Quote Originally Posted by Stuart M View Post
Well,I think most countries tend to slant their coverage towards events they might get medals in, don't they? I don't remember much prime-time coverage of the cycling on the BBC, prior to the past couple of Olympics. And how much do we ever see of the wrestling in Britain?
This is true. We were in Holland last week and the coverage there was dull because it was all the stuff that the Dutch team were doing well in. With so much to cover there HAS to be a way to filter the coverage. Covering your own countries events would seem least likely to get complaints, of course the BBC hadn't counted on the gold medal level moaners on this forum.
Dear Points of View,
Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why is there not more coverage of the Peruvian Olympic team? Of course on the face of it the coverage that you supplied for the Olympics seems good. But, I pay my license fee, I want to watch the ladies from Peru speed walking. Is that too much to ask?

I think the Daily Mail said that most of the UK team are probably dole scum with too much time on their hands to practice. Some of us have to work for a living and can't squander hour after hour practicing gymnastics in the local community centre. It's a sick sign of our society when we venerate these monsters and award them with so-called 'gold' medals.

Stern Regards
Mr Dale. E. Male-Reeder
Just a thought.. y'know