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Thread: 5 Things Most People Don't Know About You

  1. #21
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Originally posted by DavidB
    5. I have a very small appetite. People just keep forcing food on me...
    Yep, I am the same I am being force-fed all the time... And now that you wrote those lyrics about me I have to live up to the reputation... What a chore


  2. #22
    The Forum Legend
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    I resemble the above comment too!!


  3. #23
    Omnipotent Moderatrix (LMC)
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    Originally posted by Franck
    You do realize we'll be asking for evidence of this...
    Dream on, sunny Jim....

  4. #24
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Emma
    Dream on, sunny Jim....
    Ok then! I don't believe you
    I bet you made it up and that you can't roll your stomach like a belly-dancer at all...

    Na na nana na!


  5. #25
    Omnipotent Moderatrix (LMC)
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    Originally posted by Franck
    Ok then! I don't believe you

    tsk! Oh ye of little faith!

  6. #26
    The American Gigolo
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    1) I play the saxophone and was on tour for a month in Europe with a national band from the US several years ago (we have our own CD too!).

    2) I grew up in Oakland, Oregon, USA (where I'm at this moment), a town of 850 people (hence the reason I left; no CEROC there!!!).

    3) I always dreamed of living and working in Europe as a kid (and it has come true!).

    4) I enjoy cooking, but only do so when I get hungry!!! (I actually won several state awards as a kid, preparing meals in front of judges).

    5) I enjoy running, having run two marathons and some day I plan to run the Marathon de Sables (a 7 day, 150 mile run across the Sahara in the middle of summer ).

  7. #27
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    Well, it's been a while since I last posted, but this thread seems harmless!! As an aside, isn't it interesting how many people that dance CEROC also play an instrument; sing... etc. I feel a research project coming on... Hmmm....

    OK, 5 things

    1) Before I discovered dancing I played table tennis, and in 1991 was UK under 16 champion. (Then i found out what happened inside pubs!)

    2) I Qualified as a swallowing specialist following my degree in Speech and Language Therapy

    3) I was a cub leader (scouts) for 5 years before Uni

    4) I was head boy at school.

    5) It is my ambition to live and work in the USA.

    Isn't it strange who readily we bare our souls to a forum!

  8. #28
    Venue Manager Fran's Avatar
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    to add to it everyone elses

    1. I am an airforce child ( youngest of 4)and at one point we had every branch of the forces in the family which also included parents, grandparent and in- laws. - thankfully they are all out now - I was the blacksheep and did not join, I guess I could have decorated the married quaters though!

    2. Won a few design competitions and Young Scottish Business Person of the year 1991 - Uk finalist.

    3. Very dyslexic. very bad self confidence.

    4. Always make my own christmas crackers

    5. my real name is Frances Stephanie Goscombe.

    ps - david,

    that was bills post about the icecream - the icecream was impressive though!!!!! it did not sound so big in the menu - take no notice of them


  9. #29
    Commercial Operator Heather's Avatar
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    5 Thing you don't know about me .

    ...and probably don't really want to either

    1.As a child, I was the proud winner of a Blue Peter Badge for winning a Dress designing Competition.(So what happened to my good fashion sense, I hear you cry!!!!)
    2.As a student, I was voted Dundee Students Charities Queen, which will come as no surprise considering my charm, wit and personality!! LOL
    3. Like Imelda Marcos, I have an obsession for shoes, although I have thrown lots out , I must still have over 100 pairs (which is OK if you are a centipede).
    4.My great passion is singing Grand Opera and Arie Antiche (16th, 17th and 18th Century Italian Songs), I have won several awards in Music Festivals and have been having singing lessons for'x' number of years !!!(You'd think I'd have got the hang of it by now )
    5.Having graduated from the Marks and Spencer School of Microwave Cookery, I am highly accomplished in the use of microwave buttons!!! (Seriously, I can actually cook, and my friends say I'm good at it, but I prefer to be taken out for meals - open to offers!!! )

  10. #30
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    Originally posted by Franck
    3 months??? What were you doing exactly? or was it just Wendy keeping you waiting?
    You're treading on thin ice! As if Ms Organised wouldn't be punctual!!

    I was being slightly dramatic, but a "normal" wedding day in Scotland would be to have the ceremony, followed by a reception with a meal and speeches, and then dancing in the evening, usually with some additional evening guests. We did these things, but because Wendy's dad was recovering from cardiac surgery, we thought the full day would be too much of a strain and split the "evening reception" onto a different day entirely, which was three months later.

    Re. inventions, I wonder what they are... Have we got a Sinclair in our midst???
    I find this seriously impressive... I would love to be an inventor / creator of some sort... but apart from a few Ceroc moves (which probably existed before anyway), can't say I have been successful...
    Okay, this is probably more than you wanted to know, but if you're really interested you can follow this link and this one. But the more succinct answer would be that they're to do with electronics.

    Incidentally, my paternal grandfather died and my dad's surname was changed when he was adopted by his stepfather, otherwise I would have been called Sinclair! But I don't think I'm in Clive's league. (Fortunately - he's still trying to live down the C5!!)

  11. #31
    Registered User Jayne's Avatar
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    5 things...

    Here's my five...

    1) I've done a bungee jump from the world's tallest bungee tower - but, like Gus, I'm scared of heights.

    2) My eyes change colour - they appear to be blue, grey, green or even hazel. They're mainly blue though...

    3) I've never had a broken bone or a childhood infection (measles, mumps etc). She says whilst touching a huge plank of wood...

    4) I used to play basketball and was (briefly) in the Rugby Junior team.

    5) Contrary to JYork18's comment I cannot hold a tune in a bucket, I'm tone deaf, I can't read music and I've never played an instrument (unless holding a guitar upside down and strumming randomly after having consumed a *couple* of units of alcohol counts....). I can find a beat in the music but little else...


  12. #32
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    good topic this :-)

    here's my 5

    1/ I have played blues n rock guitar in a band for over 10 years

    2/ I used to be a martial arts instructor

    3/ I get drunk easy, I'm a cheap night out ....hehehee, but let's not mention hangovers.....bleagh!!!.

    4/ I study ...erm .... occult stuff

    5/ I suffer from asthma, albeit mild. It doesn't help when you're a biker.


  13. #33
    Registered User Ronde!'s Avatar
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    Wow, this thread is fascinating! By way of response in kind...

    (1) I was conceived in New Zealand, born in Singapore, grew up in Australia, had my first full-time job in the UK, and each of my parents speaks seven distinct languages (and not all the same ones), but I only speak English above basic conversational level!

    (2) I was hit by a minibus when I was 10; when I was 18, I became great friends with a girl in uni... we later discovered that she was a passenger in that minibus. We'd met at Law School.

    (3) I love making extraordinary desserts and cakes, and have made three fully tiered, iced and decorated wedding cakes.

    (4) I'm a fully qualified superhero. I worked my way through uni as a children's entertainer, with a professional portfolio including Batman, Spiderman, Robin Hood, and various Star Wars characters as well as generic clown/pirate characters.

    (5) I got my first computer when I was 19 (at which time I didn't even know Microsoft Word); by the time I was 25, I was an IT Team Leader and Project Officer and owned my own IT consultancy business.

    Live passionately,

  14. #34
    Registered User Sandy's Avatar
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    Okay, this is probably more than you wanted to know, but if you're really interested you can follow this link and this one. But the more succinct answer would be that they're to do with electronics.
    Very impressive! I did my best to understand but don't ask me any questions on it!

    Happy New Year one and all.

    Not sure I have anything to add to this topic but will go and think about it!


  15. #35
    Registered User Sandy's Avatar
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    Re: 5 Things Most People Don't Know About You

    [i] surprise us all with your own revelations!
    Nothing too eccentric but what the heck!

    1) Born as a product of the "orange" and the "green" - Protestant mother and Catholic Father - best outcome of being totally non bigotted. Mother and father had to elope to get married, changed days thank goodness

    2) Have a twin brother who is tall, blonde, clever and handsome! is it fair NO. I also have twin boy and girl - the boy is fair and the girl brown haired like me, pretty fiesty with it!

    3) I used to swim competitively (but don't look for my name in any record books!) and also played a lot of badminton

    4) I walked the West Highland Way along with 3 others and had the time of my life despite torrential rain, midges and sore feet!

    5) I love to laugh, dance and generally have fun but am also a very mixed up person ie very confident one minute and a basket case the next!

    Cheers and roll on the next Ceroc night as I am suffering terrible withdrawal symptoms!


  16. #36
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    Hi Franck.

    Just thought I'd say HAPPY NEW YEAR when I'm brosing here. Hope you haven't been drinking too much champagne and espresso.


  17. #37
    Commercial Operator
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    Okie Dokie heres my five

    1. I used to be an ABA heavyweight champion boxer, and was one fight away from fighting Frank Bruno(the guy that beat me got knocked out in the final by Frank)

    2. I used to play the cello in the Edinburgh primary schools orchestra

    3. I had to learn how to walk again after breaking most of the bones in my legs in a car crash (my excuse for the way I dance)

    4. I won a talent contest when I was nine years old singing Donald Wheres yer troosers at the Ross theatre in Prices Street Gardens

    5. My wife Irene has put up with me for 25 years this year(October) and it was her that introduced me to Ceroc. (She should get a Victoria cross for valour)

  18. #38
    ok, here are my five

    1) I play the harp, and have a small business playing at weddings and functions.

    2) I run a Brownie pack.

    3) My previous passion (before dancing) was canoeing, but had to give up after breaking ribs and ruining my shoulder muscles. I hope that ceroc is less dangerous.......!

    4) I started school in indonesia as my Dad is in the oil business.

    5) My claim to fame is that I went to school with Matt Macfayden (Lead bloke in spooks/the project).

  19. #39
    Commercial Operator
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    Better late than never......

    1) The obvious one that most will know already: as well as DJ-ing, I compose contemporary classical music as well as write material for rock/metal band for whom I sing/play guitar.

    2) Recently given up my membership of Mensa but not my "genius" status!!

    3) I was a cheerleader for an American Football team.

    4) I was. once, a a director for The Princes Trust Volunteers and have lunched with HRH The Prince Of Wales, amonst other dignitaries.

    5) (Admittedly, 5 are now broken after a particularly drunken affair in my back garden) BUT I am the proud owner of ALL the electronic light up with sound effects lightsabres available in this country at present. Includes: Darth Vader's from original trilogy; Darth Maul's double ended one and Darth Tyrrannus' funny handled one.

    6) I need to get out more.

  20. #40
    Papa Smurf
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    I never bothered with this before as Im not very interesting, but managed to think of a few things since..........

    1) I used to be a bouncer (I did Kick Boxing and elements of Jeet Kune Do for years)

    2) I have never borken any bones but have been in two car crashes as a kid - one was in the paper as it was so left road, skidded down a hill , rolled several times and came to rest next to a river. I grazed my knee. Ouch!.
    2nd crash was a side on collision with a car that chose to do a 3 point turn in the motorway in the fast lane in a storm. I cut my lip that time. Both cars were SAABs .(advert BUY SAAB )

    3) My Mother had just turned 15 when I was born so I was adopted. Having traced my roots though I now have regular contact with all 3 familes (real mother, father and adopted family) and we all get on great. I am fully Scottish but my real father moved to US when he was 17. Technically Im from Dundee but I was born in Edinburgh. My name at Birth was David Anthony Hill.

    4) I used to play for a basketball team. Micahel Jordan is my hero . I also drink too much coffee.

    5) I wrote my first computer program when i was 9 ...10 print "hello" 20 goto 10 - my programs havn't got any better since I now have more than 10 computers - not all of them PC's (as Franck will be pleased to hear )

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