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Thread: The road to Ceroc.

  1. #161
    Senior Member Minnie M's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    If we are talking Ceroc (as apposed to Modern Jive) - we had Ceroc in Brighton when I first started MJ but we all prefered the LeRoc class. In fact within a short time all the Ceroc dancers moved over to LeRoc. That is because we had the better teacher (Graham LeClerc).

    My next venture to Ceroc was about a year later in Croydon at a class taught by Steve Nash (before he had his own franchise).

    Those were the days that the Ceroc cards changed colour yearly - I changed mine a couple of times, but have still kept my green one.

    Does anyone know what year they issued green (has a green stripe) cards ?

    Age is a question of mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter
    Leroy (Satchel) Paige (1906-1982)

    Mickey Mouse's girlfriend, Minnie, made her film debut, along with Mickey, in "Steamboat Willie" on November 18, 1928.
    That date is recognized as her official birthday.

  2. #162
    Commercial Operator StokeBloke's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    In the end of October (2006) we were sat watching Strictly on TV - every year we watch it, TwirlieBird says.... "I wanna learn to dance"! So I thought to myself I would surprise her. About 10 years ago I saw a Ceroc demo in the street. I watched it for 10 minutes and wandered off. I didn't even take a leaflet...

    But that fateful night the Ceroc name sprung back into my mind, and about 15 minutes an email and a phone call to Mike Allsopp later and I was set to surprise TwirlieBird! We went along to Stoke for the Monday lesson and Mike and the crew made us feel soooo welcome. We had such fun that we couldn't wait to get back the next week...... now four short months later we had done a couple of freestyles, we're are booked onto a weekender and Twirlie is trying to get me to quit my weekend job so we can go dancing even more

  3. #163
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Me and my sister (trouble) decided we would try dancing so we could do something active that was also fun....It was also an excuse (for me anyway) to get away from the kids and husband for a few hours.

    Three and a half years later, me and sis are on our 5th weekender....i've dumped the husband , I'm a sh1t hot dancer and I've made lots of new friends.

  4. #164
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I first saw Ceroc on a Channel 4 programme, found my local class at the Stoke Hotel in Guildford and was addicted by the end of the first night. I still use my yellow membership card.

    After a while I went to taxi and demo for an independant jive company in two of their venues in Surrey and Kent (this company has since been bought by Ceroc).

    It was at one of these venues that I met my wife, and since getting together we expanded our dance horizons and have gold medals in Latin & Ballroom. We also dance Salsa & Argentine Tango.


  5. #165
    Registered User Little Yellow Fish's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I had my arm twisted. I managed to wriggle free but those little monkeys kept trying to convince me it was fun. I eventually gave in, just as my arm was about to be snapped off from being twisted so many times. Didn't really enjoy my first few weeks, but I lost count of how many people told me "just give it 3 weeks, you'll love it". I didn't quite love it after 3 weeks but I persevered.

    6 months on, I guess I can say I do love it. I've been dancing more nights than not since I got back home at the end of november!

    Thank heavens for Little Monkeys

    Vicki xx

  6. #166
    B.O.G.O.F. fletch's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Quote Originally Posted by StokeBloke View Post
    four short months later we had done a couple of freestyles, we're are booked onto a weekender and Twirlie is trying to get me to quit my weekend job so we can go dancing even more
    and glad we are to

    so what weekender are you going on ?

    and are you out this weekend

  7. #167
    Registered User nikki's Avatar
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    Red face Re: The road to Ceroc.

    My friend at work has been dancing ceroc for just over a year (I think). She talks about it non-stop- not in a boring way, I have to add, just answering my endless questions about it- and I've been trying to pluck up the courage to go since she started going on weekenders and holidays and generally having a great time. I've been a single parent for 4 years, so didn't have the confidence or the babysitters in place to start the class, but now that my son is in school and life is starting to settle down, I know if I don't take the plunge and start doing something to meet people and make new friends, I am going to keep receding into my small corner at home and become very bored and lonely. I am terrified of making a fool of myself, and am very nervous about the whole thing, but my experience at the class last night was made all the easier by Linda, one of the taxi dancers, to whom I will be eternally grateful. I had a great time, and hope that my confidence will grow as I build on my dancing experiences. I've always felt very clumsy in myself, and find it very difficult to relax and let someone lead me as I'm so scared of making a mistake but by the end of the evening last night, I was getting the hang of it. I'm really looking forward to next Thursday now!


  8. #168
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Quote Originally Posted by nikki View Post
    My friend at work has been dancing ceroc for just over a year (I think). She talks about it non-stop- not in a boring way, I have to add, just answering my endless questions about it- and I've been trying to pluck up the courage to go since she started going on weekenders and holidays and generally having a great time. I've been a single parent for 4 years, so didn't have the confidence or the babysitters in place to start the class, but now that my son is in school and life is starting to settle down, I know if I don't take the plunge and start doing something to meet people and make new friends, I am going to keep receding into my small corner at home and become very bored and lonely. I am terrified of making a fool of myself, and am very nervous about the whole thing, but my experience at the class last night was made all the easier by Linda, one of the taxi dancers, to whom I will be eternally grateful. I had a great time, and hope that my confidence will grow as I build on my dancing experiences. I've always felt very clumsy in myself, and find it very difficult to relax and let someone lead me as I'm so scared of making a mistake but by the end of the evening last night, I was getting the hang of it. I'm really looking forward to next Thursday now!

    Started Ceroc and found the forum at the same time! Say goodbye to your life as you knew it. Take lots of picture of your son, you won't see him much from now on, when you're not dancing, you'll be on here talking about dancing. 2 addictions in 1!

    Welcome to the journey Nikki.

  9. #169
    Registered User nikki's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.


    Thanks for the advice Gav! I'm getting that vibe already! I just wish I could dance more than once a week, but finances and childcare don't allow it, so I guess I'm just gonna have to make the most of the forum once my son is in his wee cosy bed at night!


  10. #170
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I know how you feel about wishing to dance more often Nikki! This money stuff - I wish it grew on trees! Add to that my pesky family and other (non CEROC) friends keep pestering me to see them - so I don't get dancing even once a week at the moment.

    I come to the Glasgow JJ's on a Tuesday usually - so I hope to meet you soon, maybe at a GUU party?



    PS Sent you a PM Nikki
    Last edited by whitetiger1518; 4th-April-2007 at 12:13 PM.

  11. #171

    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    i'd been looking for an adult dance class for ages. in the new job i started one of the girls had been doing out for a couple of years but and yet been able to get anyone interested. i've only been going a few weeks but i'm really enjoynig it despite my lack of co-ordination and skill

  12. #172
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Used to do a bit of salsa when I lived in Surrey, moved to Dundee and tried a local salsa class - it was rubbish... Remembered that a friend went to ceroc in Guildford and loved it, so thought I'd give it a go up here. I'm now on week five and I think it's fab!

  13. #173
    Registered User Crazy Shark's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    My mate took me dancing last year then i continued it in London a year later LOL

  14. #174
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Well I was only 17 when i started learning Ceroc. It was nothing to do with me originally. I always loved the film "dirty dancing" as did my mum. It was partly my mums doing that i actually started learning ceroc. She goes too this yearly dinner & dance thing that my grandad hosts every year & she always comes back saying "grandad got me up dancing AGAIN ! But i had no idea what i was doing haha!" So she wanted to suprise him, and make it her mission that the next year, she would shock him and be able to know what dance he was doing etc...

    But my mum isn't the type of person to go to new places and learn things by herself, so she dragged along her best friend too one of these lessons, & then her daughter wanted to give it a try. And i guess she was the one that twisted my arm. I really didn't want to go at first. I thought i was gong to look like a complete idiot (& i thought it was an old peoples dance HAHA) but i went just for my friend to keep her company, and to my suprise, It was NOTHING like i thought. I feel in love with the dance. Yeah i was the only "younger person" there, well, me and my friend. But i didnt mind one bit. The people there were great, they didnt mind teaching me atall. And a year later, i'm still enjoying it as much as the first, if not,,more!

    I dont go as much as i'd like too. Once a week is all i can manage, because my week is hectic !=[ which kind of sucks.

    My mums best friend quit, and so did her daughter (my friend), But i still go with my mum and we really do enjoy it. So this year, my mum will be going to my grandads dinner and dance showing HIM up this year, and not the other way around haha.

  15. #175
    Registered User martingold's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I first saw ceroc in chelmsford high st i had always wanted to be able to dance.
    I was told by the teacher that it was easy and like all drug pushers he had leaflets that allowed you to join and enter your first class for a pound
    now i am addicted
    i ended up dancing 5 nights a week

    does anyone know of any ceroc dancers anonymous clubs anywhere to help me out of my addiction lol

  16. #176
    Registered User Crazy Shark's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Quote Originally Posted by martingold View Post
    does anyone know of any ceroc dancers anonymous clubs anywhere to help me out of my addiction lol
    Sorry there isn't........this forum is the best help you'll not help you get out of the addiction

  17. #177
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Shark View Post
    Sorry there isn't........this forum is the best help you'll not help you get out of the addiction
    oh good i am in the right place then

  18. #178
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    I started last September with my wife, at her suggestion, I wasn't that keen. One lesson feeling decidedly awkward, one feeling not too bad and then; hook, line, sinker, fishing rod, reel, the lot. We get out together twice a week, but I'd go every night. Am I normal?

  19. #179
    Registered User cat's Avatar
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    does anyone know of any ceroc dancers anonymous clubs anywhere to help me out of my addiction lol[/quote]

    Maybe you have my answer to needing money to dance! Stuff work at the hospital, i can just set up therapy at ceroc. Only problem is can i stop dancing long enough to do this? Or a new sofa on the forum for jive addicts. And do i want to go near the tangled lives that is the typical ceroc dancers? Hmm maybe il stick to giving therapy to older adults.... might be easier, avoids those awkard moments when i have run into patients at dancing as well!

  20. #180
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    Re: The road to Ceroc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rich View Post
    Am I normal?
    Probably not

    ... but in terms of wanting to dance all the time once you're hooked, yup.

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