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Thread: Repeat Moves?

  1. #21
    Registered User spindr's Avatar
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    Originally posted by gtman
    Yeh, so the key seems to be just relax. Try to enjoy it and look cool. Or if your not any of these just try and look as if you are

    One useful trick is to have a few extra "joins" that you can throw into the mix.
    For example; if you do a first move -- then lead one with two turns out rather than one; if you do a return, why not make it a double or a travelling one, or add a comb, or throw in a couple of walks. Or playabout with the order of some moves; if you do an octopus (also known as a loophole or man/lady breakthrough) why always lead lady/man/lady/... mix it up and lead lady/lady/lady/man, etc., etc.


  2. #22
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    Originally posted by spindr

    One useful trick is to have a few extra "joins" that you can throw into the mix.
    For example; if you do a first move -- then lead one with two turns out rather than one; if you do a return, why not make it a double or a travelling one, or add a comb, or throw in a couple of walks. Or playabout with the order of some moves; if you do an octopus (also known as a loophole or man/lady breakthrough) why always lead lady/man/lady/... mix it up and lead lady/lady/lady/man, etc., etc.

    Ahh I've been found out ! My secret is out...

    Me I was starting to get bored with myself, now I just listen real hard to the music and play as much as possible (even been known to sing along ), managed to incorporate some mambo, cha cha and salsa into the dances tonight - real basic stuff but so much fun.

    I have now started to ask girls "what is your favorite move"
    Then play with that one as well for a while during the evening...

  3. #23
    Registered User spindr's Avatar
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    I hesitate a bit to suggest it -- but one idea I have used in the past is to try and dance all the variations on a move I could remember -- probably not terribly flowing, but it did mean there was a bit of variation.

    (thinks: "neckbreak") leads: Neckbreak, False Neckbreak, Open Neckbreak, Neckbreak Waltz, Neckbreak Butterfly...
    (aha, thinks "butterfly") leads: Butterfly, Reverse Butterfly...

    Okay, okay -- good for practicing your lead and follow, but not terribly great in terms of musicality, etc. (At least it was better than some of my first efforts:
    (thinks: "first move") leads: first move
    (thinks: "must be something else I can remember") leads: first move
    (thinks: "what did we do at the last class") leads: first move
    (thinks: "oh yeah, there was that really good move, but I can't remember how to get the hands right") leads: first move


  4. #24
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    Originally posted by spindr
    I hesitate a bit to suggest it -- but one idea I have used in the past is to try and dance all the variations on a move I could remember -- probably not terribly flowing, but it did mean there was a bit of variation.

    (thinks: "neckbreak") leads: Neckbreak, False Neckbreak, Open Neckbreak, Neckbreak Waltz, Neckbreak Butterfly...
    (aha, thinks "butterfly") leads: Butterfly, Reverse Butterfly...

    Okay, okay -- good for practicing your lead and follow, but not terribly great in terms of musicality, etc. (At least it was better than some of my first efforts:
    (thinks: "first move") leads: first move
    (thinks: "must be something else I can remember") leads: first move
    (thinks: "what did we do at the last class") leads: first move
    (thinks: "oh yeah, there was that really good move, but I can't remember how to get the hands right") leads: first move

    That first move is a goodie, I probably put it in about 4 or 5 times, but always with a different variation.

  5. #25
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    These days I find that I stick my hand out and the rest of me just follows whatever the arm decides to do

    I do try and think of moves but my arms move morequickly than the rest of me - including the brain ( no surprise to those who know me)

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by Bill
    I do try and think of moves but my arms move morequickly than the rest of me - including the brain ( no surprise to those who know me)
    ladies... you have no idea how slowly he can make that arm move

  7. #27
    Registered User Jon's Avatar
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    Re: Repeat Moves?

    Originally posted by gtman
    Then I sit down and think, darn why didn't I do 'That move' thinking of one of my other 16.
    So, is this normal. Or should I have a clear idea what moves/routine I'm going to do with each Girl. Does each girl expect different moves, or is repeating OK?
    This is exactly what I used to do as a beginner and still do today 2.5 years later. It's not the number of moves you know its how well they are executed and how smoothly the links are. Ladies love smooth links

    As for thinking why didn't I do that move, just do it in the next dance. Even now I see people do moves I'd forgoten about and seeing them reminds me so in the next dance I do. Try watching people dance just to learn how they execute moves you already know then try it, it's an easy way of doing the same move but doing it slightly differently.

  8. #28
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Originally posted by spindr
    (At least it was better than some of my first efforts:
    (thinks: "first move") leads: first move
    (thinks: "must be something else I can remember") leads: first move
    (thinks: "what did we do at the last class") leads: first move
    (thinks: "oh yeah, there was that really good move, but I can't remember how to get the hands right") leads: first move
    That sounds like an exact description of what is going through some the guys heads in our class... you can see the look of concentration and then the slight annoyance as they realise they haven't got started the move they wanted to do and have just done the first move or catapult again. It must be frustrating and I'm sure it holds some back. Glad I'm a girl.

    Guys, even if you only dance a few moves, and even if you get stuck in a two move loop for a few repeats - us girls are enjoying the dance with you anyway!

  9. #29
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    Re: Repeat Moves?

    Originally posted by gtman
    Hi all,

    Then I sit down and think, darn why didn't I do 'That move' thinking of one of my other 16.
    So, is this normal. Or should I have a clear idea what moves/routine I'm going to do with each Girl. Does each girl expect different moves, or is repeating OK?

    That's how I usually feel after a competition ...have aa number of moves in my head that I really want to do then the music starts and bang..............they all disappear and I do my 'favourite' dozen moves and look like a terrified rabbit ..and I have that on video to prove it ( unfortunately !!!)

  10. #30
    Registered User gtman's Avatar
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    I Like what JON had to say about watching people to remind you of what moves to do in the next dance.
    Trouble is, when I watch people they tend to do some moves I aint seen before and I think, woh, how did he do that.
    Its especially scary when the girl you just danced with is something like a year ahead of you. You see her in the next dance with someone else and think boy she must have found my attempts really boring.

  11. #31
    Registered User ChrisA's Avatar
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    Originally posted by gtman
    Its especially scary when the girl you just danced with is something like a year ahead of you. You see her in the next dance with someone else and think boy she must have found my attempts really boring.
    Gary, save yourself a lot of heartache, and stop worrying about moves.

    If you know 26 of them, that is pretty good going after 5 months.

    - Do you dance them in time with the music 100% of the time?
    - Do you lead them accurately, adapting your lead to your partners' ability to follow, with no excessive force at any time?
    - Can you abort one of the 26 and turn it into something simpler instantly if the lady is a beginner and fails to follow?
    - Do you listen to the music, and start and finish moves at the start and end of phrases respectively?

    There are lots of other things like this to worry about before worrying about more moves.

    Honest, mate. Work on what really gives the ladies pleasure on the dance floor - and for the most part, it ain't more and then yet more moves.

    Or so I'm told

    Last edited by ChrisA; 4th-February-2004 at 01:42 PM.

  12. #32
    Registered User spindr's Avatar
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    Make it your own move

    Well, one idea is to find a move that you're really comfortable with and then try and make it your own -- doesn't have to be hard just something that's a bit different. This gives you a few of advantages straight away:
    1). it'll be in your favourite top ten.
    2). easy for *you* to do.
    3). something different for your partner.
    oh and bonus points if you can get a smile doing it...
    ...the octuple-return may be in your top ten and easy for you, and it's probably memorable for yor follower -- but maybe not for the right reasons.

    Hard to know which moves you find easy, but maybe just lead your follower to walk around you in a big circle for 4/8 beats (some people call this a round-the-world?) while you do something original in the centre of the circle on the spot. Be cool and snap your fingers, or caper about insanely doing "crazy legs" (that's me ), or turn the opposite direction under your own hand, or just rotate in the same direction as your partner "admiring the view". [Alternatively, just steal moves from dancers at far-flung venues and then dance them back at your local club.]

    And then once you've got one original-style move, then why not two...


  13. #33
    Registered User gtman's Avatar
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    - - Do you dance them in time with the music 100% of the time?
    - Do you lead them accurately, adapting your lead to your partners' ability to follow, with no excessive force at any time?
    - Can you abort one of the 26 and turn it into something simpler instantly if the lady is a beginner and fails to follow?
    - Do you listen to the music, and start and finish moves at the start and end of phrases respectively?

    ahhhhh, now I'm even more scared
    Nah, just kidding.
    Sure I do all of the above, or at least try. at least the music is easier to follow than salsa stuff.

  14. #34
    Registered User ChrisA's Avatar
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    Originally posted by gtman
    Sure I do all of the above, or at least try. at least the music is easier to follow than salsa stuff.
    Well just chill then, and enjoy.

    If you can do all that lot after five months, you have no problems. I'd still be inclined to concentrate on musicality and all it involves (not that I'm any kind of authority on it) than more and more moves. You'll learn plenty of them quite naturally.

    Oh yeah - and ask the good dancers to dance. As often as you can.


  15. #35
    Registered User bobgadjet's Avatar
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    Originally posted by DavidB
    I probably started about 50 Yoyos and 50 First Moves last night, and maybe finished 5 of each.
    That sounds like my type of dancing.
    Yes all thsi is just so right.
    There can be, maybe, 40 or so moves that would be able to be done to one tune, BUT would they fit the frame of the music.
    It would be better to do a few moves well, and hit those breaks, or maybe finish well, than do loads of moves that just dont fit in with the framing of the tune IMO.

  16. #36
    Registered User Jon's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ChrisA
    Oh yeah - and ask the good dancers to dance. As often as you can.
    I'm scared now! This is still hard to do after 2.5 years!

  17. #37
    Registered User Yogi_Bear's Avatar
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    Originally posted by jivecat
    I don't know the name of the move but he sort of ducks under his own arm and looks rather like a man drowning. I know that doesn't make any sense!
    I don't know if he reads the forum or not- I might be in trouble next time he sees me! Honestly, **** I love it, really!
    That sounds like a move usually known as the half nelson. Not one I would recommend for freestyle, but then I've been mistaken before.

    To echo what has been said already, about 10 moves is a pretty good basis. You can add variations to these and try altering them subtly depending on gthe music, your partner, and the space you're dancing in. It isn't about knowing lots of flashy looking moves - it's about dancing tghe simple ones well.

  18. #38
    Registered User gtman's Avatar
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    Yip, Thats what the dance teachers keep telling me.
    Just get to know a few moves and do em well.
    add an extra one now and then when I feel comfortable with them.
    In fact a dance teacher told me the other day she'd be quite happy just doing 4 moves all night as long as they are done well.
    Think I can manage a few more than that.

    Its true what they tell beginners at this stuff. You think you'll never get it then it suddenly clicks and you find you have got it.
    So all you other beginners out there, KEEP at it. Its great fun.

  19. #39
    Registered User spindr's Avatar
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    Remembering more moves

    Well, one technique I realised I've been using for Salsa is to stop panicking about individual moves -- rather build some nice sequences of say 5 moves that flow well together and slot those together. You get some guarantee that at least bits of the dance will flow, you don't have to remember so many individual bits, etc., etc.


  20. #40
    Registered User gtman's Avatar
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    ah well, I've been having big problems with Salsa.
    Got to the point now where I do the lessons in clubs then sit the rest of the night to scared to get up.
    Been learning it for about 9 months (once a week) so I should know lots of moves. But I find I still cant seem to dance it. Its just something about following the flow of the music. If it has a flow. Maybe its just me. Or maybe its the dance school I go too. I'm about to switch to a new one who teach in a lot of the clubs up here. Maybe they can show me where I'm going wrong.

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