I'm with Virgin, and while my nominal speed is 20Mb/s, quite often I find it is considerably less than this - mostly due to the volume of users who are with Virgin in my village. Unfortunately you will find this with BT or Virgin - it's a bit of a lottery as to how many people you get lumped in with who happen to use the internet a lot.
In terms of customer service, my experience with Virgin is also very poor in this regard - every time I've had to phone them about a problem I've ended up with someone on the other end of the line I could barely understand reading through a script and not really understanding the questions I was actually asking them, nor telling me anything that actually helped me.
If you don't have to contact their CS, and you don't care much about fast speeds, then Virgin is probably fine. But let's just say: If BT Infinity comes to my village, I will be sprinting away faster than Usain Bolt...