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Thread: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

  1. #41
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by jacksondonut View Post
    Picking up a pen after 30 years (ish) was something I could not have done without inspiration from a dear friend. Would never have been brave enough.
    My thanks to that person

    If this helps ONE person realise their dream(s), I feel it has been worth me putting myself in a position of vulnerability.. that is reward enough.
    Thanks for sharing. I write, occasionally, infrequently, when moved by some event or feeling. For me its a way of capturing the moment and the memory. When I re-read I'm back in the place I was, the feelings I had, when I wrote the words. For that reason, I doubt they would mean much to anyone else.

    Very occasionally I have written something for someone, inspired by them or some event in their life, and given it to them.

    And once it happened to me, I inspired someone. I still have a copy of that one.

  2. #42
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceroc Jock View Post
    Thank You

    Thinkin' 'bout when I was young I had U on a pedestol
    I always used to run straight home And show U what I'd learned at school

    I shared with you my innocence, my lack of understanding
    U shared with me your wisdom, in the places I was lacking

    To count, to read to tie my shoes, U'd patiently coax me along
    U showed me grace, humility, love, what's fair, what's right, what's wrong

    U tugged my strings when I flew too high, U lifted me when I was low
    In the time we had together, U'd share all there was to show
    I thought we'd last forever, how was I to know??

    That for your couarage, spirit and strength, U were bound for a higher place
    Where He was waitng to reward U for your love, humility and grace

    The biggest thing U taught me was "Where there's a will, there's a way."
    And that is why your spirit lives in ym heart today.

    I realise it's my turn ro teach the young as I get old.
    And if I have my doubts or lose my way, I see you on the pedestol.

    In our short time together, I never showed my gratitude
    For being there, with a smile, no matter what U were going through.
    My only hope is it's not too late: "With all my heart, thank you."
    Sorry for quoting myself, but there were a couple of errors in the original.

  3. #43
    Registered User quiet_flame's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Met swiftly with fates sweet blow,
    I found myself smiling, conjoling,
    Laughing, running with joy in my heart.

    Who can release this kind of joy?
    When I rarely see them,
    Rarely feel them, only now drift towards them,
    Unknowing, unwitting, exhilarated apart.

    Finding my feet again,
    After months of darkness,
    Finding my inspiration in the small things.
    The true things. a soldiers simplicity.

    Have I been at war?
    In a way I battle with myself,
    Make myself the protector,
    I can not, will not, save the all.

    Where can I draw the line?
    Do I know the difference between
    Affability and truth?
    Companionship of need rather than want?

    Do I look at this love,
    So I can leave my dread,
    Knowingly, wittingly, fighting through each day,
    consoling, comforting, but not affecting the fears.

    What can I do?
    Do I end the love that brings me dread?
    Or chase the love that makes me feel as
    warm as the faithful jumper.
    Bedraggled, beloved, warm and safe.

    To know the difference, would free me of guilt,
    Although nothing happened, and I was good,
    These feelings I have, Leaves me so warm,
    To go back to my old love, the lost fight, fills me,
    with the unspoken emptiness.

    I will know as soon as its clear,
    Until then, I will trundle on,
    Trying not to covet her, and smile when I think of her,
    She, who is someone elses,
    She, who is unhappy as I.
    I question my love, and fall from the sky.


  4. #44
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    [QUOTE=Ceroc Jock;270728]Please tell me there's an afterlife.

    There may well be.. guess that there will be a thread somewhere discussing the possibility..

    I guess that I believe that Heaven IS a place on earth.. that life IS what you make it. We only have one life and its not a rehearsal...

    I don't bear grudges, have resentments and try to show love to ALL I come into contact with. I try hard not to have expectations.. that way I am never disappointed. And I try to live my life one day at a time.. I use the serenity prayer on a daily basis.. that way I know to keep my head where my body is!

    My simple conclusion is that we are all on this earth to help one another. For me, that IS the meaning of life.

    ps... your contributions are lovely.. thankyou

  5. #45
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..


    Time; slipping away, like the dripping of a tap
    Time; like the constant ticking of a clock
    Time; like the years that pass you by
    Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days
    Time: you can’t see, touch, or stop
    Lost and never found.
    Slipping away
    A lifetime

  6. #46
    Registered User Clive Long's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    I am wax, I am melting,
    I am rope, I am unravelling,
    I am water, I am dissolving in my tears.

    You took my love and left bitterness,
    You took my hope and left despair,
    Go not into the dark place,
    How could I have loved you and yet you betrayed me so?
    Go to the end of space and time so I cannot recall the beauty of your shadow.

    How does the sun still shine?
    How can people smile in the presence of my pain?

    Rip me open and search for my heart. You will find a stone.

  7. #47
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Simply beautiful.. thankyou

  8. #48
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    It Doesn’t Matter

    It doesn’t matter what they think
    It matters what you think
    It doesn’t matter if they try to hurt you
    It matters if you hurt yourself
    It doesn’t matter if you are frightened
    You will find the courage to face your fears

    It doesn’t matter if you feel lost in the world
    It matters if you don’t want to be found
    It doesn’t matter if you are sad for a while
    It matters if you forget to seek happiness
    It doesn’t matter if we get it wrong sometimes
    There will be the opportunity to put things right

    It doesn’t matter if you feel like a loser in life
    It matters if you think there is no hope
    It doesn’t matter if the sun forgets to shine
    It matters if it stops shining in your heart
    It doesn’t matter if you have a bad day
    There will always be another one

    It doesn’t matter if you think no one loves you
    It matters that you love yourself……

  9. #49
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    And for today..

    Heaven on Earth

    When I look into the future
    It’s like looking through the mist
    I know there’s something out there
    But I can’t see what it is
    I can feel it with my senses
    I can feel it in my heart
    I know there’s paths to follow
    But can’t picture any part

    I’ve tried to look behind me
    That’s hazy too I find
    It’s full of shifting shadows
    Fading quickly from my mind
    It’s full of greying memories
    Of where I’ve been and why
    They’ve made me what I am today
    They’ve coloured every sky

    When I look into the mirror
    And see who’s really there
    I see the girl I want to be
    I’ve come through life so far
    To live each day as though my last
    A gift so freely given
    Today is all that matters to me
    I have my earth as heaven

  10. #50
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Shadow Man

    I feel the tears
    They prick the back of my eyes
    I watch you with the saddest of hearts
    My big strong man, who struggles to walk
    Steeling myself, I offer my arm to hold you
    Smiling, trying not to show my pain and sorrow
    Seeing yours… it kills me
    Loving you, although you fight it still
    Your strength, Independence waning
    Time taking its toll, creeping up suddenly
    I hide my tears and hold your hand
    You smile at me through sad, old eyes
    Watching my lion of a man fading
    I love you still
    I owe you my life

  11. #51
    Registered User Jivingdan's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Lying alone in the early hours
    when the stillness of time and the sleep is still with me.
    I think of your face and the feelings that wake me sweep me along on a wave of desire.
    I know its not real , there's no way you can be here
    I keep my eyes closed and the dream stays alive.

  12. #52
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    and for today....

    Parallel Lives

    All the words that you sing
    Tell the story of where I’ve ‘bin
    The hurt, the lies, the pain, the why’s?
    The loss, the fear, it’s all so clear
    That you lived your life, with another wife
    It was the same for me, my dear

    Your songs I hear inside my head
    Your words that said that, ‘I am dead’
    They hit the nerves inside of me
    I felt with a dreadful clarity
    You sing my song so word perfect
    You made me see it wasn’t worth it

    I hear those words and hear your voice
    It was as though you’d lost the choice
    The precious thing you loved the most
    Removed and replaced with a ghost
    We choose to go and make a start
    On mending cracks in a broken heart

    So when I listen to you sing
    I glance over to My wedding ring
    I feel as though you’ve done the same
    Made new choices, played a new game
    Our Parallel lives in different places
    Parallel thoughts, just different faces

    So to live a life without the pain
    We both chose to live again
    To find another game to play
    We searched and found another way
    Our Parallel words making similar sounds
    Parallel minds, just different towns

  13. #53
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    So, Will You??

    Do you see the purple upon the hills?
    Can you feel the breeze and smell the heather?
    Will you walk with me and hold my hand?
    Enjoy its beauty, despite the weather?
    Will you climb up high and feel the rain
    On your face, like the dew in the early dawn?
    Will it fill your head and soothe your pain?
    Will your heart and soul shake like a newborn fawn?

    Will you guide me through the falling mist
    And show me the path that takes me higher?
    Will you take me to the place we kissed
    And build an everlasting fire?
    Will you run with me laughing full of fun?
    All through the hills and the mountain streams?
    Will you talk with me?, will you be the one?
    To share this life, its hopes and dreams?

    Will you watch the clouds race high overhead?
    And stand with me in wonder and awe?
    Will you share this day and share my bed?
    Until we both knock on heavens door?
    Will you love me ‘till the hills are bare?
    The heather’s gone and wind stops blowing?
    Will you hold my hand and lead me there?
    Will you take me my darlin’ to where you’re goin’??

  14. #54
    Registered User Jivingdan's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Thanks for adding some more Jan. I was beginning to think I had killed your Thread. Keep up the good work

  15. #55
    Registered User Jivingdan's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Here goes with todays offering

    Long distance Love

    For all the times I cant be with you
    all the times that your not there

    I close my eyes and I can see you
    I reach out to touch your hair

    my hand searches through the darkness
    when there's nothing left to touch

    the dream of you is shattered
    I am missing you so much

  16. #56
    Registered User quiet_flame's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Falling apart at the seams,
    I stare blankly ahead,
    No mood, no sound,
    No Knowledge of how to proceed,

    Betrayed, belittled,
    I’m not ready to forgive,
    Untrusted, yet faithful,
    I have to ask,
    Why would you test my love,
    When you know I detest being on trial,
    Why would you read what is mine,
    When you know I will turn in spite.

    I’m not sure if I will be dark,
    But the storm clouds are overhead,
    I don’t know how soon I can forgive,
    I know I’ll never forget,
    These actions are never, forgotten.

    The hardest part,
    Is I still, as much as it hurts,
    Find myself,
    Letting you stay,
    I’ll let you do it again.

  17. #57
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    All of Me

    I can’t do half measures, it’s just not my style
    So sit down beside me, we’ll talk for a while
    We’ll sort out the world and all of its woe’s
    And hug in the darkness, let’s see where it goes
    My head on your shoulder, your arms hold me tight
    I feel your heart beating, through all of the night
    I can offer my love and give you my trust
    I’ll open my heart and give what I must
    And if you decide you love what you see
    Don’t give me half measures, just take all of me

  18. #58
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    For today...

    Something Special..

    When you walk in the room, all eyes look your way
    There’s something about you, what more can I say
    It’s not what you’re wearing, although it’s outrageous
    It’s not how you’re laughing, although that’s contagious
    You have something special, that no one can guess
    It’s not how you walk, or the way that you dress
    It’s an aura of someone, who knows where they’ve been
    And walked through the darkness, and followed their dream
    You’re someone who’s life, has been filled to the brim
    With people who love you, and have seen you can win
    You are something special, that, no one can doubt
    When you walk in the room, no one wants to walk out
    I’m secure in the knowledge, that you are my true friend
    That you ARE someone special, and will be to the end

  19. #59
    Registered User jacksondonut's Avatar
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Stolen Moments..

    Lying in the darkness
    Watching you
    Feeling each minute passing
    Quiet hearts beating slowly in time
    With slow and gentle sighs
    Lying there in the still of the night
    Watching your face, full of peace
    Calm, and beautiful
    Pale skin in the blue moonlight
    The ravages of day smoothed away
    Relieved and reassured
    Each time you take a breath
    As I count the minutes ‘til you wake
    This is the time I love the most
    Stolen moments in the night
    I take them whilst you’re fast asleep
    In the night you’re mine
    And only mine
    Until the day steals you away

  20. #60
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    Re: A Thread For The Budding Poets/writers Etc..

    Dancing haiku thread anyone?

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