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I am afraid I am on the 'Don't demo' side. As a demo for some time for a very experienced Ceroc teacher (and as a teacher myself), it was a common occurence for the teacher half-way through the class to change the intended routine to something simpler, or to cut it short, because the class took far longer to learn the moves than we had anticipated. If we had kept to the original routine planned, we would have over-run the class quite substantially.
If we had demo'd the intended routine at the start, then failed to teach it in its entirety, people would feel that they had missed out. I know this for a fact, as I have experienced this reaction from people when I have either demo'd or taught as teacher. In fact, many people then come up to the teacher after the class and practically demand that the teacher show them the rest of the routine that was demo'd at the start of the class but which the teacher did not finish teaching. At the other extreme, there will also be those who are put off doing a class because the moves demo'd looked too difficult or involved a drop. Without the benefit of the teacher explaining in detail (during the class) how those moves can be done properly and safely or offering an alternative, it would be a little premature for people to drop out of doing the class entirely based on seeing the demo at the start of the lesson.
In any event, if a move is shown during the class which people did not feel happy doing, they are free to drop out at anytime. At least they would up till then have had the benefit of learning what had been taught in the class prior to the move they did not want to do.
Just my personal view from several years' experience as a teacher and demo.