Going by the results so far of the poll, it seems to be the teachers and taxi dancers are the people who are mainly driving the business by not driving the punters away. As a beginner to this malarky, I think its fair to say that the venue (especially in the summer - bring on the air conditioning . . .) and the general fun atmosphere makes the whole experience relaxed and welcoming.

Having been out busking though (mostly handing out the flyers and talking to the potential members) it was always the women who were appeared keen to try (financial incentive aside) than the men. So when the come along, bright and shiny to their first night and are met with a poor men:women ratio they dont come back. The word on the street was that there was too many women, and not enough men. Get the husbands / boyfriends / partners / pals / whatever to come along and you might even better retention of the ladies? Mission impossible, I know . . .

Anyhoo, I love it, and word of mouth (i.e. nagging?) has seen some friends and colleagues join me at the jiggin'.