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Thread: Will you miss snail mail ?

  1. #1
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    Will you miss snail mail ?

    Next week The Communication Workers Union are set to go on strike
    but will it make any difference to you

    Most of my post is junk mail, which goes straight in the recycling box
    or is duplicates of things I have allready received by e mail

  2. #2
    Registered User Feelingpink's Avatar
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    Quote Originally Posted by philsmove View Post
    Next week The Communication Workers Union are set to go on strike
    but will it make any difference to you

    Most of my post is junk mail, which goes straight in the recycling box
    or is duplicates of things I have allready received by e mail
    In a way, it means I get money quicker because so much post has disappeared in the past few months, neither clients nor I trust the post so I'm getting electronic transfers instead of cheques. However, when I want to do something like post invoices, receive a new PIN or contracts ... it's a nightmare. Most post seems to either take one day (first class) or disappear for about 10. An envelope sent recorded delivery between London and Southampton took six working days.

    Given that it costs roughly £5 to send smallish items guaranteed next day delivery and about £12 with DHL (via a third party) which come to my flat & pick up, delivering the next day and it's properly trackable - for a lot of things now it's almost easier to choose a courier firm.

    I'm at the point of sending a letter to the CWU explaining what effect the strikes is having on my business and how I'm turning away from them and am so very pleased that Amazon has taken its business elsewhere (apart from a feeling that it's appropriate, it means I feel safe to order things from Amazon again and have them arrive, perhaps even in a timely manner). The union seems to think it has a right to deciding how Royal Mail is run. Er, no, if you want that, you'll need to set up your own business.

  3. #3
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    In a way the government precipitated the downfall of the Post Office by enabling the profitable sections to be split off from the service areas. For example the Post Office is the only service provider that HAS to be able to deliver to the Outer Hebrides, and used to subsidise this from it's more profitable arms - eg Parcels or the City mail sections. DHL and other couriers might get your parcel to Lewis, but are far less likely to cover these "Rural" areas...

    Pity that Terry Pratchett's Going Postal couldn't be acted out in real life

    I will miss the Post Office - but not for it's substandard service of now... I will be missing the post Office of my Grandparent's time - when according to family lore they managed to deliver a letter correctly to James the Butcher (my grandfather) - I'd like to see them do that now!
    Caio Post Office


  4. #4
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    end of an era

  5. #5
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadful Scathe View Post
    end of an era
    If Royal Mail does disappear then it would seem a rather inglorious ending for an organisation that can trace its history back to the 16th century.

    I normally post between 1-3 items per month, I don't do that much internet shopping so the threatened strikes would be a minor inconvenience to me.

    The way I see it the various stakeholders are:

    The posties - some are resistant to change but they are also used as pawns by the unions
    Post office managers - just want to make more money
    The government - doing quite a good job of distancing themself from the present round of disputes
    The Unions - relishing the action and the chance to show the posties that their subscriptions are not money down the drain
    Small businesses - getting cheesed off and looking for alternatives
    Larger businesses - large enough and strong enough to take their contracts elsewhere (e.g. Amazon)
    Joe Bloggs householder - fed up with getting poor service even when they're not on strike

    If they intend to strike in the run-up to Christmas then it would seem rather a dangerous game to play. Who will back down first and will the wounds inflicted in the fight be fatal? One of the union managers has been bragging about being 'stronger than Scargill', that might turn out to be a comment that is very difficult to retreat from if negotiations hit a brick wall.

    Recent news indicates that the vultures are already circling in the form of companies like TNT.

  6. #6
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    Quote Originally Posted by philsmove View Post
    Next week The Communication Workers Union are set to go on strike
    but will it make any difference to you
    Yes it will. My ebay items (both bought and sold) will run into difficulties and if the PO fails a relatively cheap and very convenient method of sending and receiving parcels will be lost to me.

    Other methods of sending mail will no doubt develop, but I think they will remain more convenient for business use rather than the domestic user. I would be pretty cross if I had to wait in all day for a PIN number to arrive or trek all the way to an out of town depot to pick it up, for example.

  7. #7
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    Quote Originally Posted by jivecat View Post
    Other methods of sending mail will no doubt develop, but I think they will remain more convenient for business use rather than the domestic user. I would be pretty cross if I had to wait in all day for a PIN number to arrive or trek all the way to an out of town depot to pick it up, for example.
    the loss of Parcell force would be missed , my new shoes (from David Vinney of Vidadance) arrived next day thanks to Royal mail )

  8. #8
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    I'll miss the post, I write to my friends all the time (UK and international) and without royal mail its more expensive and far less convenient, Yes I could just email them but personally I like the whole pen paper thing. After the last strike it took 7 weeks before my friend received her letter which although its nothing exciting is a bit frustrating. Plus I'm on one of the love film esk deals so delayed post means I have to find other things to fill my time like posting on the forum and increasing my addiction to facebook.

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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    Quote Originally Posted by philsmove View Post
    the loss of Parcell force would be missed , my new shoes (from David Vinney of Vidadance) arrived next day thanks to Royal mail )
    I posted two parcels yesterday lunchtime via Royal Mail and they arrived this morning, despite the strike.

  10. #10
    Registered User Northants Girly's Avatar
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    Don't think there is a strike on in Northants as I got a few letters and even 3 parcels today

  11. #11
    Registered User Gojive's Avatar
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    I think this sort of action should be stamped out!...

  12. #12
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    Re: Will you miss snail mail ?

    Maybe time to write a letter to your MP....

    I wonder if it will get there.... and when?

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