Quote Originally Posted by Purple Sparkler
Once having hit one of the ISH demos in the back of the head with my foot, because my partner put me in a lift, I swore that would never happen again, hence the backleading.
And ANY good teacher will tell you, as a woman, how to avoid going into a particular move if you don't want to. If they've got the correct handhold (which sadly the ones who cause these problems don't always have), then it's easy enough to break off from them.
I think it depends on what move they do as they're not all very easy for a woman to get out of. The teacher should always point it out as well when teaching a move that's rather risky. Then again, like you said, it does depend on the hand hold. The guy I was dancing with had a very tight grip and I didn't stand a chance. He's a masseur as well you know!! So I got him to massage it for me after.