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Thread: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

  1. #41
    Registered User KatieR's Avatar
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    A little something I created last night....

    I call it ... the chickeny mushroomy dish....

    in a little bit of oil or butter cook up some sliced brown mushrooms, add some thinly sliced chicken, add a little bit of garlic... go for a rummage through the cupboard and dig out any kind of marinade sauce you might have lying around and pour in about 2 tablespoons of that... add about 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and a tablespoon of honey... boil some rice..

    really nice!

    *see Sparkes for a full review*

  2. #42

    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    OK, I cooked 2 things last night:

    Pumpkin & Lentil Soup

    1 Pumpkin, sliced de-seeded and diced
    1 tin of ready soaked lentils (you could soak your own if you prefer)
    1 handful chopped fresh corriander
    1/2 pt Vegetable Stock
    2 Tablespoons Artificial Sweetener (sugar if you prefer)
    Salt & Pepper to taste
    2 tsp Cayene Pepper

    Boil the pumpkin & lentils until soft
    Liquidise both with corriander
    Bring the vegetable stock to the boil, add the pupkin & lentil
    Stir in Sweetener, Cayene & Salt & Pepper, stir till thickened

    Servings: 4

    Healthy Spaghetti in Blue Cheese & Spinach Sauce

    1 bag of fresh spinach, de-stalked
    75g soft blue cheese, crumbled
    1 Tub Quark (very low fat soft cheese)
    5 tbsp Fromage Frais

    Boil the spaghetti
    Wilt the spinach in boiling water for a few minutes, then drain
    Put cheese, Quark & Fromage Frais into a saucepan, and mix well
    When Spinach & Spaghetti is ready, add to cheese mixture, and gently heat
    Serve with a nice glass of wine

    Servings: 2

  3. #43

    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    I put the final touches to my homemade Christmas Puddings last night, they smell gorgeous! I also made my own Cranberry Sauce! I am becoming a Domestic Goddess!

  4. #44
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    I was taught the recipe to make pancakes when I was about 10 and I still remember it & cook them (just did a double batch that got devoured as soon as they were out the pan!)


    4 SR Flour (Tbls Sp)
    3 Sugar (Tbls Sp)
    2 eggs
    1 lvl teaspoon bicarb
    pinch of salt.

    Mix with milk untill it is the right consistancy and has no lumps in. (should be somewhere between 'gloopy' and 'runny' - the more runny, the thinner the pancake: good for creppes)

    Heat a fryingpan untill it's really hot & turn down to what would be a 'high simmer' (too hot and they get too brown before it's time to turn them, too cold and they 'set' before being brown enough to turn)

    Use grease proof paper (the wrapper off butter) and scrunch into a wad - scrape this in butter and cover the base of the pan. Do this between each batch.

    Prepare a wire rack with a cotton tea-towel folded - you will place the made pancakes in here to keep them moist and warm.

    Take a serving spoon and dollop spoonfulls onto the hot pan - try not to run them into each other, but they can be seperated just before turning. If you want a BIG pancake, just slop some mix into the pan and give it a swirl.

    When the bubbles in top start to pop, it's time to turn them. Should only take a couple of mins.

    Best served warm with melted butter and/or jam.

  5. #45
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget
    Mix with milk untill it is the right consistancy and has no lumps in. (should be somewhere between 'gloopy' and 'runny' - the more runny, the thinner the pancake: good for creppes)
    than let the batter stand for about an hour

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget

    Best served warm with melted butter and/or jam.

    but better with sugar and lemon

  6. #46
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by philsmove
    than let the batter stand for about an hour
    depeds if you are using baking powder or baking soda; soda reacts on contact with moisture, so is best for immediate results, but can give a 'tart' zing to them. Powder has cream of tartar in it that reacts to heat so is the one best left. (and I keep getting them mixed up & buying the wrong thing when one runs out )

    but better with sugar and lemon

  7. #47
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    For those of you who are gluten/milk intolerant, this recipe works pretty well:

    3 tbspns buckwheat flour
    1 egg
    pinch salt
    3 tbspns olive oil
    enough rice milk to make a runny batter

    Mix it all together and make as usual pancakes, except that because the oil is in the batter, you shouldn't need to grease the pan each time to stop them sticking.

    Foxylady, Sparkles, azande and I had them for breakfast on Sat and mine were .

  8. #48
    The Perfect Woman!
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    Re: Pancakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleks
    For those of you who are gluten/milk intolerant, this recipe works pretty well:

    3 tbspns buckwheat flour
    1 egg
    pinch salt
    3 tbspns olive oil
    enough rice milk to make a runny batter

    Mix it all together and make as usual pancakes, except that because the oil is in the batter, you shouldn't need to grease the pan each time to stop them sticking.

    Foxylady, Sparkles, azande and I had them for breakfast on Sat and mine were .
    They were delicious !! and especially so with bananas and Aleks home made chocolate sauce (melted 70% chocolate)
    (and even the nicer having them made for me )

  9. #49
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    2 slices of bread into toaster when cooked add real butter *to taste mmmmmmmmmmm

    * (none of that mono hypo anti this and anti that rubbish)

  10. #50
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Anyone have the recipe for that yummy chocolate stuff you make with crushed digestives?

    I know you can make cheesecake bases and millionare shortbread base, but it's a main component, and you top it with chocolate


  11. #51
    Registered User Freya's Avatar
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget
    Anyone have the recipe for that yummy chocolate stuff you make with crushed digestives?

    I know you can make cheesecake bases and millionare shortbread base, but it's a main component, and you top it with chocolate


    Hey Do you mean the one where you crush all the digestives, add cherrys etc then mix it all up with chocolate put in a shallow baking tiun and leave in the fridge to set! If so I have this recipe!!!


  12. #52
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya
    Hey Do you mean the one where you crush all the digestives, add cherrys etc then mix it all up with chocolate put in a shallow baking tiun and leave in the fridge to set! If so I have this recipe!!!

    Probably similar. I found a different one;

    {Warning - sweet toothed look away now...}

    Ella-feeds-us (Don't ask me - seemingly it's what "ella" used to feed children )

    8oz Marg
    6oz Sugar
    2Tblsp Syrup
    Large can of Condensed Milk
    1tsp Vanilla essence
    1 1/2 packets of Digestives (Large packets)
    300/400g Chocolate

    - crush the biscuits {Either by 1)putting into a hole-less bag and beating it with a rolling pin 2)mushing with a masher in a large pan 3) blitzing in a food processor}
    - look out a swiss roll tin

    - Melt marge in a large pan, add sugar, syrup and milk into it and keep stirring, bringing slowly to the boil.
    - keep stirring for a further 6 mins.
    - Add vanilla essence and beat it in.
    - Add crushed biscuits and coat {this gets very hard to stir}
    - press into swiss roll tin
    - melt chocolate and cover the stuff with it
    - put into fridge to set
    - cut into (small) squares and eat {It's too sweet to cut into large squares }

  13. #53
    Omnipotent Moderator Tiggerbabe's Avatar
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Ah the memories! Many a happy afternoon I spent at my gran's house smashing up digestive biscuits, in a bag, with a rolling pin It was even more fun, when you hit them so hard that you ripped a hole in the bag and then the crumbled biscuits kept escaping
    Fab recipe Gadget
    "If you rebel against high heels, take care to do so in a very smart hat.'' George Bernard Shaw

  14. #54
    Registered User Freya's Avatar
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Similar Very similar! Found mine earlier today so thought I'd post it too!

    Chocolate Biscuit Cake


    4oz Plain Choc
    4oz Butter
    2 tblspns double
    8oz digestives
    2oz Glace Cherries
    2oz flaked almonds
    1oz raisins


    Line Cake Tin with Foil.
    Break Biscuits (Gadget Style )
    Chop Cherries and Add to Bowl
    Add Raisins and Almonds


    Break Choc into bowl over heated saucepan of water
    Add the butter and cream and stir till choc has melted
    Pour Choc Sauce over biscuit mixture and mix well
    Spoon mixture into baking tin and cover with the foil pressing down firmly
    Put Tin into fridge for approx 2hrs till set!

  15. #55
    Registered User spindr's Avatar
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    SpinDr (apologies if already posted)

  16. #56
    Registered User dee's Avatar
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya
    Hey Do you mean the one where you crush all the digestives, add cherrys etc then mix it all up with chocolate put in a shallow baking tiun and leave in the fridge to set! If so I have this recipe!!!


    My daughter and i made this once, it was really

  17. #57
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Blackberry Snack Cake

    4 tablespoons butter
    3/4 cup flour
    3/4 cup granulated sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    dash salt
    1/2 cup evaporated milk
    2 cups fresh blackberries
    2 tablespoons brown sugar
    Preheat oven to 325°. Melt butter in an 8-inch square baking dish in the preheated oven. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and milk in a small bowl and beat until smooth. Pour batter over the melted butter, top with the blackberries, then sprinkle the brown sugar evenly over the fruit. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes, or until browned.

    Something for the next tea dance/cake event, Sparkles?

  18. #58
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleks
    Blackberry Snack Cake

    4 tablespoons butter
    3/4 cup flour
    3/4 cup granulated sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    dash salt
    1/2 cup evaporated milk
    2 cups fresh blackberries
    2 tablespoons brown sugar
    Preheat oven to 325°. Melt butter in an 8-inch square baking dish in the preheated oven. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and milk in a small bowl and beat until smooth. Pour batter over the melted butter, top with the blackberries, then sprinkle the brown sugar evenly over the fruit. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes, or until browned.

  19. #59
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget
    And the Sunday breakfast favourite: Cheezy Dreams (or "Queasy dreams" as a friend of mine now refers to them - I introduced them and he over-dosed )!
    I still can't face them !!

  20. #60
    Glitter Queen
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    Re: Recipes Thread - by popular demand!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleks
    Blackberry Snack Cake

    Something for the next tea dance/cake event, Sparkles?
    Sounds - I'll do my best (and the public can vote on the outcome...)
    Just not sure my oven goes up to 325 degrees!

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