Sex Face?
Hmm.. Some famous Surrealist Art Springs to Mind!
A few names which the ladies I go with use:
- Obi wan Kenobi (aka 'The Master')
- Mr. Feet (aka 'The Axe Murderer')
- Mr. Fondly Fingers
The ladies seem to use nicknames quite a lot (the above are just a few from a longer list.....). It seems to provide an easy shorthand for post-dance debrief sessions.
Last edited by JiveLad; 1st-September-2007 at 11:40 AM.
Brave to ask Fletch, i so would not want to know what mine is...
I was known as "Paddy" most of my life until fairly recently, and contrary to opinions on another thread , I didn't find it the slightest bit offensive.
This thread has had me pondering what my nickname is all afternoon now.
Probally just "that fat guy" is the best i can come up with. Anyone care to enlighten me.
Sorry, i do pop in a few times a week and have a quick read, but don't get enough time to read everything and post. Will maybe try harder from now on if i can cure the facebook addiction that swallows my spare few moments.
Oh and got feed up of feeling like i should be able to dance when i went to other venues that were occupied by forumites that know who i am (self paranoid).
Still down on my knees offering my apologese to the forum gods.
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