A young lad went up to his Great Grandma and asked
"Gramps, where do babies come from?"
She replied "Have you asked your Dad?
He said no, so she replied
"Babies are made in Heaven", and he went away confused.

Next day he asked his Grandad
"Grandad, where do babies come from?"
He asked if the lad had asked his Dad. When he said no he got the reply
"They are brought by the fairies"
The lad went away more confused.

Next morning over breakfast he asks his Mum
"Mum, where do babies come from?"
She asks if he had asked his Dad, and puzzled he replied "NO".
She then said"The stork brings them"

So he gets packed off to school with the little girl from next door, and walked along the road kicking the leaves but not saying anything, with a sorrowfull look on his face.

She asks him "whats up with you, you're very quiet today?"
"I've got worries" he replies.
"you're just eight years old, what worries could you have?"
"It's my family" he said
"Whats wrong with them?" she enquires
"The last three generations have been unnatural births ! ! !"