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Thread: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

  1. #21
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    What about a sore throat?

  2. #22
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Colds can generally be spread by coughin and sneezing as the cold virus is spread in the spores. I remember watchng a documentary on it about being on a train for example. If somebody was clearly suffering a cold then you should move away the minute they cough or sneeze as odds are you will be infected.

    I hate seeing people blow their nose generally when on a dance floor let alone with a cold or cough but to be honest, the drugs available now a days for colds like sudofed nasal spray for example do not leave you with visible symptoms like a horrible snotty nose so i think you could probably be dancing with somebody who is full of cold and not even know it.

    Should they dance with a cold? - who are we to say. The question should probably be, would we dance with somebody who clearly had a cold. Would i, no i would not. As for Flu.... if you have proper flu dancing would be out of the question.. Man flu however... well thats just a walk in the park for us women....

  3. #23
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Agreed - washing hands frequently is the most important thing, and I'm always amazed how many people don't!

    I used to put out bottles of antibacterial hand gel in the mens' & ladies' toilets at Rugby freestyles but they got taken. I should get some more really, as it's obviously popular and I always have some in my own dance bag. I don't even worry about being subtle using it - I think people generally appreciate your efforts at cleanliness.

    If/when I have a cold, I really wouldn't want to subject other people to it, though - it's not exactly pleasant, is it? Last Thursday, when I was just getting over the cold that I picked up after the weekender, I didn't want to miss Rugby and being with Marc, so I went along anyway but didn't dance - just tucked myself in a corner and sat doing my work all evening. Really enjoyed the music, even more than if I'd been dancing, I think!

    But I do find with the air conditioning that many places have, my nose is constantly running. I know it doesn't look pleasant to blow one's t, um, nose on the dance floor, but please rest assured that it's not a cold and I do wash my hands!


  4. #24
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Personally, I don't like dancing with someone who has a cold - and seeing someone sniffling and using a tissue might put me off asking them dancing (a natural and knee-jerk reaction which is probably over-the-top).

    However, as someone mentioned, you can never be sure anyway if someone is cold/flu- so you have to accept that this is one of the features of our 'sport' (as someone put it).

    The disinfectant gel stuff is a post-dance thing for me - never during the dancing evening, that I can remember.

    I noticed a few sniffles around the time of 'Twisted' seemed to roughly coincide with that annual-back-to-school-uni sniffle time. And I picked up a 24 hour cold - afterwards - although who knows where that emanated from (well, see below).

    Sometimes a cold can be a cleansing and learning process - all those gungy, snotty, whogetsupyernose, unconscious feelings which mainfest their way through into physical symptoms to make them conscious to you.

  5. #25
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel View Post
    But I do find with the air conditioning that many places have, my nose is constantly running. I know it doesn't look pleasant to blow one's t, um, nose on the dance floor, but please rest assured that it's not a cold and I do wash my hands!


    I seem to have permanent hayfever at the moment, and it's really getting me down

  6. #26
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post

    I seem to have permanent hayfever at the moment, and it's really getting me down
    Actually good point Twirly.. I suffer with the same all year round. I have attacks of sneezing and runny nose. Its most annoying. I always have tissues on me but go to the loo to blow my nose normally as im very loud when i do so.

  7. #27
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel View Post
    But I do find with the air conditioning that many places have, my nose is constantly running. I know it doesn't look pleasant to blow one's t, um, nose on the dance floor, but please rest assured that it's not a cold and I do wash my hands!

    I also get sinus problems sometimes and am often seen blowing my nose - but it doesn't mean I have a cold - I wouldn't be out dancing if I had. And I do wash my hands a lot when dancing.

    There are lots of reasons why not to go dancing when you have a cold. You don't want to pass it on, and you aren't going to dance well if you feel ill, you are probably off work or struggling at work if feeling ill so need to rest - a cold doesn't last long - usually it only means missing a week or so of dancing.

  8. #28
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel View Post
    Agreed - washing hands frequently is the most important thing, and I'm always amazed how many people don't!

    I used to put out bottles of antibacterial hand gel in the mens' & ladies' toilets at Rugby freestyles but they got taken. I should get some more really, as it's obviously popular and I always have some in my own dance bag. I don't even worry about being subtle using it - I think people generally appreciate your efforts at cleanliness.

    If/when I have a cold, I really wouldn't want to subject other people to it, though - it's not exactly pleasant, is it? Last Thursday, when I was just getting over the cold that I picked up after the weekender, I didn't want to miss Rugby and being with Marc, so I went along anyway but didn't dance - just tucked myself in a corner and sat doing my work all evening. Really enjoyed the music, even more than if I'd been dancing, I think!

    But I do find with the air conditioning that many places have, my nose is constantly running. I know it doesn't look pleasant to blow one's t, um, nose on the dance floor, but please rest assured that it's not a cold and I do wash my hands!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post

    I also get sinus problems sometimes and am often seen blowing my nose - but it doesn't mean I have a cold - I wouldn't be out dancing if I had. And I do wash my hands a lot when dancing.

    There are lots of reasons why not to go dancing when you have a cold. You don't want to pass it on, and you aren't going to dance well if you feel ill, you are probably off work or struggling at work if feeling ill so need to rest - a cold doesn't last long - usually it only means missing a week or so of dancing.
    I am always blowing my nose / snuffly.. due to being allergic to most things.. including myself I think.. so please don't think I have the lurgie if u see me blowing my nose....

  9. #29
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    Cool Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Jesus H Christ on a bike! Is it possible to flog a debate to death any more than this?

    If you have REAL influenza, you have a job to actually get out of bed. If you have just a sniffle then you may pass some germs around. More or less germs than there is on the handle of a public toilet do you think? If that thought freaks you out get a nice pot of OCD hand cream - or take the germs and boost your immune system.

    As you know, the human race survived for thousands of years before Dettol was developed

  10. #30
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Trousers View Post
    What's this ?

    The Gospel of Dave the Erect, in 118 parts, part 73?

    When preparing for open heart surgery one should..............

    Quote Originally Posted by TA Guy View Post
    The antibacterial hand stuff is .....

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirlie Bird View Post
    I've got some of that antibacterial hand wash stuff that you just rub into your hands. No water required.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    I think it's the regular hand washing that makes a difference. And, if you wash in cold water it helps cool you down too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel View Post
    Agreed - washing hands frequently is the most important thing, and I'm always amazed how many people don't!
    I used to put out bottles of antibacterial hand gel in the mens' & ladies' toilets ........ but please rest assured that it's not a cold and I do wash my hands!

    If you have flu you wont be dancing, if you have a cold depends how bad it is and where you are

    Heavy colds go to my eyes was I going to miss Sat night Southport Feb 2007, when i was in bed all day and took 20 piils etc

    Nope sorry to all those I infected If i was heading out to Hammersmith I wouldnt have gone

  11. #31
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Caz View Post
    I am always blowing my nose / snuffly.. due to being allergic to most things.. including myself I think.. so please don't think I have the lurgie if u see me blowing my nose....

    Leaving snot on a ladies dress shouldnt be indictive of a cold its just bad manners

  12. #32
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    I will admit I did dance when I was on the verge of death with a good dose of man flu at the Championships in Blackpool!

    It was prepaid and I had to go as I was in a team and we had no 'backup' so with the help of a chemists supply of cold remedies I was able to battle through the day...just.

    I don't know how everyone else was after Blackpool if you had a bout of man flu I apologise! If it would have been a normal night I would have curled up in bed, had a lemsip and watched a good movie!

  13. #33
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel View Post

    But I do find with the air conditioning that many places have, my nose is constantly running. I know it doesn't look pleasant to blow one's t, um, nose on the dance floor, but please rest assured that it's not a cold and I do wash my hands!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post

    I also get sinus problems sometimes and am often seen blowing my nose - but it doesn't mean I have a cold -
    My nose sometimes runs on one side. It was doing it a lot when I had Bells Palsy - something to do with the facial muscles.

    It only happens occasionally now, but it's so embarrassing if it happens mid dance.

  14. #34
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Generally No! I can remember once in my very early days in Guildford 7 years ago dancing when a cold came on and by the end of the class my nose was running very badly.

    Sometimes a la a competition or something then you don't have much choice e.g. member of a team cabaret.

    This year booking a ticket for a freestyle and then coming out with a very sore throat on the day. I went over and said I couldn't dance as it was vicious.

  15. #35
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by stewart38 View Post

    Leaving snot on a ladies dress shouldnt be indictive of a cold its just bad manners
    So Clinton had bad manners then?

  16. #36

    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    I wouldn't particularly want to dance with someone if they had a proper cold... gross or what?

    I actually had the misfortune to come down with an absolute stinker at the tail end of a Southport weekender. I valiantly soldiered on, trying my best to get my money's worth and have a good time, but by about midnight my voice was a squeak and I didn't dare ask anyone for a dance anyway as I didn't want to inflict myself upon anyone. Funnily enough, the strangled wheezing emanting from my sickly frame seemed to put an end to any offers for the night.

  17. #37
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    To answer the OP, from a slightly different angle... I've always thought that you shouldn't exercise hard if you have a cold as it can put too much strain on your body, your heart in particular.

    Not sure how true it is but I've heard studio instructors and an army PTI saying the same thing.

    I know there is a big difference between a couple of nice slow oozy bluesey dances, and a whole evening of letting rip on the dancefloor - but dance is an aerobic exercise, so I for one don't take the risk.
    And I don't think it's fair to inflict a lurgie upon unsuspecting dancers.

  18. #38
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    No you should not

  19. #39
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by NickC View Post
    No you should not
    Couldn't agree more

  20. #40
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    Re: Should you dance with a Cold or Flu

    Quote Originally Posted by swp View Post
    To answer the OP, from a slightly different angle... I've always thought that you shouldn't exercise hard if you have a cold as it can put too much strain on your body, your heart in particular.
    I've always thought the opposite: increase heart-rate, get the blood flowing, increase the temperature and make it harder for the little buggers to survive in the body. I normally go swimming when I have a cold - a bit less chance of transmitting anything than getting up-close on the dance floor.

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