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Thread: beginner 2 intermed.

  1. #1
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    beginner 2 intermed.

    Looking for advice, i have had 10 lessons and also went to the beginners workshop in Glasgow earlier this month, at what point did anyone feel ready to move up from beginners to intermediate, i have heard it can be a bit of a step up. I think i have a handle on most (not all ) of the steps i have been trying, would be good to try something a bit more advanced but don't want to run before i can walk, thots ??

    Ta, Rookie.

  2. #2
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    Re: beginner 2 intermed.

    Personally Rookie if you think you 'have a handle' on most of the steps I would go for it,because if my experience is anything to go by there are lots of individuals doing intermediate classes who certainly cant lay claim to 'having a handle' on anything.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Minnie M's Avatar
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    Re: beginner 2 intermed.

    You said 10 classes - but how much freestyle ???

    It is sooooooo important to do the freestyles, not only between and after the classes, but also to attend to freestyle dances.

    When you feel comfortable dancing with a variety of followers, then you are ready to move on.

    Try a weekender, they are so much fun

    Age is a question of mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter
    Leroy (Satchel) Paige (1906-1982)

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    That date is recognized as her official birthday.

  4. #4
    Not a spoon! Lou's Avatar
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    I agree with Minnie. If you're comfortable dancing most beginner moves in freestyle, then it's time to try Intermediates.

    You're right that it's a big step up, though, so don't get disheartened if you find you struggle. The vast majority of us have been there. If I had one tip, it would be to try to learn and take away just one move from the routine to start with. Good luck.

  5. #5
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    Re: beginner 2 intermed.

    When I was a beginner I was told do 6 revision classes after the beginners’ class and then try the intermediate. When I first tried the intermediate I did find it a bit daunting but I stuck with it.

    From a personal point of view I would never have gone to a freestyle night only with just beginner classes behind me. I would have found that too scary but maybe that’s just me. It all seemed so daunting back in the day just about the point I’m at now with tango and WCS.

    One thing that I do realise now is – it’s supposed to be fun.

    Good luck and enjoy your dancing

  6. #6
    Registered User gamebird's Avatar
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    Re: beginner 2 intermed.

    Quote Originally Posted by djtrev View Post
    Personally Rookie if you think you 'have a handle' on most of the steps I would go for it,because if my experience is anything to go by there are lots of individuals doing intermediate classes who certainly cant lay claim to 'having a handle' on anything.
    I agree djtrev but that doesn't mean that Rookie should be another one of them!!

    I'd listen to the advice above and just try it when you feel ready - if you really think you can't cope once you're tried it, you can always stop doing them again for a few weeks (but I bet you don't )

    Try asking your taxi dancers too, they'll have a pretty good idea how you're doing and whether you're ready for it.

    Happy dancing

  7. #7
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    Re: beginner 2 intermed.

    Give it a go. If it's too difficult, give it another go. If it's still too difficult, wait another couple of weeks then give it another go.

    The first few intermediate classes will be hard. The rest will be fine.

    If possible, try intermediate classes at different venues - my first one was an utter nightmare, but then I tried one at a different venue and was fine with it. A couple more there, and the original venue suddenly became manageable.

    It will go wrong, it will be uncomfortable and you will feel awful about it. In about 5 weeks time you'll be looking forward to them - it is a big step up, but giving it a go is the best way to make it.

    All of which merely adds to the advice already given, which is all good - especially the fun bit

  8. #8
    Registered User Lost Leader's Avatar
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    Re: beginner 2 intermed.

    This thread has a lot of useful advice in it;

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