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Thread: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

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  1. #1
    Dickie Davies' love-child Cruella's Avatar
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    SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    OK, I've got the Mac and now I want to start a new hobby, photography! I also have Photoshop Elements and now I want to buy a second hand digital SLR, but everyone I speak to has a different view on the 'best' make/model to buy within my budget.
    I don't really want to go above £300-£400 for a body and one lens. Just the basic starter camera but I also don't want to end up thinking in 6 months time, I need to upgrade!
    Help from any 'David Bailey' types would be appreciated.
    I've been looking at some second hand Canon EOS 400D (I can't afford the 500D unfortunately) any thoughts?

  2. #2
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    Well, I have half hour to kill at work before I can leave so why not.

    The "body & lens" setup isn't the only option, there's also the fixed lens + add-ons option; but there are 2 schools of thought regarding that and beginners gear.

    The purists will poo-poo the fixed lens option, however, the advent of digital cameras should have killed that off (but it hasn't).

    The point is, getting dirt, dust and grit in the body.
    In the days of film, a bit of grit would ruin the current exposure, then move off with the film; However, a bit of grit on your sensor means all of your snaps from then on are ruined. Also, cleaning grit off a sensor isn't simple and could result in permanent damage if you're not careful.

    A fixed lens DSLR can't get anything in the body, therefore it isn't an issue.

    The downside, is that they are slightly less flexible WRT lens option, however, I think for a beginner that doesn't matter so much.

    Probably less model-specific advice than you wanted, but I hope it helps (FWIW, I have an old Olympus E-10 which I got a few years ago from ebay for about £150. Old but I still use it).

  3. #3
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    My opinion is that you pay for the name a bit with some brands, Canon, for example.

    When I've got a bit of spare cash my money will be spent on a Pentax. They're much better value for money than some of the 'expensive' brands.

    I also happen to have three 'manual' lenses that will fit from my P30 film camera so it's a no-brainer for me.

    I already have a fairly standard zoom lens, a telescopic zoom, and an extreme-wide-angle lens (not quite fish-eye, but almost). I've taken some great pictures with the extreme-wide-angle lens. The telescopic zoom is my least useful lens of the three.

    I don't think dust on the sensor needs to be an issue when changing lenses. The Pentax I want vibrates the sensor to make any dust fall onto a sticky pad underneath. The ability to move the sensor is also what allows for the image-stabilisation (anti-shake) feature.

    Let us know which one you choose (and if it's any good!)

    This website has loads of digital camera reviews, check prices elsewhere though as some of them look out of date.
    Last edited by Bubble; 27th-November-2009 at 05:44 PM. Reason: Added link to what digital camera website

  4. #4
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruella View Post
    I've been looking at some second hand Canon EOS 400D (I can't afford the 500D unfortunately) any thoughts?
    Well - I have the 350D, and quite simply, I love it. It's a wonderful little camera. OK - so it's not that little, but it's still wonderful. I'm not going to do a full-blown review - there's enough of those online from far more knowledgable folk than me, but I'm happy to answer any specific questions about it.

  5. #5
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    Decide if you want Nikon or Canon ( or what ever ) by looking at accessories and lenses you might want to buy at a later date

    i just love the Nikon CLS flash set up and the fact, even the very latest Nikon cameras, can still use most lenses made 40 years ago ( great if you want to buy a S/H specialist macro lens on e bay)

    See if you like the "feel" of the camera (I have been a Nikon fan for over 40 years)

    I would recommend looking at a Nikon D70s
    They still sell well on e bay, so if you do want to upgrade later to say a D90
    you should get a similar price to what you paid
    Last edited by philsmove; 27th-November-2009 at 05:52 PM.

  6. #6
    The Perfect Woman!
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    I've got a Canon 400D and it is certainly good enough for an amateur.
    Have just done a photography course (photos are on facebook Di) and the guy teaching us said that in his opinion Canon or Nikon are the brands to choose - Canon leaning more towards the amateur market (in terms of lens quality, pixels, and various other techno jargon) and Nikon more towards the professional...

    The 400 D was recommended by ESG - that might put you off...

  7. #7
    Dickie Davies' love-child Cruella's Avatar
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    OK, I've managed to get a used Canon EOS 400D for £255! Bargain! (I hope it's all in working order when it arrives)
    I'll be back for some help with technical stuff I expect.

  8. #8
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    I would like a new camera but not sure where to start... not sure if I want something as big as an SLR...

    I saw the Panasonic Lumix G1 on a TV ad last night - as a 'smaller' SLR type camera with lighter lenses.

    Anyone any experience with this camera, or know of other similar 'smaller' cameras?

  9. #9
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruella View Post
    OK, I've managed to get a used Canon EOS 400D for £255! Bargain! (I hope it's all in working order when it arrives)
    That's what our office camera is and I was playing about with it this afternoon - liked it - I currently have no idea what most of the functions do but I was able to play about with different focus and light settings (photographing tinsel and computers!)

    As to the viewfinder - I prefer a viewfinder, even when there is a screen - it just feels a better way to see what you are taking a picture of.

  10. #10
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: SLR Digital Cameras, which one?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cruella View Post
    OK, I've managed to get a used Canon EOS 400D for £255! Bargain!
    I had my first experience of using a Canon yesterday. My Brother-in-law picked up a 350D going cheap and promptly handed it to me to give it a test run, as he's never used an SLR before.

    Anyway, I was really impressed. Its very light and easy to use, although I confess, I didn't go into manual mode at all, as I couldn't be bothered to read the manual

    Anyway, I took this pic as the sun was setting yesterday, which I absolutely love!
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