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Thread: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

  1. #1
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    Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    I don't mean the evil stationary bike classes, but the art of twirling like a good 'un.

    I kind of know the theory - about focusing on a spot and snapping your head round, of making your feet do the work and not relying on your arms for momentum, but I still don't feel that confident about trying to revolve more than once (without staggering around afterwards like someone on the heaving deck of a ship).

    Is there a good technique for achieving beautiful, natural spinning?

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpsichorea View Post
    I don't mean the evil stationary bike classes, but the art of twirling like a good 'un.

    I kind of know the theory - about focusing on a spot and snapping your head round, of making your feet do the work and not relying on your arms for momentum, but I still don't feel that confident about trying to revolve more than once (without staggering around afterwards like someone on the heaving deck of a ship).

    Is there a good technique for achieving beautiful, natural spinning?
    Erm, I would say that it's actually your shoulders and arms that give you the initial momentum, NOT your legs/hips.

    After a workshop with Simon & Nicole (spins, style and interpretation, I think?) I was spinning quite well independently (using shoulders for momentum), but still couldn't do it as part of a move with a partner.

    Only recently did I manage to start pulling off opposing spins for lady spins etc (still need a lot of work) and only in the last week or so have I managed to turn my man-spin and a bit, into a full man-spin (1.5 turns). That last improvement came with spotting.

    Do a workshop and be prepared to practice for a long time!

  3. #3
    Registered User Freya's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpsichorea View Post
    Is there a good technique for achieving beautiful, natural spinning?
    It sounds like you have the theory now it's practise, practise and more practise. A good dancing teacher once recommended that I practise spinning in the bathroom, its a smaller more confined space and you have to train yourself not to fall into the bath, bounce off the loo or go tap dancing instead!!!. Therefore when your on the dance floor you become more aware of positioning and your central point so you can stay balanced. Hope it helps

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gav View Post
    Erm, I would say that it's actually your shoulders and arms that give you the initial momentum, NOT your legs/hips.

    After a workshop with Simon & Nicole (spins, style and interpretation, I think?) I was spinning quite well independently (using shoulders for momentum), but still couldn't do it as part of a move with a partner.

    Only recently did I manage to start pulling off opposing spins for lady spins etc (still need a lot of work) and only in the last week or so have I managed to turn my man-spin and a bit, into a full man-spin (1.5 turns). That last improvement came with spotting.

    Do a workshop and be prepared to practice for a long time!
    Cheers Gav - I'd read conflicting advice on t'internet about whether your arms or legs which do the driving, and I have to say that arms and shoulders seem to be more effective - if I try to do it using my legs, I look as if I'm trying to hump a lampost.

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Sweet Lord, I have hit the motherlode! Thanks very much...and I will search the forum next time...

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpsichorea View Post
    Cheers Gav - I'd read conflicting advice on t'internet about whether your arms or legs which do the driving, and I have to say that arms and shoulders seem to be more effective - if I try to do it using my legs, I look as if I'm trying to hump a lampost.
    Never seen someone try to hump a lampost so I'll take your word for it.

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gav View Post
    Never seen someone try to hump a lampost so I'll take your word for it.
    Hey, it gets lonely in Leeds sometimes!

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpsichorea View Post
    Sweet Lord, I have hit the motherlode! Thanks very much...and I will search the forum next time...
    well done on the links Freya!

    Just make sure you have somebody restraining WF from posting on this thread if you don't want it to end up 'outside'

  10. #10
    Registered User Freya's Avatar
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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    I was always told to spin from the this is closest to your centre of gravity.

    If you think of it in terms of mechanics...just really figured how to put this into practice myself tho. Oh and I'm sure someone will contradict me!

    In a normal stance then your centre of gravity (COG) is about your bellybutton and it is over the middle of you base of support (BOS). If your feet are shoulder-width apart then your belly button will be in the middle, equal distance from both feet!

    Lets say you use the right foot to spin. In practise as you prepare the feet are offset with the right foot forward. All your weight should be over the right foot just using the left for balance and support. You should be on the ball of your foot to spin as well.

    So going back to the COG...right before you spin your belly button should be directly over and in line with the ball of your right foot, your BOS. If your COG moves out with your BOS then it will be more difficult to maintain your balance. By spinning yourself with your shoulders then it's more likely that you'll become unbalanced!

    Practice spinning really slowly till you manage to spin well balanced then speed it up!

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    More random spinning notes.


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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Caro View Post
    well done on the links Freya!

    Just make sure you have somebody restraining WF from posting on this thread if you don't want it to end up 'outside'
    Too Late MMMMwwwwwhhahahahahahahaha

    Anyway Andy doesn't post that much anymore .

    My advice.........

    Everyone has their own way of spinning. If you look at central Alex and Jamie they are fantastic spinners but do it in bit of an unconventional way.

    What works for me is the ball of one foot, leg slightly bent and power from the shoulders and bringing the arms in close together. Alot of power also comes from the lead. Dancing with good leads who know you are going to spin can work wonders when they really force you in to it. Good moves for this are ceroc spin and catapult.

    I personally don't spot and get dizzer if I do (de Javu ), but do what works for you. I know most people do spot but not everyone does.

    Decent shoes also help as does a good floor.

    Practise practise practise.

    Will one day get a decent youtube vid of it.

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Damn I couldn't resist I had to press the view post button

    Quote Originally Posted by woodface View Post
    What works for me ...
    does it?

    Quote Originally Posted by woodface View Post
    Dancing with good leads who know you are going to spin can work wonders when they really force you in to it...

    Unless you mean 'prep you well' instead of 'really force you into', I can feel a whole new debate coming here...

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by Caro View Post
    Unless you mean 'prep you well' instead of 'really force you into', I can feel a whole new debate coming here...
    Na there is a big difference between being well preped and having a good strong lead that almost forces a spin.

    Both are good but the second is better. For me anyway.

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    A good lead can compensate for poor balance and an inability to smoothly generate your own momentum without putting yourself off-balance, just as a poor lead can throw off a follower's balance and put in too much momentum in the wrong direction.

    The key to spinning is balance, and the key to balance is 'strong' muscles, and the key to that is developing muscle memory to keep you balanced, and the key to that is practice.
    Most spinning "technique" are ways to stop you from throwing yourself off balance - to convert momentum from one direction into rotational momentum about a centre-line that ends in the contact with the floor. You don't have to be symetrical about this centre-line, but you do have to be balanced with equal weight/mass/momentum on either side.
    {I think that the trick to all these strange shaped spins that you see ice skaters and professional dancers do is in identifying where this line lies... and knowing how to balance themselves on it's axis}

    I would recommend (as Freya says) practicing slowly; finish your spin, pause, then place the other foot: If you have to use your 'push' foot to stop yourself or to stop falling over, odds are that you're using too much power.

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by woodface View Post
    Na there is a big difference between being well preped and having a good strong lead that almost forces a spin.
    You're not wrong there...

    Quote Originally Posted by woodface View Post
    Both are good but the second is better. For me anyway.
    And for your partner? IMOFO, 'forcing' your partner into anything is BADâ„¢

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    During my search of the Interwebs, I can across this helpful video. And yes I KNOW it's in a realm beyond cheesy, but the basic advice seems to be quite sound:<WBR>/how-to-pull-of-the-michael<WBR>-jackson-spin

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Is it bad technique for a follow to generate momentum in her spin by pushing off the leader's hand?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gadget View Post
    A good lead can compensate for poor balance and an inability to smoothly generate your own momentum without putting yourself off-balance.
    Definately. I reckon a competent intermediate can get me to do an extra half spin (over what I can manage comfortably solo), and a good dancer can get me to do an extra spin, just from the extra balance and momentum.

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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinHarper View Post
    Is it bad technique for a follow to generate momentum in her spin by pushing off the leader's hand?
    I know little about spinning, but isn't the vast majority of momentum generated from your legs?

    So a "strong lead" for a spin may involve some extra force, but is more likely to involve more advance signalling and prep time / space?

  20. #20
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    Re: Advice on spinning anyone got any tips?

    When Dancing With Central Alex, Jamie and Other follows that I know love to spin, I lead the spin with alot of power in the arm, That helps give momentum in to the spin. Of course doing this wrong can throw balance but doing it right is great when they pull off X amount of really quick spins.

    Likewise, if someone really throws me in to one it's great. If I dont want to spin at the time they force one, I just put the other foot on the floor and brake it in to one. Without that forcing in to one, I can do around 8 or so, with a good strong forced spin, in the right conditions, double figures is not unusual.

    The power comes from the upper body and the lead, not from the legs. If you think what causes the spin, it's the momentum of weight. The weight is all on the upper part.

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