Everyone will have an opinion. Here's mine.
Firstly, if a move isn't both led and followed correctly, it isn't done correctly. Getting your arms and feet in the approximately the right place is one only part of the move. If a follow backleads a move, then neither of you will be doing it correctly.
Secondly, if the lead wants to learn a move properly, then they're much better off getting it wrong until they lead it correctly (and, yes, I maintain this applies right from the very first class; other's will disagree with that). If they're not interested in learning the move properly, then let them get it wrong. If they're not capable of learning the move properly, then... not sure what to do about that.
Thirdly, backleading is a bad habit for a follow to get into. It leads to all sorts of preempting moves and generally makes the follow much harder to lead. I often find this problem with female taxi dancers (particularly when they're new): they've got into the habit of backleading and their following deteriorates. Of course, a lot of follows don't acquire this habit; if you do decide to backlead, be conscious that it could be bad for your dancing.
Of course, it's never black and white. Some people need the encouragement of completing a move to keep them interested, particularly when they're new. And the leader may be part way there with the move, so it's better to help finish it off and so forth. And even with the best leader in the world, the follow does have to help them out when the lead gets it wrong (we all do...).