For the first time ever, I’ve just received a request for feedback from Cerocabout the Swinging the Blues event. Received an email with a link to an online survey where I could fill in comments on what I thought of the event. Anyone else get it?
Fantastic innovationI hope that this is something that they will do more of, on a regular basis. I’ve long thought that Ceroc could improve their already good product by asking for feedback, but there has never been a platform for it. You could only do it by talking to an individual teacher or organiser and hoping it would filter through.
Anyone else get this survey? Or for any other events? Let’s just hope that they act on their findings!
Swingy in the swing room, miserable in the blues room and fantastic upstairs in the room Marc and Rachel were in where I ended up. They should have been downstairs in the usual blues room as it was bigger and it was too crowded upstairs. I quite enjoyed it, though my balance was off so I wasn't dancing particularly well. My first time at this event. Glad it was only the cost of a normal freestyle though or I'd have been disappointed.
Have just checked. I didn't get a feedback form. I would have loved a micro blues class or two during the day, but I got quite a lot of private tuition at night
I agree with Twirly in that the upstairs room was best for music, though I did venture downstairs to that blues room for a couple of really nice dances (missed a lot of people too though
) Hardly spent any time in the main room. If I have the option to dance blues I will
Cheers WT
I've just checked the website and upatairs was called "Essence" and was supposed to be a range of eclectic tracks and expressive music.
The blues room was just playing dirges whenever I went in there - and with my balance issues, that sloping floor was playing havoc with me. So I avoided it. Others were clearly quite happy as it was quite busy. Am pleased to report that all floors were suitably non-sticky![]()
Well, I liked what was being played on the whole, but apart from that, not a clue - ask Marc or Rachel how they fulfilled the requirements?
Whatever floats your boat
(Makes note to stock ipod with lots of cheerful music in March.)
I guess that no-one else received this then... I suddenly feel very importantBe interesting to see if they do it after any other events, particularly weekenders.
When I travelled down to london last time, I went to an HMS President tea dance. They didn't want my opinion then either
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