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Thread: Scottish Ceroc Ancient History

  1. #1
    An Eclectic Toaster
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    Scottish Ceroc Ancient History

    For some reason recently I've been looking back at my dance history, and it struck me that I've been dancing for about 10 years, on and off.

    However, I was hoping to pinpoint exactly when I started. I can connect it to one thing - it was at the Asylum at Glasgow Caledonian University, about 2 weeks before that class shut. I remember that particular fact because, terrified after my first experience, it took me 2 weeks to pluck up the courage to go back. Only to find it closed I went to the GUU class instead the next week and the rest, as they say...

    Does anyone know when that was? I'm pretty sure it must have been 1998-2001 because I was working at the Uni at that time. Jean was the teacher at the venue IIRC, I can't remember anyone else: it was pretty low numbers, mostly ladies.

  2. #2
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: Scottish Ceroc Ancient History

    well you can certainly say you've been dancing on and off you and me both

    i was out Edinburgh way then - so I can't help - and I started at LeRoc (spit spit )

  3. #3
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Re: Scottish Ceroc Ancient History

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart M View Post
    Does anyone know when that was? I'm pretty sure it must have been 1998-2001 because I was working at the Uni at that time. Jean was the teacher at the venue IIRC, I can't remember anyone else: it was pretty low numbers, mostly ladies.
    Eek! Takes me back.

    We only ran classes at the Asylum, Mondays between April and June 1999, so you would have started in May 1999 probably

    There's an A.P.P. for that!

  4. #4
    An Eclectic Toaster
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    Re: Scottish Ceroc Ancient History

    Quote Originally Posted by Franck View Post
    Eek! Takes me back.

    We only ran classes at the Asylum, Mondays between April and June 1999, so you would have started in May 1999 probably
    So it was probably May 24th or 31st, 1999.

    For some reason I had August in my head, but May sounds likely too (it wasn't dark when I went to the class - weird how I remember things like that, but not to take my lunch to work ).

    So it's been more than 10 years then

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