Greetings all! I am new to modern jive, and to this forum.
My dilemma is due to my lack of subtlety, so, true to form, I may as well plough ahead with my question J
I did look through the “beginners’ corner” threads, especially the ones on leading and following, and couldn’t find quite the problem I have in mind…and on the dance floor. After about three months in beginner classes, I still have difficulty following a lead, even in the basic moves I ought to recognise. I was warned about the havoc followers wreak when they try to lead, so I made a positive effort to avoid that pitfall by not memorising the order of the lesson’s moves, and trying my best to match the pressure my hand felt consistently. Fell into another pit. Many was the time I ended up stranded and confused, with my unfortunate partner looking sheepish, wondering what he had done wrong. I felt badly, and apologised (yes, I was told “it is always the leader’s fault,” but after all, they were just trying to learn, too). Then I started to say something like, “don’t worry, it’s just me: try leading me as though you were driving a JCB” . Actually, that worked quite well with the more experienced dancers: they just changed the pressure/tension in the hand leading so I got more feedback. Some beginners do tend to throw me around spins, and a pull can become a yank if they fall behind the beat and are trying to catch up, but I am not delicate, (and none have ever used so much force the lead became painful) so I don’t really mind. Besides, I do not miss those looks of dread when I showed up in the rotation at all! But I am not going to learn to read subtle leads this way…and more: my poor husband is trying to learn while practising with me! Before one of you says it, I will: what about all those other poor ladies on the dance floor? … this can’t be doing his learning curve any good?!! Advice please; thanks in advance.