I know this is probably a basic thing........however last night, I learned an important lesson.

Let me explain the context: at S'Funk - and I danced with someone who was clearly a very experienced and competent dancer. At the end, I paused, then asked if she would mind giving me some honest feedback on how I could improve (I've only requested this kind of post-dance feedback 4 or 5 times in my dance 'career').

Well, we talked for a few mins - and she came up with 3 things that she had noticed when dancing with me.

All of these were immediately useful - and I applied in the next dance to make things 'smoother', which worked fine.

The first, and simplest was leading my follow into a spin. The technique (bad habit) I had developed was to include a kind of circular 'flick' of my wrist, to accentuate the spin at the point when my hand is approaching the top of the follow's head) . I suppose I always thought that unless I do that, then the follow is not going to spin.

This lady ('Sue') explained I had no need to do that. And she is right - and it can be annoying for the lead to do it that kind of way (I think).

Anyway - this was her first bit of feedback - and I was pleased that I had asked her.

Just interested to know if this makes sense to anyone....?