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Thread: Ceroc Champs - The Aftermath

  1. #1
    Commercial Operator Gus's Avatar
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    Ceroc Champs - The Aftermath

    OK ... so how was it.

    Any contraversial decisions, and outstanding performances ... who did well from the Far North. Better/Worse than The Open Champs at Blackpool. Particulalry interested in the demo by Viktor and Lydia ... did it take place? I know that Lydia had incurred a fairly serious shoulder injury just before the Champs.

  2. #2
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Well Gus, as you can see from the other thread, it was pretty good.
    Ok, so apart from the Team Cabaret (did I mention the Scottish team won? ), the day was very similar to last year, great dancers, entertaining showcase dances. A very "interesting" entry in the Intermediate Freestyle (hello sailor! ). The standards seem to get higher every year...

    The venue coped ok, though, as usual, it was difficult to see if you did not manage to get to the very front. Mike was his usual self, hosting the day with as much controversy as he could get away with...

    Viktor & Co 's routine did go ahead, though I never saw it properly as I was quite far back. Maybe someone else can add their views.

    I quite liked the music on the day, though I suspect everyone will have different ideas on that.

    Overall, apart from losing my voice (from shouting encouragements to all Scottish contenders), I had a great day, with plenty of dancing (especially after I donned my kilt ).


  3. #3
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    Well.......what a day !!!!!

    When we finished the routine the first time there was a sense of relief that we (rather I) had made it to the end despite messingup a whole sequence of moves. All a bit frantic and I was impressed by the Moulin Rouge routine so it must have been very very close. And congratulations to Scot and the girls for reaching the final of the Double Trouble competiton.

    Few real debating points although it was a real surprise that jennine (?) and Clayton weren't placed in the Advanced comp and were second behind Ash in the cabaret. They are wonderful dancers but I think Ash and his partner put on a very entertaining and original cabaret.

    My only 'issue' is the space for freestlye dancing......or rather the lack of. So many people but so little room and the few times I ventured up I felt very much like a sardine and a rather bumped and bruised one at that.

    Amazing how quickly 12 hours go by.

    Back to reality now.........................

  4. #4
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    Heaven is a Ceroc place on earth!!!

    During the Sunday night when the compere said that though there might be 55 million people in the country he couldn't imagine them having a better time than the 1500 folk here in the Hammersmith Palias. I couldn't have agreed more!!

    This was the first Championships that i had been to & it was a 48 hour long dream (see sometimes dreams do come true!!)
    As other folk have said here, sleep was a luxury that, i included didn't really indulge in, why would u want to when so much fun was to be had!

    The wonderful icing on the cake that was the Scottish team winning was just great.

    I thought the Peace Haven where a lot of the scottish contingent were staying was superb & excellent value for money.

    Personally i thought the music at the Championships was tremendous, the best i have ever danced to. Consequently with such wonderful Cerocers it made this event the most fun i have ever had at a Ceroc event!
    During the Sunday night i felt really privilged to be part of the Ceroc community & also felt that the effort, trouble, time & money people had devoted to competing in the various events for very little or none monetary recompence was heartwarming, just cause they love IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I would agree that the floor was a bit cramped, (but lovely venue) but on the plus side it made it kinda fun to dodge other dancers & see if u could do a routine inside an imaginary postage stamp!!!!

    Anyway i thought it was a brilliant weekend & hopefully (well definitely!) i won't have to wait another year to Ceroc in London.

    Anyone know when the Scottish Championships are??

    Scott B

  5. #5
    Commercial Operator Heather's Avatar
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    Scottish Champs

    I believe news of the Scottish Championships will be made public in the very near future.
    I was taliking to Scot on Friday and there are only a few details to be confirmed and he will let us know in a week or so.
    Re the London Championships - I was out at the Ceroc dance in Marco's on Friday with MISS Filthycute, I believe a great time was had by all- especially YOU Franck!!!!!!! ( A small monetary sum will secure my silence!!!!!!!!)HA HA

  6. #6
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Re: Scottish Champs

    Originally posted by Heather
    Re the London Championships - I was out at the Ceroc dance in Marco's on Friday with MISS Filthycute, I believe a great time was had by all- especially YOU Franck!!!!!!! ( A small monetary sum will secure my silence!!!!!!!!)HA HA
    OK, it is a fair cop I admit, I did have a good time, but as I was not alone, we all have an incentive to keep quiet about it... I am sure MISS Filthycute underplayed her involvement
    I was the quietest and most behaved of us all (cough, splutter )

    Can't wait for the next big party, though last night in Glasgow was quite a laugh too...


  7. #7
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    I have to be honest....i was completely upfront about my hectic weekend. I have to admit though, after that third lager shandy i did get a bit wild ...and no, i didn't make it to bed till after 11:30pm:sorry OH what will the neighbours think!

    Seems we can sit back and take all the blame Franck....but personally i'd go for incriminating everyone else ........Mairi???

    filthycute x x

  8. #8
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Originally posted by filthycute
    Seems we can sit back and take all the blame Franck....but personally i'd go for incriminating everyone else ........Mairi???
    Yes, it was all Mairi's fault, she forced me to have all those double Jack Daniels etc...
    and Janet too, I reckon she was shouting encouragements to all of us.

    It is a tough contest though between you and Mairi as to who was the wildest dancer after midnight...


  9. #9
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    Yes, it was all Mairi's fault, she forced me to have all those double Jack Daniels etc...
    and Janet too, I reckon she was shouting encouragements to all of us.

    Franck, how could you!!!!

    There goes my snowy white reputation ... :sorry

    But then I reckon some of us needed less encouragement than others!


  10. #10
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Janet
    Franck, how could you!!!!

    There goes my snowy white reputation ... :sorry
    He he, it happens to the best of us, no worries...

    Originally posted by Janet
    But then I reckon some of us needed less encouragement than others!
    True, I never need any encouragement to party and make a total fool of myself at the drop of a hat...

    Be good, and if you can't be good, save it for the dance floor!


  11. #11
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    Originally posted by Franck
    True, I never need any encouragement to party and make a total fool of myself at the drop of a hat...
    Now I wouldn't go that far! I don't remember anyone making a TOTAL fool of themselves...

    Nor do I remember you wearing a hat, never mind dropping it!


  12. #12
    The American Gigolo
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    Originally posted by Franck

    By the way, now that you have all come back down to earth from the week-end, any more news on the possibility of a Scottish tour for the winning team?

    We are currently considering a final "Back by popular demand" performance. It will most likely be at one of the upcoming party nights. We'll keep you posted as we finalize a date.

  13. #13
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Brady

    We are currently considering a final "Back by popular demand" performance. It will most likely be at one of the upcoming party nights. We'll keep you posted as we finalize a date.
    Excellent news, I am sure everyone who missed the Champs (or the early Dundee preview) would love to see what all the fuss is about.


  14. #14
    Commercial Operator Gus's Avatar
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    Good news about the Champs tour .. but what happened in the other sections? As with all dance competition there must have been some controversial decisions .. thats the way of things. What happened to the double trouble team, who did the Scotties do in the Advanced and Intermediate sections?

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