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Thread: Where to go in Scotland?

  1. #1
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    Where to go in Scotland?

    Now I know this is the Ceroc Scotland Forum but I want an honest answer if that's ok, however hard it is to swallow.

    Melanie and I are pushed for time...big style. Despite the fact we live together and are getting married this year , we don't see that much of each other due to work commitments and stuff like that...

    So every now and then when we go dancing we try to make it a great night. Which means we want to spend our money on a good night, not a crap one.

    So then people of Scotland (Scotland only I'm afraid southern types!), where is a really good night out dancing?

    I don't care if it's Ceroc, Leroc, Salsa, Ballroom, WCS...anything. I couldn't give a chuff, I just want our time out dancing to be quality. We've spent too much money on going to mediocre events and parties (In Our Opinion) and so don't want to waste anymore time or money on them...give us the quality!

    Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


    p.s. staying at home and dancing with each other is not an option.

  2. #2
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Depends on what you want out of an evening and what you consider "good"/"quality". :shrug:
    Does the venue/event/party really matter when you're spending time dancing with the woman of your life?

  3. #3
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget
    Depends on what you want out of an evening and what you consider "good"/"quality". :shrug:
    Does the venue/event/party really matter when you're spending time dancing with the woman of your life?

    I don't want to dance with woman of my life to utter cack music in a pants venue...sorry but that doesn't float my boat.

    I'll help you out. I like music that's a bit challenging, I like a decent venue with a good floor, (nothing sticky, i.e. Jumpin Jacks!), somewhere that attracts a good cross section of dancers and a place that has late opening...

    However Southport isn't on every weekend and if it was it'd be a bit pricey to get there.

    Thanks for your help though

    Tell you what, why don't you tell me where you like dancing and why? Nothing too flowery mind, I don't much care about the hippy rubbish about how we all connect with certain women because it's like dancing on the moon or whatever else we sometimes come out with...

    Just give me the places that have got an ounce of atmoshpere.

    I'll help you out again...

    Salsa - Edinburgh - El Barrio. Never been but it's s'posed to be fantastic. I can't even do salsa, but on reflection it might be a better overall night out than other places up here.
    Last edited by Jive Brummie; 7th-April-2006 at 12:06 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Sorry; can't help too much - I have a sort of insular view of venues & parties

  5. #5
    Ceroc Teacher Little Em's Avatar
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?


    I will find out and let you know fairly soon.....

  6. #6
    Lovely Moderator ducasi's Avatar
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jive Brummie
    I like music that's a bit challenging, I like a decent venue with a good floor, (nothing sticky, i.e. Jumpin Jacks!), somewhere that attracts a good cross section of dancers and a place that has late opening...
    What kind of music do you find challenging?

    I find the music "challenging" at Route 66, and I expect it will be also at Red Hot and Blue. But I find some of the music played at regular Ceroc nights around Glasgow also challenging, but maybe in a different way.

    The floor in Jumpin' Jacks in Glasgow isn't sticky – one of my partners slipped and fell on it back on Tuesday there... It's also open late, though you may find there's fewer dancers to dance with after about 11. Plus late nights in Glasgow on a Tuesday probably aren't ideal for you...

    The new format of the Glasgow party looks like it'll be a success. Lots of good dancers, a mainstream room, and a latin/blues room...

    It's difficult to give any particular recommendation though. There's lots of Salsa all over Scotland. Maybe you stand a better chance of finding what you're looking for there.
    Let your mind go and your body will follow. – Steve Martin, LA Story

  7. #7
    Gone South! SteveB's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jive Brummie
    Now I know this is the Ceroc Scotland Forum but I want an honest answer if that's ok, however hard it is to swallow.

    Melanie and I are pushed for time...big style. Despite the fact we live together and are getting married this year , we don't see that much of each other due to work commitments and stuff like that...

    So every now and then when we go dancing we try to make it a great night. Which means we want to spend our money on a good night, not a crap one.

    So then people of Scotland (Scotland only I'm afraid southern types!), where is a really good night out dancing?

    I don't care if it's Ceroc, Leroc, Salsa, Ballroom, WCS...anything. I couldn't give a chuff, I just want our time out dancing to be quality. We've spent too much money on going to mediocre events and parties (In Our Opinion) and so don't want to waste anymore time or money on them...give us the quality!

    Any suggestions will be much appreciated.


    p.s. staying at home and dancing with each other is not an option.
    In Dundee James.............
    Fat Sams mate, London, Yuppies, or Mardi Gras....err.....maybe Private eyes.......

    Just a bit of fun!


  8. #8
    Registered User The Passion Harem's Avatar
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?


    You either love or hate it. I love it.

    Go to a Brunch, feel the atmosphere and see some wonderful dancing. Come on a Sunday for the free class at 6 and dance till 11 for £3. Go on a Tuesday (Counting House) and Thursday (The Merlin in Morningside) and dance for £3.

    It is a wonderful dance, so expressive and emotional.

    See you at Mama Mortons tomorrow night. Enjoyed it last month. Please keep the Cheese and Onion crisps away from Mel, at least till I get a dance.

    Heading to Red Hot & Blue tonight.....the best monthly event in Edinburgh. Route66 a close second.

    Glasgow is good with the Blues Room....thank you Franck

  9. #9
    Gone South! SteveB's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Hey James, Perth weekender - Dance fever in a few weeks' time, Mama Mortons tonight!

  10. #10
    Ceroc N.I. Franchise Owner drathzel's Avatar
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jive Brummie
    p.s. staying at home and dancing with each other is not an option.
    What if we inserted naked in that sentece, is that an option now?

    i know what you mean though,i dance only in my own venues at the minute, sometime i want to go out and dance with other people to, variety is the spice of life an all that!

  11. #11
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Get to Falkirk. The lot of you

  12. #12
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Woohoo...FC & I have the possibility of having a full weekend out...v.soon.

    And as it turns out we have a couple of options .

    Do we go to a local weekend event that is offering bed, breakfast, evening meal plus dancing and lessons from various different teachers, as well as parties...

    or... (option No.2)

    Do we go to a local-ish weekend event that is offering the above but without the accommodation, meals and teachers (plural)?

    Obviously money is a factor. The top one is a bit more but sounds like it'll be 'more-bang-for-our-buck'.

    Forumites of Scotland...please help.

    JB x x

  13. #13
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    mmmm... let me think now....

    just 2 rooms left this end (one with jacuzzi, his'n'her's massage and mirrored ceiling).
    lots of bangs for your buck.
    Last edited by Lindsay; 14th-April-2006 at 09:25 PM.

  14. #14
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lindsay
    mmmm... let me think now....

    just 2 rooms left this end (one with jacuzzi, his'n'her's massage and mirrored ceiling).
    lots of bangs for your buck.

  15. #15
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Right I know there's quite a lot on in sunny Scotland over the next few days/weeks....

    Besides all the regular Ceroc classes and parties...

    Lindsay's Perth Weekender. (Sounds good)

    A new Wednesday night in Dundee? (Sounds interesting as the venue is only two minutes down the road from me)

    And can some one let me know when the next Mama Mortons is on as Melanie and I were away for the last one?

    Anybody from Scotland got anything else to add...(you're all so quiet up here, speak up, don't be scared. Ta.)

    JBx x

  16. #16
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jive Brummie
    Anybody from Scotland got anything else to add...(you're all so quiet up here, speak up, don't be scared. Ta.)

    JBx x
    You might wanna check this out!

  17. #17
    Lovely Moderator ducasi's Avatar
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    From my diary...

    This month...

    Route 66 on Friday; Franck's Focus workshop and tea-dance in Glasgow on Sunday; Ceroc Edinburgh party on the 29th.


    Glasgow Leroc party on the 6th, then the BFG the weekend after.

    Route 66 on the 19th, Mama Morton's on the 20th.

    I think DanceDemon is planning another Red Hot and Blue in early May too.
    Let your mind go and your body will follow. – Steve Martin, LA Story

  18. #18
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by ducasi

    I think DanceDemon is planning another Red Hot and Blue in early May too.
    He sure is .....venue for one night only on Friday 5th May is the Terrace Bar in the Edinburgh Students Union in Teviot house, Bristo square......usual blend of Luscious Latin, Smooth Jazz, cool blues, and a wee bit tasty tango.
    Hopefully I'll have a new permanent venue sorted by June

  19. #19
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    Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Thankyou chaps,

    that's much better.


  20. #20
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    Exclamation Re: Where to go in Scotland?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jive Brummie
    Thankyou chaps,

    that's much better.

    Ok i need your help!
    At the moment i live in Edinburgh and go to Marcos for ceroc on a Monday,Tuesday and Thursday night .. how do i find out about other classes in Edinburgh? Can anyone give me info about places they go?
    Thanks in advance!

    Est xx

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