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Thread: Partial shoulder dislocation.

  1. #1
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    Partial shoulder dislocation.

    I’m about to go out of my mind.......again.
    After nursing several minors sprain, strains and a cracked bone for the last three months (none caused by dancing), I’d just got back that heavenly place....the dance floor. Only to be felled again by the flippin ice that’s been blanketing this island of ours.
    Does anyone have any experience of right shoulder dislocations? How long to get back on the floor, how long before it’s back to yeehaaa, full steam ahead and auto pilot? Is there anything that can be done to aid mending?
    I’m told it’s a mild one, but it doesn’t feel like it. I understand that we’re all different and no two cases are the same, but anyone’s experience would be a comfort....I hope.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  2. #2
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: Partial shoulder dislocation.

    Its funny that you should write about this as a weird thing happened to me on holiday..

    I've had a painful shoulder for about 6-8 weeks. It wasn't painful 'all' the time but certain movements had become excruciating, like stretching up or reaching forward.
    I don't remember doing anything in particular, it just seemed to happen and after 6 weeks of no improvement and hardly any dancing, I was starting to get a bit concerned that it was the start of something a bit sinister.

    Anyway, on holiday, it got worse, to the point I had to use the other arm to lift it up and then, all of a sudden, my niece came up to me without me noticing and to get my attention, she yanked my arm (pretty hard) and low and behold, something clunked and it instantly felt better!

    So, maybe I'd had a partial dislocation and knew nothing about it

    I'm not recommending you get any old random person to yank your arm but maybe a professional could snap it back in?
    "If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine

  3. #3
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    Re: Partial shoulder dislocation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lory View Post

    I'm not recommending you get any old random person to yank your arm but maybe a professional could snap it back in?
    Many commiserations to both! I would definitely recommend physiotherapy from personal experience. If you keep going back to your GP and tell them you've already done the rest/painkillers combo they might sigh heavily and give you a physio appointment just to get you out of the surgery!

  4. #4
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    Re: Partial shoulder dislocation.

    I actually started Modern Jive when I had a shoulder injury which stopped me fencing. I'd gone over the handlebars of my mountain bike in a race and done something painful to my shoulder which meant that, even after 3 months of rest I still couldn't fully extend my arm to lunge in an attack.

    I was invited to a jive class by a friend of my wife and found it seemed to help my shoulder. I'd have said that Modern Jive as part of my physio.

    If I was advising someone at my own classes with a shoulder injury I'd actually say they should get the advice of their doctor before dancing. But that's to cover myself in terms of liability. My pragmatic advice is to make up your own mind and, while taking into account what your doctor said, do what you feel is right for you. Having said that, if what you are doing causes any pain, stop immediately.

    Due to the age group we have coming to MJ we have a number of people returning after injuries, operations, heart attacks, strokes, etc, etc. I have a policy with these on-the-mend individuals. I tell them to come dancing and don't pay us a penny. I tell them that they should ease themselves back into it and stop as soon as they feel any pain, etc, even if that's half-way through the first track. The reason I don't want them to pay is that I don't want them to feel any pressure to get their money's worth. I ask them to decide when they should start paying. So far I've not had one person abuse this offer.
    Last edited by Andy McGregor; 14th-January-2010 at 01:15 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Partial shoulder dislocation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rich View Post
    I’m about to go out of my mind.......again.
    After nursing several minors sprain, strains and a cracked bone for the last three months (none caused by dancing), I’d just got back that heavenly place....the dance floor. Only to be felled again by the flippin ice that’s been blanketing this island of ours.
    Snap! (pun intended)

    I reckon I must have turned in the nano second I had, to avoid landing on my spine. Mine's the left shoulder, luckily.

    Haven't tested it out yet, but think it's only the pretzels and windmills I'll need to refuse the invitation of? The lead invites the follow to follow each move ....true?

    The pain comes on when I'm putting on my coat - that area of the shoulder.

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