always love you, Daddy

  20. #80
    Registered User quiet_flame's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Another waiting one... but believe it or not I didn't read yours first...

    Wating on a stream of events,
    Sitting, perched on the platform of outcomes,
    Falling off the broken chair, staring at the sky above.

    Is this the mental evolution?
    To pass the time thinking of nothing,
    to pass by, unknown to the rest of the world,
    Who am I to ask questions?
    Who am I to miss the point?

    Help me father, I've fallen down again,
    Help me soldier, protect me from the wild,
    Help me my league, I need some company,

    Splitting hours on a dime,
    Asking more of the soldiers past,
    Asking less of my fathers future,
    Asking all of my sorrow to depart.

    I sit, I lie, I wait.

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