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Thread: Being emotionally moved by a dance

  1. #41
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    Re: Being emotionally moved by a dance

    Quote Originally Posted by LMC View Post
    Oh yes...

    The ones where you feel like you're all starry eyed and have to sit down for a few minutes so you can get gently back down to earth.

    Moments to treasure
    I had this happen for the first time last week. Its hard to explain, I've danced with this person before and I always enjoy dancing with him. He isn't terribly forceful, in fact he is the gentlest, calmest, smoothest lead in my class, and yet I always know where he wants me to be without even thinking about it. It just flows.

    However this one dance was special. I couldn't even tell you what the track was we were dancing to, just that we seemed to connect so well that we couldn't seem to put a foot wrong.

    The only way I can describe it, is to say that that's what I would imagine flying feels like.

    Thank you, Chris.

  2. #42
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Re: Being emotionally moved by a dance

    Dancing can have a very strong impact on all of us... I would love to hear some of your recent experiences, keep it general if you don't want to name and praise, but it really is wonderful when you reach that 'floating on air' connection and really wish the dance would never end!

    There's an A.P.P. for that!

  3. #43
    Forum Bombshell - Our Queen! Lory's Avatar
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    Re: Being emotionally moved by a dance

    Aww how I long for a dance, where it moves me emotionally again.
    "If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine

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