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Thread: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

  1. #1
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    MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    I would like to nominate NICKY HASLAM to the MJ Hall of Fame.
    She is the penultimate professional, her energy and enthusiasm for dance never fails to amaze me, aside from being the title holder of numerous championships titles, she is able to juggle the running of a considerable dance organisation in Australia, constantly choreographing dance routines, making teaching video's, organising dance competitions, shows etc. etc. etc. as well as devotion to her family. On top of al of this she always seems to have time to deal with people on a very personal level with a ready smile and word of encouragement. Nicky has choreographed many of the routines that have been placed in the UK Modern Jive competitions of recent years. Without doubt , her teaching videos have set new standards and been a big influencing/contributing factor to expansion of the more energetic/elaborate dance moves that are being practised on our dance floors these days. Additionally , her enthusiasm to dance personally does not seem to have diminished at all. So.. well done Nicky.. keep up the good work.
    Last edited by Wes; 13th-March-2005 at 07:15 AM. Reason: Wrong Title !!!

  2. #2
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM


    I'm particularly grateful that Nicky makes an effort to push the "state of the art" in ceroc, trying to challenge people to keep improving, even when they're already at a pretty decent level. I think this probably is not the "sweet spot" for making money out of ceroc as a business, but is more about love for the dance and the community.

  3. #3
    Registered User Magic Hans's Avatar
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Quote Originally Posted by Wes
    ... penultimate ...
    Not that I'm nitpicking .... cos I am!!!

    So ..... whose just in front of her??? .... and antipenultimates??

    .... or are those just people against penultimates!!

    Truly though, not that I know Nicky very well, results speak for themselves.

    She does seem to have a long history of remarkable accomplishments. Long may her enthusiastic participation continue!

  4. #4
    Registered User ChrisA's Avatar
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Quote Originally Posted by Magic Hans
    .... or are those just people against penultimates!!
    Well they would be.. I trust this was a deliberate misspelling of antepenultimate.

    (March pedantry award for me, please )

  5. #5
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    And add to that the great job she has done teaching everybody in OZ to stick out there bums

  6. #6
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Quote Originally Posted by Andreas
    And add to that the great job she has done teaching everybody in OZ to stick out there bums
    Good thing you included the "" and "" or I might have thought your post was mean-spirited and offensive instead of funny and good-natured.

  7. #7
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Quote Originally Posted by Gary
    Good thing you included the "" and "" or I might have thought your post was mean-spirited and offensive instead of funny and good-natured.

    No worries. I have greatest respect for what she has done but also dislike that mentioned feature. None of us is perfect

  8. #8
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Sorry, I think I must be misreading your post here. I have been teaching with Nicky for over 5 years and in 3 countries and 5 Aussie states and don't ever remember her saying to ladies "hunch over and stick your bum out when you dance". In fact Nicky teaches the opposite of that style of Lindy Modern Jive.

    Her style is more Latin and elegant and she dislikes the bum out legs spread bouncy Modern Jive style.

    And I would also like to support her nomination for the Hall of fame too.

  9. #9
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Without doubt, Nicky Haslam is a very worthy nominee for the Hall of Fame. She has set standards that many aspire to, and her teaching of dance is par excellence. Looking forward to her classes with Robert Winter at the Southport Extravadanca 10-13 June. Simply awesome and not to be missed!!

  10. #10
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Nicky is a Fantastic teacher and a great performer!! sadly we only get delight of Nicky (and Robert) teaching once a year in Perth

  11. #11
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Again - another vote of support.

    She is very accessible and obviously a great dancer.

  12. #12
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Quote Originally Posted by Yliander
    Nicky is a Fantastic teacher and a great performer!! sadly we only get delight of Nicky (and Robert) teaching once a year in Perth
    How strange. I think that they teach more often than that in the UK!

  13. #13
    Registered User Nessa's Avatar
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Quote Originally Posted by Andreas
    And add to that the great job she has done teaching everybody in OZ to stick out their bums
    Some of our bums just do that naturally and Nicky's only input there has been to encourage us never to give up our love of chocolate.... even for considerations of style!
    I am dying to get to the UK and see what the standard bum position is there, as I've never noticed a standard bums-out stance in Sydney .

    Nicky has been an energetic, attentive, fun and stylish teacher for so many people, and I was very happy to hear about her nomination. Now we're all going to go away and hope emphatically that she doesn't decide to take this opportunity to rest on her laurels - some of us have an important class (her fabulous Advanced Course) tomorrow!!!

  14. #14
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    I've been thinking about Nicky Haslam (btw, I've noticed her bum is in exactly the right place ). If we had someone like Nicky permanently resident in the UK the MJ scene over here would definitely be a better place.

    From what I've seen the Australian MJ scene is filled with wholesome characters who are bursting with enthusiasm. And I'll bet they don't have debates about 'sleazy moves' being taught at weekenders.

  15. #15
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor
    I've been thinking about Nicky Haslam (btw, I've noticed her bum is in exactly the right place ).
    You know Andy, all of us over here have our bums exactly in the right place - in Sydney. Where Nicky's is.

  16. #16
    Registered User Ronde!'s Avatar
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    Phew, long time since I last posted here! Blame Robert, for starting our very own, very excellent Aussie forum which I've been addicted to instead. :-) I'd like to add my support to Nicky's nomination.

    As a Canberra dancer, I can vouch that we've always looked up to Nicky's incredible style and energy for inspiration, guidance, and leadership. From the very first time I met her at my first Sydney dance comp, I was impressed by her genuine personal interest in each and every Ceroc dancer - even we beginner dancers from interstate!

    Leo :-)

  17. #17
    Registered User Graham W's Avatar
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    she's been to Bristol a couple of times with classes & stormed it - v prof lessons & cabarets..and danced with 'plebs' like me. ;-)


  18. #18
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    Re: MJ Hall of Fame NICKY HASLAM

    I think Nicky is one of the best cerocers todate. Her contribution to ceroc in Oz has been superb. I'd also like to nominate Mark Harding from Ceroc Australia or maybe his beautiful wife and superb dancer Simone Harding. Now she is a pleasure to watch just for the eye candy value......sorry Mark.....Simone is a beautiful lady lucky you!!!

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