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Thread: The man in the gray car

  1. #1
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    The man in the gray car

    Apologies if this post seems a bit self-indulgent. Apart from the speculative bits though, I'm not making it up.


    There is a man.
    He sits in his non-descript gray car.
    He seems middle-aged, and I saw him today, on the way to work.
    He was parked near the station, in his usual spot.
    It's on the edge of a playing field, and he always parks facing the hill. There's nothing else there. The field, the hill, and some bushes. That's all. Nothing to see.
    I saw him again, on the way back from work.
    He was there yesterday. Just ... sitting. In his gray car.
    (I wonder if he ever gets bored)
    He was there last week.
    Every time I went past that spot. Twice a day.
    Just sitting there. In his gray car.
    Middle-aged, thick gray curly hair, wearing dark glasses.
    The first time I saw him, he was asleep.
    Also the second time - I remember wondering, vaguely, if he was dead.
    Then he moved.
    Four Saturdays ago, at lunchtime, we walked past that parking space (is it a real parking space?)
    He was there. Of course. Just sitting.
    He has been there.
    Every single time I've passed that spot.
    Since I first started my current job.
    Every. Single. Time.
    For the Last. Four Years.
    Regardless of the time of day. Regardless of the weather. He is always there.
    I wonder if he's there now? (Part of me wants to go and check)
    I hope he likes his car.
    Is he a security guard? If so, what is he guarding?
    Part of a covert police squad, staking out the playing field? (And the hill. And the bushes)
    Is he there when I'm not there? Does someone warn him I'm coming, so he can rush out and drive to this spot?
    Does he simply live in his car? Does he pay council tax? What's the address?
    Maybe he lost his job, and hasn't dared tell his wife... for the last four years.
    Perhaps I should ask him?
    Do I really want to know? Or would knowing spoil the mystery?
    But there he is - the man in the gray car. Every time I pass that spot.
    Every single time. For the Last. Four. Years.

  2. #2
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat264 View Post
    Apologies if this post seems a bit self-indulgent.

    It is ...... but pleasantly so... thankyou for sharing

  3. #3
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat264 View Post
    There is a man.
    He sits in his non-descript gray car.
    For the Last. Four. Years.
    Is he in 2 dimensions only Stray ? Cause that's called an advert. Admittedly, a long term one. But hey they do seem to change the guy's posture from time to time so they do re-new it.

    Caro. We aim to solve all mysteries within the hour.

  4. #4
    Registered User littlewiggle's Avatar
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat264 View Post

    There is a man.

    Is he a security guard? If so, what is he guarding?
    Part of a covert police squad, staking out the playing field? (And the hill. And the bushes)
    Is he there when I'm not there? Does someone warn him I'm coming, so he can rush out and drive to this spot?
    Does he simply live in his car? Does he pay council tax? What's the address?
    Maybe he lost his job, and hasn't dared tell his wife... for the last four years.
    Perhaps I should ask him?
    Do I really want to know? Or would knowing spoil the mystery?
    But there he is - the man in the gray car. Every time I pass that spot.
    Every single time. For the Last. Four. Years.

    Well I for one am intrigued now!!

    Your mission is to find out more so that you may enlighten us further.

    Try a smile or a wave and see what happens........then again, not sure about this in a car park - you may look like you are on the pull or worse, accused of dogging or something!!

  5. #5
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    oooh very X-files.

    Perhaps he's a Man in Gray.. not Quite a Man in Black.. or a man in black who's been left in the sun for too long?

  6. #6
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    4 years ago a man in a grey car was taking a break from a looonnng journey in that petrol station.
    In his half asleep state he noticed a man, who walked past, and seemed to look at him.
    He wondered who that guy was.
    A couple of hours later, as he was about to head off again, he noticed the strange man passing by again, in the opposite direction.
    He decided to wait.
    Surely enough the strange wandering man walked pass again in the evening.
    The man in the car decided to wait.
    He had suspicions.
    They were confirmed the following day - the strange wandering man passed by again.
    Again he felt he was being watched.
    And again at lunchtime.
    And again in the evening.
    The man in the car was scared.
    He thought the strange man wanted to follow him to his home, and kill his family. Make them zombies or something.
    So he decided he wasn't going to go home - oh no he would stay there away from his family to protect them.
    Ever since the man in the car watches the strange wandering man passing by.
    The only thing that has changed in the past 4 years is that the strange wandering man is now balding a little.

    Stray... show some mercy now. Stop stalking the man in the car. Please change your route tomorrow and let him go back to his family

  7. #7
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    This is errie.

    Things like this spook me. Doesn't take much really does it.

    I am intrigued as to what his story is.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. #8
    Registered User NZ Monkey's Avatar
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    One question:

    Is the car in *exactly* the same spot every time or just *more-or-less* the same spot?

    If you're really curious you could take a stroll or ride at 23:30 and see if he's still there then? If he is call social services......

  9. #9
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by NZ Monkey View Post
    If you're really curious you could take a stroll or ride at 23:30 and see if he's still there then? If he is call social services......
    Good grief, just for sitting in a car? Maybe he's always waiting to pick someone up from the same spot at the same time?

    If youi're really curious, just, you know, ask the guy.

    If he's a genuine eccentric, then I bet he's got a facebook appreciation society - like our local hero, Horace, in Finchley...

  10. #10
    Dickie Davies' love-child Cruella's Avatar
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    If he's a genuine eccentric, then I bet he's got a facebook appreciation society - like our local hero, Horace, in Finchley...
    So have you!
    'David James the grumpy moderator appreciation society'
    (You lot think i'm joking don't you!!)

  11. #11
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by NZ Monkey View Post
    One question:

    Is the car in *exactly* the same spot every time or just *more-or-less* the same spot?
    Usually it's exactly the same spot (near as i can tell without drawing an outline on the ground around the car, then checking it daily, which I think Caro would disapprove of) I think I recall seeing it in a nearby spot a couple of times, but that was a year or so ago. I've definitely seen it with the engine running (when the weather was cold)

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    Good grief, just for sitting in a car? Maybe he's always waiting to pick someone up from the same spot at the same time?
    I did think that when I first started noticing him - except that it doesn't seem to matter what time I pass the spot - he's always there.

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    If youi're really curious, just, you know, ask the guy.
    That's just not ... a British thing to do. Although - you're right - it would be the common-sensical thing to do. He was asleep this morning though, and it didn't seem fair to wake him.

  12. #12
    Lovely Moderator ducasi's Avatar
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Buy him a coffee and find out his name.

    If he turns out to be a weirdo, you'll just have to find a different way to work in future.
    Let your mind go and your body will follow. – Steve Martin, LA Story

  13. #13
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    I had a similar experience.

    In between Dobbs Weir and Hoddesdon there used to be a little tunnel that you could drive under to avoid going over the railway track. Whenever I was on that road, and I mean all the time, any time of day, there was this same old man riding passed on a really old fashioned bicycle...saw him for years, every time I went passed.

    The tunnel is gone now and a flyover replaces it. I haven't seen him since.


  14. #14
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    I think you should write something on the pavement with an arrow pointing at the car. You'd need to do it when the guy isn't there. He must go to the loo or eat or something.

    How about. "World Record Car Sitting Attempt ->"

    Or "Who is this? ->"

  15. #15
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by straycat264 View Post
    Perhaps I should ask him?
    You gotta....! Even if it's just to put the rest of us out of out misery.

  16. #16
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    It's clearly a government agent watching your every move.

    Obviously your internet usage is being monitored, so now they know we're onto them, watch for changes such as a different car, different man, different place.
    Check for audio/video monitoring devices at home and at work.

    Consider emigrating to a country without extradition treaties.

  17. #17
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    It's GREY!

  18. #18
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
    It's GREY!
    ...and breathe!

  19. #19
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
    It's GREY!
    Haven't you heard? UK is the 51st State of America these days...

    Ain't that swell ??

  20. #20
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    Re: The man in the gray car

    He's still there. He was there this morning.


    After all this time, I have learned...

    The Answer.

    He lives in it.

    C'est tout.

    And no - this isn't an April Fool thing. He really does live in it. But I don't know any more details than that.

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