Last Saturday I asked this woman to dance who I had noticed hadn't had a dance for a while and look a bit sad if truth be told.

She acted like she was doing me this great big favour of dancing with me, as if!

Their dancing was crap, they kept looking over and smirking to there friend.
She danced at arms length the whole time and was making me overstretch to keep hold.
She wasn't looking at any of my signals and missed moves all over the shop.

As the long seconds ticked away I got more annoyed

I stopped over stretching myself and made less effort to keep hold so we were losing complete connection every second move and I wasn't moving to make re-connection.

I just thought this is terrible and I want out of here

Was seriously thinking of putting her into a spin then running in the other direction…

See ya later, NOT!

was also thinking it's only a few more minutes lets not make a drama out of this, so just grin and bear it

The song ended, I was free, needless to say her friend got the cold shoulder by association.

Just wondering if anyone else experienced this and took the decision enough is enough and just walked off and abandoned someone half way through a dance and did you in turn regret that decision?