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Thread: And you thought the scottish diet was bad

  1. #1
    Registered User SteveK's Avatar
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    And you thought the scottish diet was bad

    Thought the Scottish members of the forum would be interested in the new pizza available from Dominos out here in Australia - a meat pie pizza!

    Domino's Pizza - hot menu

    I was surprised the first time I went to a chippy when working up in Inverness & the pies came out of the freezer and straight into the deep fat fryer (quite tasty when you are hungry though!) Is anyone willing to admit to a fondness for deep fried pizza?

    Does anyone admit to eating anything worse than deep fried creme eggs?

  2. #2
    Registered User McJester's Avatar
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    Re: And you thought the scottish diet was bad

    How about Haggis pizza .. not bad but not fantastic

    As for deep fried pizza, I love it, especially if it's covered in batter

    But the worst I remember hearing about is bacon and cheese in a buttery ( consult aberdonians for what a buttery is) battered and deep fried, never did get the chance to try it, but it does sound lovely, anyone know where to get one ?

    Franck, maybe for Blaze we should have a range of good health scottish snacks available, I'm sure a deep fried mars bar would help peoples energy levels, and yes I have had one.


  3. #3
    Registered User Mezzosoprano's Avatar
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    Re: And you thought the scottish diet was bad

    Awww , come on guys! What about all the healthy stuff that we have.... Porridge... slow release energy, low fat (unless you have it with cream...and sugar) - lots of lovely soft fruits.... good quality lean beef (Highland Cattle are great, venison is lovely, Wild Boar is gorgeous) - I've never eaten a deepfried pizza in my life, or a deep fried mars bar!!

  4. #4
    Registered User Beowulf's Avatar
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    Re: And you thought the scottish diet was bad

    Quote Originally Posted by McJester View Post
    I remember hearing about is bacon and cheese in a buttery ( consult aberdonians for what a buttery is) battered and deep fried, never did get the chance to try it, but it does sound lovely, anyone know where to get one ?
    Yuck! But if that floats your boat when I get back to Aberdeen i'll purchase some Aitkins rowies (aka butteries) and post them down to you and you can fire up your deep fat fryer

    (for non Aberdonians Aitkins butteries are by far reputed to be the best. The general recipe is Butter, flour, more butter, lots of salt, more butter , folded over and over into a dense flaky "bread" like pancake. and "Dr" Gillian McKeith personally had a vendetta against them)

    They are quite nice.. on rare occasions

  5. #5
    Lovely Moderator ducasi's Avatar
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    Re: And you thought the scottish diet was bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf1970 View Post
    (for non Aberdonians Aitkins butteries are by far reputed to be the best. The general recipe is Butter, flour, more butter, lots of salt, more butter , folded over and over into a dense flaky "bread" like pancake. and "Dr" Gillian McKeith personally had a vendetta against them)
    I can't think of a better recommendation!
    Let your mind go and your body will follow. – Steve Martin, LA Story

  6. #6
    Commercial Operator StokeBloke's Avatar
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    Re: And you thought the scottish diet was bad

    Quote Originally Posted by Beowulf1970 View Post
    Yuck! But if that floats your boat when I get back to Aberdeen i'll purchase some Aitkins rowies (aka butteries) and post them down to you and you can fire up your deep fat fryer

    (for non Aberdonians Aitkins butteries are by far reputed to be the best. The general recipe is Butter, flour, more butter, lots of salt, more butter , folded over and over into a dense flaky "bread" like pancake. and "Dr" Gillian McKeith personally had a vendetta against them)

    They are quite nice.. on rare occasions
    I can feel my arteries hardening just reading that! Is it all washed down with lashings of hot Buckfast

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