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Thread: Late night driving after dancing

  1. #21
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by dave the scaffolder View Post
    So a quick nap on the road whilst working in the field?

    you are not a Hedgehog. are you?


    Don't ever change DTS

  2. #22
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Late night driving is definitely a problem. It's one of the reasons that I often don't go dancing on a Friday as I am just too tired to make the journey as I have been up since 5.30am.

    Last night we had the option of going to Coppertops or Daventry. Coppertops was only a 30min drive compared to Daventry which was nearer 2hrs! Whilst most of our friends were heading to Daventry we decided to go to Coppertops as we new that neither of us would be able to make the journey home with out a struggle after a very busy week, luckily we had a fantastic evening!

  3. #23
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Minnie M View Post
    I always have a travelling companion, one that doesn't go to sleep on the way home. I spend the entire journey home chatting - keeps me awake, even if my companion doesn't listen
    Quote Originally Posted by frodo View Post
    • Get plenty of sleep before hand. 3AM finish is much easier if you've slept in, or had a nap in the afternoon

    I drove home to Doncaster after Daventry last night (about a 2 hour journey) but told my travelling buddy beforehand that I expected her to stay awake and talk cr@p to me all the way home! it worked! by the time we got back i for one was too awake to even sleep!

    also i had slept most of the day tho in preparation

    not something i have ever thought i could do before but considering it is a saturday and could have a lie in it was manageable.. only thing not nice about it was the horrendous rain on the M1....

  4. #24
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Caz View Post
    only thing not nice about it was the horrendous rain on the M1....
    The M6 wasn't much better.

  5. #25
    Registered User Baruch's Avatar
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    When I'm driving home from a non-local dance (usually an hour or more away), I usually have someone else in the car to keep me awake with conversation. I do have to be extra-careful after dropping them home, however. Loud music helps (Metallica and Slayer are good for this!), as does a can of Red Bull before the drive (or a swig from a bottle of Tesco Kick, which is cheaper and nicer) if I'm particularly knackered.

  6. #26
    Senior Member rubyred's Avatar
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    I had an experience some years ago when I was at the Glastonbury Festival, and I decided to pack up and leave after the last band on the Sunday night thinking that driving through the night would be clearer. I was driving along and then suddenly caught myself on and I realised that I had nodded off, only for a second, [you know that feeling when you are in a boring afternoon post lunch training session and you find your head nodding], the shock of that experience really scared the life out of me and thank God nothing happened.

    Since that experience I have decided that if I am attending anything that is a long long way from home then I will always stay over somewhere. If the journey is under two hours then I will drive home, but I will have stops and have a nap if need be, also if I am carrying passengers I will expect them to keep awake. Its good to have people in the car who will talk the whole way home, I recall a great journey home with Fletch who was driving us back from Daventry last time I went, and we just chatted the whole way home, the time passed so quickly and we had a good laugh on the way back. I also find that red bull helps me whether this is psychological or what I don't know but it seems to work.

    Have a break and take a nap, as the sign says tiredness kills.
    if you love the life you live then you'll get a lot more done

  7. #27
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by dave the scaffolder View Post
    Thank God it is only a hobby aye!!!

    I mean can you see whats written...
    Driving hundreds of miles, downgrading your car, for cheaper insurance for any driver???

    Is this not an infliction?

    And all of this is the norm??????
    That's the irony, you may have 3 passengers who are all drivers, but who can't share the driving due to insurance restrictions.

  8. #28
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    but in most cases there's not really that much you can do if someone else decides to drive in to you.

    Its the law of averages - the more miles you cover, the greater risk of an accident - especially if you tend to travel after closing time and when there are fewer cars on the road as this is when the speeds start to creep upwards.

  9. #29
    Registered User Phil_dB's Avatar
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    I LOVE the drive home after dancing!

    I don't feel exhausted after a great night of dancing, I still feel buzzed up, the roads are clear, - great time to enjoy my car!

  10. #30
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil_dB View Post
    I LOVE the drive home after dancing!

    I don't feel exhausted after a great night of dancing, I still feel buzzed up, the roads are clear, - great time to enjoy my car!
    responsibly I hope !

  11. #31
    Registered User frodo's Avatar
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Robin View Post
    but in most cases there's not really that much you can do if someone else decides to drive in to you.
    Except perhaps go for a heavier (and therefore less fuel efficient) car.

    Its the law of averages - the more miles you cover, the greater risk of an accident - especially if you tend to travel after closing time and when there are fewer cars on the road as this is when the speeds start to creep upwards.
    Perhaps it also depends on the type of road. Rural roads being particularly risky compared with town and motorways.

  12. #32
    Registered User johnthehappyguy's Avatar
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    I suffered a lot from tiredness in the car.

    If by myself, I just stop and sleep -

    Top tip - Remember to switch your lights off first !!

    I bought a convertible a few months ago, and it is great, even driving back after a late night.

    Unfortunately, there is only a difference if the hood is actually down, and none of my adult passengers seem to share my unbridled and new found passion for open-top motoring.


  13. #33
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by frodo View Post
    Except perhaps go for a heavier (and therefore less fuel efficient) car.

    Perhaps it also depends on the type of road. Rural roads being particularly risky compared with town and motorways.
    Ermm, our accident was just off a motorway - guy doing stupid speeds on unrestricted A road and then continued at same speed when on 40mph road. so the above not neccesarily true !

  14. #34
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by Robin View Post
    but in most cases there's not really that much you can do if someone else decides to drive in to you.

    Its the law of averages - the more miles you cover, the greater risk of an accident - especially if you tend to travel after closing time and when there are fewer cars on the road as this is when the speeds start to creep upwards.
    It's not just alcohol.
    Some fools drive under the influence of drugs.

  15. #35
    Registered User Twirly's Avatar
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    Re: Late night driving after dancing

    Quote Originally Posted by johnthehappyguy View Post
    I bought a convertible a few months ago, and it is great, even driving back after a late night.

    Unfortunately, there is only a difference if the hood is actually down, and none of my adult passengers seem to share my unbridled and new found passion for open-top motoring.

    It's November - what do you expect!

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