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Thread: Bliss the aftermath...

  1. #1
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    Bliss the aftermath...

    Just got back from Camber and im sorry but was not impressed at all, and Caberet I thought was awfull what has happened to The WOW factor Caberet's

  2. #2
    Senior Member Minnie M's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss where were all the decent dancers and what was that Caberet all about

    Quote Originally Posted by watchout View Post
    Just got back from Camber and im sorry but was not impressed at all, and Caberet I thought was awfull what has happened to The WOW factor Caberet's

    I missed most of the cabaret on Saturday night - just got there as they were clapping for Lucky Skillen, but did see 'The Blue Boys' or whatever their name was...... I thought they were absolutely fab - very different and very watchable

    Age is a question of mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter
    Leroy (Satchel) Paige (1906-1982)

    Mickey Mouse's girlfriend, Minnie, made her film debut, along with Mickey, in "Steamboat Willie" on November 18, 1928.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Bliss where were all the decent dancers and what was that Caberet all about

    I agree the guys were great as you say but im sorry but Lucky and Ceroc Kent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Minnie M's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss where were all the decent dancers and what was that Caberet all about

    Are male or female watchout ?

    As a female I had loads of great dances - in fact I hardly asked anyone to dance, they were asking me (the likes of Russell Saxby, Humphrey, Gordon P., Paul H, etc etc (nearly all Ceroc teachers) I even got a few dances with Lucky

    With only two weeks after Southport and with another Ceroc weekend coming up in two weeks, it was bound to be quiet (if you can call having about 1000 dancers quiet )

    I thought the music in the downstair hall was fantastic - l loved every set

    And......... enjoyed the pub sets (especially Mike Ellards 'swng' set)

    Only real complaint was the heat of the upstairs hall on Friday night

    Age is a question of mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter
    Leroy (Satchel) Paige (1906-1982)

    Mickey Mouse's girlfriend, Minnie, made her film debut, along with Mickey, in "Steamboat Willie" on November 18, 1928.
    That date is recognized as her official birthday.

  5. #5
    Registered User TurboTomato's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss where were all the decent dancers and what was that Caberet all about

    Quote Originally Posted by Minnie M View Post

    I missed most of the cabaret on Saturday night - just got there as they were clapping for Lucky Skillen, but did see 'The Blue Boys' or whatever their name was...... I thought they were absolutely fab - very different and very watchable

    Spot on - loved Lucky (I sat in on his class, and watched him do some of it with a loud hailer when the PA system went haywire! ) and the Lindy, and the hip hop boys showed most people something different, but incredibly entertaining

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    Re: Bliss where were all the decent dancers and what was that Caberet all about

    Quote Originally Posted by watchout View Post
    I agree the guys were great as you say but im sorry but Lucky and Ceroc Kent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well i am sorry you were dissappointed with the Ceroc Kent Caberet - but we loved doing it. We also got some lovely feedback, I know that not all caberet's are to everyones taste but i was awestruck by Boy Blue and they did another one tonight that blew me away they're FAB!

  7. #7
    Registered User stewart38's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss where were all the decent dancers and what was that Caberet all about

    Quote Originally Posted by Minnie M View Post
    With only two weeks after Southport and with another Ceroc weekend coming up in two weeks, it was bound to be quiet (if you can call having about 1000 dancers quiet )

    I thought the music in the downstair hall was fantastic - l loved every set

    Only real complaint was the heat of the upstairs hall on Friday night

    The upstairs on Friday wasn’t just a sauna but smelt like 800 hadn’t washed in 12 weeks, disgusting

    Saturday was an improvement

    Certainly help that numbers were down as more room to dance. The booking arrangements promotes a reduction in numbers so not surprising

    Friday music was all over the place with the chill out playing some nice line dancing’s set

    Saturday music was better

    The fletchettes (part of ) won the quiz on Sunday and provide bribery works and one bog roll goes along way, I assume pics to follow

    Over all weekend as expected really

    Ps thanks for the two engineers who came out and fixed my fridge on saturday

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    Registered User stewart38's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by watchout View Post
    Just got back from Camber and im sorry but was not impressed at all, and Caberet I thought was awfull what has happened to The WOW factor Caberet's
    Ceroc to be fair don’t pretend to put on a ‘wow’ factor cabaret

    The revised slot 9.30-10.30 (which I believe has been used for a while now) to me any way ‘suggest’ you can take it or leave it (e.g. Southport 11pm start has a more primetime slot)

    It’s the first cabaret I’ve missed so can’t comment on it but if its like previous it will have repetition (so will probably catch some of it at Breeze) and maybe no ‘wow’ but im sure some performances have a lot of taken a lot of effort to produce

  9. #9
    Teacher Paul F's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    You know what........I really like Camber

    I thought the weekend just gone was absolutely fantastic.

    We were talking on the way home about why and decided it was the people.

    This weekend for me was the prime example of a relaxed weekender. It was slightly quieter than a packed weekender but that made it so nice. There number of people were enough to fill the rooms at peak times without being too dangerous.

    I admit I didnt have 1 dance in the main room. The main reason for that was the music in the blues room. Im quite voiciferous when it comes to music I dont like but I have to say the DJ's down there did a fantastic job. There was exactly what I would expect. A mix of modern and older stuff from the familiar to the more obscure (but still with plenty of feeling). It cant be easy to do that but kudos to the guys and girls for that. Awesome.

    I dont know what it is about the Camber blues room. I think it has something to do with the seating. The fact that you can actually sit comfortably around the fixed flooring (and on the stage if needs be) makes the whole room somehow accessible. That sounds weird but its the only way I can think of describing it.
    Now and again I love just sitting and watching people dance. I feel I can do that in that room.

    On the point of flooring, thanks go to whoever lays all that. The temp flooring isnt perfect but certainly doesnt detract much for me. Ok I prefer the fixed flooring in that room as its always nice and fast but the temp stuff is perfectly fine for most footwork.

    I thought the mix of people there made for a terrific atmosphere. Getting the chance to meet up with Lucky and Ruby was a real bonus. What amazingly nice people. Looking forward to catching up with them again at Breeze. It was the same atmosphere, although busier, as last year at this point. I really enjoyed last years too as that was even quieter but with that came a sense of relaxation. Difficult to describe.

    A note on the cabarets. Unfortunately I needed to catch up on some much needed sleep so missed the cabarets but looking at the DVD which had the Saturday cabarets on all I can say is respect It was the first time I have seen Boy Blue. Cool. Very cool.

    Ok Breeze is going to big much bigger and stuff but IMO it will need to go some to beat Bliss.

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    Re: Bliss where were all the decent dancers and what was that Caberet all about

    Quote Originally Posted by stewart38 View Post

    Ps thanks for the two engineers who came out and fixed my fridge on saturday

    Turn The Knob

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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    I think the only down side for me this weekend was the heat upstairs it was awful could actually feel it as you started to walk up the stairs and after dancing for 10 mins you felt like you had just got out the shower!

    Also we had to put up with those awful plastic wristbands again.....they are not only uncomfortable but the scratch...lets go back to the nice soft ones PPLLEEASSEEE!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    Teacher Paul F's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by DD+ View Post
    I think the only down side for me this weekend was the heat upstairs it was awful could actually feel it as you started to walk up the stairs and after dancing for 10 mins you felt like you had just got out the shower!
    Yeah, I felt that myself when i went up looking for someone. Very uncomfortable up there.

    To add to my little review there was something else I noticed about Bliss and thats that there seemed to be a lot of younger people there. Maybe its me getting older but I remember commenting on how many younger people there were compare to years gone by. Great for dancing IMO.

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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Well i Enjoyed my first weekender, Meeting loads of new people and seeing some freinds, upstairs wasnt so great but who cares when
    u can spend all weekend downstairs

    And As for luckys cabaret
    ... I thought the second 1 on sunday was brilliant with the hole story that went behind it,
    And the other cabarets were good, i thought the hip hop 1 was better on sunday as well tho

    Thanks for a lovey weekend every 1 who was there! hope i got a dance

    Roll on breeze


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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by watchout View Post
    Just got back from Camber and im sorry but was not impressed at all, and Caberet I thought was awfull what has happened to The WOW factor Caberet's
    I think this is slighty harsh, When all the people tried very hard and personally i think they were good, but maybe thats just me? im sur eother people will agree

  15. #15
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vegetable View Post
    I think this is slighty harsh, When all the people tried very hard and personally i think they were good, but maybe thats just me? im sur eother people will agree
    We had this discussion (at great length) before:

    Ahhh, those were the days, back when Giants Posted Amongst Us... :nostalgia icon:

    And, reading through those posts, I've definitely mellowed over the past year.

    Anyway, my opinion - then and now - is that if you perform, you'll get critiqued. The degree of criticism should be tempered by the situation of course, you won't expect to critique a school play too harshly.

    But if you're a dancer, volunteering to perform in front of other dancers, you should expect to meet a certain standard, and you should expect to have some criticism mixed in with the praise. Otherwise, it's just a luvvie-fest.

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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by watchout View Post
    Just got back from Camber and im sorry but was not impressed at all, and Caberet I thought was awfull what has happened to The WOW factor Caberet's
    "But if you're a dancer, volunteering to perform in front of other dancers, you should expect to meet a certain standard, and you should expect to have some criticism mixed in with the praise. Otherwise, it's just a luvvie-fest. "

    I agree that not everybody is gonna like every cabaret but as you say DJ you will receive criticism - but at least lets make it constructive!

  17. #17
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by DD+ View Post
    I agree that not everybody is gonna like every cabaret but as you say DJ you will receive criticism - but at least lets make it constructive!
    Always good advice, although people's interpretation of "contructive" tends to differ depending on whether they're the giver or receiver.

    A bit like "cliquey" really

  18. #18
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    Always good advice, although people's interpretation of "contructive" tends to differ depending on whether they're the giver or receiver.
    It's a bit like Simon Cowell's consructive advice along the lines of "give up now, you're never going to be a singer".

    I've seen quite a few cabarets where the dancers were not very good. I've had no problem with that at a competition. They were obviously not going to win. However, at an event where I've paid to be entertained I do expect a certain standard of dancing. If I don't get that standard I'm simply going to complain to the people I paid* - I'm not going to provide coaching services for the poor performers.

    *and probably anybody standing near me, the forum, mums with pushchairs at bus stops, the bloke down the pub, my GP, etc, etc.

  19. #19
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy McGregor View Post
    However, at an event where I've paid to be entertained I do expect a certain standard of dancing. If I don't get that standard I'm simply going to complain to the people I paid* - I'm not going to provide coaching services for the poor performers.
    Why do you assume that the MJ couples who do cabarets at MJ weekenders get paid?

  20. #20
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: Bliss the aftermath...

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidB View Post
    Why do you assume that the MJ couples who do cabarets at MJ weekenders get paid?
    I don't think that was assumed. The paid comment surely referred to the customer paying the organiser to attend?

    I would have thought that MJ couples who perform receive some sort of 'payment', even if its in the form of reduced entry to the event or a raising of their profile if they teach or perform places where they will get paid.

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