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Thread: If Anyone is Interested.....

  1. #1
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    If Anyone is Interested.....

    The full moon this week marks the 2600th year of Buddhism.

    My father was a Sri Lankan Buddhist and my mother an English Christian. I went to a COE primary school on London and a COE boarding school nr Chipping Norton in Oxfordshire. But since leavinhg school I have not formally practiced any religion.

    There are of course 3 things one should never discuss: Politics, Religion and the Media (or are those the 3 greatest evils, I forget).

    Anyway considering Buddhism is not a religion and does have the most logical ideas......

    ..... Is there a discussion here?

  2. #2
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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    In a word NOOOOOOO

  3. #3
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Buddhism covers most of the criteria that define "religion", so why isn't it one?

  4. #4
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    er...but yes, what Trev said

  5. #5
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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    Anyway considering Buddhism is not a religion and does have the most logical ideas......

    ..... Is there a discussion here?
    Most relegions help you live a better life. My advice to Prian - get one!

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by djtrev View Post
    In a word NOOOOOOO
    Worth a try.

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadful Scathe View Post
    Buddhism covers most of the criteria that define "religion", so why isn't it one?
    Well most 'religions require a belief in a deity either monotheistically or like Hinduism with its 330 million gods. In Buddhism there is no god or any requirement to believe in god. In fact Buddha's last teaching (I'll refer to soon), suggests the opposite.

    Personally I find his first law and his last the most poignant.

    Buddha's first teaching/law says something like (the exact words are lost to time as no-one is sure what language he spoke in); Do not do this because I am telling you, or your parents tell you or your teacher, your friends or even your priest. Do this because you want to, and because you have looked into it and you think it is right for you.

    When on his 'death bed' one disciple asked him who they should follow after he dies. He said no-one, you follow my Dhama (teachings). I am not a god he went on. Do not worship me or build temples to me or build statues of me. Because if this happens it will distract people from what I have said. And people should read what I have said themselves and literally as I have said them, because men will take my words and change them for their own ends.

    Buddhism is spiritual, but not classically a religion (though it may have been turned into one (especially here in Sri Lanka where they would have you believe they are the most Buddhist people.

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    Most relegions help you live a better life. My advice to Prian - get one!
    Actually I think that most religions try to prepare you for a better life after you die.

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    Well most 'religions require a belief in a deity either monotheistically or like Hinduism with its 330 million gods.
    Most religions are built around mono- or polytheism, but that doesn't mean belief in a god or gods is a requirement for religion. Religion is defined on as:

    "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs."

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    Well most 'religions require a belief in a deity either monotheistically or like Hinduism with its 330 million gods.
    and yet on most forms, you can still choose Buddhism as a religion?
    Come to think of it, Scientology doesn't have any deities does it? and yet they are a religion (in certain countries and states).

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    Most relegions help you live a better life.
    A relegion? Sounds like something a football team would adopt during a losing streak.

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Mike View Post
    Most religions are built around mono- or polytheism, but that doesn't mean belief in a god or gods is a requirement for religion. Religion is defined on as:

    "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs."
    Buddhism does relate to morals of sorts but that is it from that definition. It is not concerned with the purpose of the universe, creation, superhuman agencies and there are no devotional and very few ritual observances

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    There are of course 3 things one should never discuss: Politics, Religion and the Media (or are those the 3 greatest evils, I forget).
    Politics, religion and SEX, dear, not to be discussed in polite society. Doesn't leave much of any interest, does it?

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by jivecat View Post
    Politics, religion and SEX, dear, not to be discussed in polite society. Doesn't leave much of any interest, does it?

  15. #15
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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    Actually I think that most religions try to prepare you for a better life after you die.
    Most religions tell you how to live your life with the promise of a better life after you die.

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by jivecat View Post
    Politics, religion and SEX, dear, not to be discussed in polite society. Doesn't leave much of any interest, does it?
    We did politics with the AV debate.

    Now we're doing religion.

    I want SEX!

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    Most religions tell you how to live your life with the promise of a better life after you die.
    Fair enough. Except Buddhism, while telling you how to live your life, it is to ensure that there is nothing after you die. That is to say, the whole point of attaining enlightenment is that there is no more rebirth and therefore no more suffering.

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    Fair enough. Except Buddhism, while telling you how to live your life, it is to ensure that there is nothing after you die. That is to say, the whole point of attaining enlightenment is that there is no more rebirth and therefore no more suffering.
    I must eat some humble pie here.

    I have just discussed Buddha and rebirth with my cousin who has written an award winning book on the Buddha (currently a favourite on fb).

    He told me that when the Buddha was actually asked about the next life he paused for a while (a rare occurrence that are even known as his speechless moments). After a while though he replied, "You do not have the ability to understand, only when you have achieved Buddhahood will you be able to comrehend what I have to say, so I will say no more on the matter."

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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    "You do not have the ability to understand, only when you have achieved Buddhahood will you be able to comrehend what I have to say, so I will say no more on the matter."
    Don't take this the wrong way (I've read a fair bit about Buddhism and have a lot of respect for its teachings) but that particular quote reeks of snobbery to me. Not what I would have expected from the Buddha!

    Or am I just jealous?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    I want SEX!
    So go ahead and start said discussion (but on a different thread)
    Or are you not talking about discussion - are you actually lamenting an enforced celibacy?

  20. #20
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: If Anyone is Interested.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    Well most 'religions require a belief in a deity either monotheistically or like Hinduism with its 330 million gods. In Buddhism there is no god or any requirement to believe in god.
    So its an athestic religion then.

    Buddhism is spiritual, but not classically a religion (though it may have been turned into one (especially here in Sri Lanka where they would have you believe they are the most Buddhist people.

    Being "spiritual"? Thats classic religion that is

    Quote Originally Posted by Prian View Post
    Actually I think that most religions try to prepare you for a better life after you die.
    I think most religions try and make you feel better about death.

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