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  1. #1
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    Which dance trainers?

    I know dance trainers/ sneakers have been discussed before but not for a while and as there are loads of different brands/types/ styles I was wondering which sort people prefer?
    I hurt my ankle recently so was thinking of trying some but there is so much choice Ive no idea where to start.


  2. #2
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Blochs are the ones most people go for.

    I'm not sure whether they provide extra ankle support or not, however, I'd check with a professional before buying...

  3. #3
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    I have a pair of Blocks
    and a couple of pairs of Vida Dance Shoes by David Venney
    both are very comfortable. and support the foot well. The latter look a bit more stylish
    Tip, if you off for a weekend ,do not take new shoes
    both of the above needed wearing in

  4. #4
    Omnipotent Moderator Tiggerbabe's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Aris Allen have a wide selection, friends who have them, really like them, so worth a look.
    Porselli also have a wide selection of trainers, and sell different brands, so you might find something there.

    I agree with David, not sure they provide any extra ankle support, so I would advise checking, too.
    "If you rebel against high heels, take care to do so in a very smart hat.'' George Bernard Shaw

  5. #5
    Commercial Operator Gus's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Personally I would avoid Blochs and similar split sole shoes unless you have a dance background. In the early 2000's EVERYONE got a pair because the instructors had adopted them. The problem was they aren't that stable, especially in spins, and lots of people I know (me included) have damaged their ankles as a result. Then again ... I am a rather unbalanced dancer

  6. #6
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiggerbabe View Post
    Aris Allen have a wide selection, friends who have them, really like them, so worth a look.
    I used to recommend Aris Allens wholeheartedly, but they seem to have quality issues nowadays, and while the trainer-style versions are extremely comfortable, and great to dance in, I know quite a few people who've had the things fall apart on them not that long after purchase. No longer a fan.

    Fully agree with Rocky about split soled trainers. Avoid.

    Getting your own suedes done as Rocky suggests is a very good way to go. Or, for a truly lo-tech solution, simply stick gaffer tape on the soles of your favourite trainers, and you're away - you'll probably need to replenish the tape every time you go dancing, but it works well. I've used this approach before, and I know quite a few others who do the same, either as a stop-gap, or even for their main pair of "dancing" shoes.

  7. #7
    Commercial Operator Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat View Post
    Or, for a truly lo-tech solution, simply stick gaffer tape on the soles of your favourite trainers, and you're away - you'll probably need to replenish the tape every time you go dancing, but it works well. I've used this approach before, and I know quite a few others who do the same, either as a stop-gap, or even for their main pair of "dancing" shoes.
    What better recommendation is there that this is also in fact Lucky Skillen's preferred method of creating a slippery sole on his shoes!

  8. #8
    Commercial Operator Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Blochs ruined my feet and I know of a number of other people who have had the same problem. Because they have no supported arch the increased pressure on the ball of the foot (depending on how you move) can crush two small bones that lie under there where a nerve runs through - this feels like someone stabbing a knife into your foot.

    I had to go to see a specialist and now have to wear orthotics in all my shoes, dancing or otherwise, to correct the problem.

    Since then I have bought trainers/shoes that are stylish (IMO!) and comfortable to wear and simply had suede dance soles stuck to the bottom of them. Most good cobblers can do this for you (although they normally have to order the suede in) and it costs around £10 - £15 per pair.

    Apart from that, wearing any shoe that doesn't have a supported arch looks like you have your feet on the wrong way around and can lead to the sartorial disaster of women wearing them with ankle socks and dresses.. or men wearing them with black socks and shorts...

  9. #9
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Another vote for "avoid them" - the lack of support doesn't lend itself to MJ. I agree with Rocky on this one get a pair of comfortable trainers (or shoes come to that) & get them adapted.
    tiggerbabe mentioned Aris Allen - also concur since my wife loves her sneakers

  10. #10
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    As a matter of interest does no-one wear "dance shoes" any more?

    I bought my black and white, leather soled, wooden healed ones in 1998. I have replaced the soles once, never had an injury in them and can't see myself trading them for anything else.

    What are the advantages if any of these trainers?

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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Since then I have bought trainers/shoes that are stylish (IMO!) and comfortable to wear and simply had suede dance soles stuck to the bottom of them. Most good cobblers can do this for you (although they normally have to order the suede in) and it costs around £10 - £15 per pair.
    Yeah that.

    Got 2 wicked pairs of Puma trainers, a white pair I had done by a cobbler, and a Pele Brasil green/yellow pair where I bought and glued the suede soles myself, although the ones I did myself need re-gluing from time to time especially if I leave them in the boot of my car when it's very cold.

    When I first started dancing I bought a pair of Bloch Stealth and they were rubbish for spinning.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Minnie M's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    I'm anti Blochs too

    We all have different shaped feet, so our choices will differ - I'm an Aris Allen fan but used to wear Freemans split soles (I have wide feet and a high instep)

    BUT it is really really important to choose wsely or the dreaded Planter Fasciitis might catch you out - as many of us know

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  13. #13
    Registered User ant's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Originally Posted by Rocky
    Blochs ruined my feet and I know of a number of other people who have had the same problem. Because they have no supported arch the increased pressure on the ball of the foot (depending on how you move) can crush two small bones that lie under there where a nerve runs through - this feels like someone stabbing a knife into your foot.
    Originally Posted by clevedonboy
    Another vote for "avoid them" - the lack of support doesn't lend itself to MJ
    Originally Posted by Straycat
    Fully agree with Rocky about split soled trainers. Avoid.
    Thanks for the warning and your confirmations of that warning.

    I was speaking to a teacher yesterday and although she wears Blochs during her daytime dancing for foot protection she felt that they were not particularly suitable for dancing generally as they do not glide over the floor very well. I don't she is aware and I certainly was not aware that they could cause long term injury.

    The reason I wore them was because they they had a thick heel and so protected the part of my foot that I felt was most vunerable for me.

    Based upon the posts here it appears that I should buy a pair of trainers and for me those designed for running to get the heel protection and have dance soles put on. Does anybody see a problem with this?

  14. #14
    Not a spoon! Lou's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Blochs ruined my feet and I know of a number of other people who have had the same problem. Because they have no supported arch the increased pressure on the ball of the foot (depending on how you move) can crush two small bones that lie under there where a nerve runs through - this feels like someone stabbing a knife into your foot.
    I'm glad you posted that. For years I've had dreadful cramps in my feet whilst wearing the Blochs. I assumed it's down to my very high arches, but I'm now wondering if it's far more common.

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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    Blochs ruined my feet and I know of a number of other people who have had the same problem. Because they have no supported arch the increased pressure on the ball of the foot (depending on how you move) can crush two small bones that lie under there where a nerve runs through - this feels like someone stabbing a knife into your foot.

    I had to go to see a specialist and now have to wear orthotics in all my shoes, dancing or otherwise, to correct the problem.

    Thank you Rocky.I have had this problem for ages and didnt know what was the cause and too damn idle to get it sorted,but it has now got to the stage where I think I need the problem addressing.

  16. #16
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    I've got a pair of Aris Allen sneakers which are really light and pretty comfortable but the best shoes I have for weekender daytime dancing (and when my feet ache) are cuban heeled practice shoes a bit like this (but mine are plain leather not perforated)

    I've also got a pair of these - they are girl's shoes but go up to a size 8 - bonus is that they're cheaper and have a lower heel so are really comfy. I just cut off the t-bar strap

  17. #17
    Commercial Operator Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by djtrev View Post
    Thank you Rocky.I have had this problem for ages and didnt know what was the cause and too damn idle to get it sorted,but it has now got to the stage where I think I need the problem addressing.
    Don't let it get too bad - mine got to the point where I couldn't actually put pressure on my left foot at all and the resulting professionally made orthotics cost me £250 to alleviate the problem..

  18. #18
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by philsmove View Post
    and a couple of pairs of Vida Dance Shoes by David Venney
    These are wonderful. My all-time favourite dance shoes.

  19. #19
    Omnipotent Moderator Tiggerbabe's Avatar
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat View Post
    These are wonderful. My all-time favourite dance shoes.
    Yeah, but they don't seem to do any for the girls, the smallest is a size 7
    "If you rebel against high heels, take care to do so in a very smart hat.'' George Bernard Shaw

  20. #20
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    Re: Which dance trainers?

    Hmm, I'm surprised/worried by the comments about the lack of support from Blochs. I've always danced in Bloch dansneakers (or however they try to spell it) and found them to be supportive of the arch of my foot. I rarely have aching feet at the end of a night, but are there other problems developing that I'm not noticing yet?

    I'm put off of most dance shoes because of the heel. I absolutely cannot balance on high or pointed heels. I definitely need a platform style shoe, but I've never seen any that aren't sneakers. I also don't like showing my feet, but you'd look silly wearing most women's dance shoes without socks and I don't like strappy shoes either.

    Yeah, I'm picky...

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