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Thread: Perth Classes

  1. #1
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    Perth Classes

    I am on a mission!!....I just don't know how i'm going to go about achieving the goal of my mission...

    Thursday night Perth classes just ain't what they used to be...

    Last week, there were not all that many couples on the floor and only 4 women sitting on the side for intermediate!!.... I know!!

    Although I take on 'peoples' points that yes, it is good when it's quiet because then you can have more dances with your 'favourites'....but 9 times out of 10...the 'favourites' ain't there either!!


    Any suggestions or volunteers?? Hahaha!



  2. #2
    Registered User emmylou25's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    It must be a Thursday night thing as I've found the same for a while at the class I go to on Thursdays - numbers are down, or it'll switch between lots of women over then lots of men over. And a lot of the old regulars have stopped coming (doesn't seem that they're swapping to another venue either).

    I'm hoping that now Strictly Come Dancing's back on, people will start to drift back again, plus get lots of newbies in and numbers will get up again. (It also helps that I get my 'favourite' dancers fix on Wednesday evenings to balance out the lack of them on Thursdays).

  3. #3
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    Yeah, that sound's exactly the same with the old regulars just disappearing!!

    Get's to you after a while when your weekly dancing just isn't like it used to be....Just having a little rant

  4. #4
    Registered User Tiger Pants's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    ............... Thursday is not really a good day for me now and I haven't been to Perth for ages ( but I miss it ) ......... perhaps you can join some of the others from Perth on a Wednasday at the Dee club - that would be nice.

  5. #5
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    Re: Perth Classes

    Become a hot shot and only go to parties/weekenders.

  6. #6
    Registered User crystaltips's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    Agreed about the previous week, "oddest" class I've ever been at though from a selfish point of view, it was great that us die-hards had the place to ourselves, just mates, chillin n dancin and loads of space!!

    But what a difference a week makes . . wasn't last night good??!! Busy, well balanced for numbers, great atmos. I had a fab time, and I suspect a certain niece of mine did too!

    Anyway, we need to make the class in four weeks extra special cos its the last our current demo and venue manager will be doing in Perth. Pass the word folks! Lets give 'em a night to remember! And its also in the Halloween week, and I do know how the Perth folks always enjoy that!

  7. #7
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    I did indeeed!!

    I shall second that, although I'm sure it won't be last time we will see em lol

    Any excuse to get the place busy

  8. #8
    Registered User SteveW's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    Don't know what the solution is, but 'strictly', the new 'fame' along with the impending festive season (work's parties) should be a good time to get people to come along.

    How about an 'introduce a friend' scheme? I would have no qualms with asking people to come along and try one night free, or even if I could buy some invitational vouchers at a reasonable price?

    The problem with giving people membership forms to fill out is a) you are asking them to shell out a 'whole tenner' and commit to something they have not really seen or tried or b)you shell out a 'whole tenner' on their behalf, and your friend feels awkwardly obliged.

  9. #9
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    Yeah exactly, but what made us come the first time round??

    It still seems to be busy at other classes...Just seems to be Perth that is lacking in numbers...Although I will give credit where it's due...Last week was a good night, but still no where near as busy as a few years ago...

    Who knows huh?

  10. #10
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    Re: Perth Classes

    Wed night in Dundee has loads of perth people going along, so I'd try there as well.
    From a beginner mans point of view, (well only 9 months) unless your a addict, 3 new int moves a week, taught at lightning speed wont encourage many new men to stick it for long.
    I Guess it depends on what we want? New members, or long term members.
    Sure it will get better now its October.

  11. #11
    Registered User The Little 'un's Avatar
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    Re: Perth Classes

    Quote Originally Posted by Pingu@thesushibar View Post
    Wed night in Dundee has loads of perth people going along, so I'd try there as well.
    From a beginner mans point of view, (well only 9 months) unless your a addict, 3 new int moves a week, taught at lightning speed wont encourage many new men to stick it for long.
    I Guess it depends on what we want? New members, or long term members.
    Sure it will get better now its October.

    New or long term...We used to get both...Every other class gets both..

    But hey, maybe with a certain Perth weekender coming up people will say..."Oooh I like this place, I'll come back to thweir Thursday night classes...."


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