Fri 19 - Utopia Evesham
Fri 19 - Ashtons
Fri 19 - Luton
Sat 20 - Nottingham Marcus Garvey
Sun 21 - WCS Freestyle Putney
Sun 21 - Berkhamsted
Sun 21 - Aberdeen Focus Workshop & Tea Dance
Dreaming of Silverfox
Singing In The Rain
Sat 20 - Stevenage
Fri 19th - Oxford
Perhaps i misunderstood point taken![]()
Oxford twin room night Friday 19th.
Mrs Par and I attended the event on Friday.... what a little gem of an evening.
it wasn't really too busy and the main room had Nigel Anderson djing modern music early followed by bluesy stuff to the majority of the dancers. Then we had a second room with Sheepman playing WCS and blusey stuff.
I enjoyed dancing in both rooms although spent more in second room with Sheepy
This often only had 12 to 16 people dancing ... loads of room and lots of chilled tracks to play about with ......and some ace forumites there too ...
it was nice when lots of locals popped their heads into the room to observe and were grabbed up to dance. How many of them said "I've only danced ceroc before!!" as they were lead out onto the floor just wasn't worth counting but all seemed to have enjoyed dancing slower funkier dances.
Sheepman and I enjoyed a dance towards the end when there wasn't enough ladiesyou followed great
Mrs Par had loads of helpful one to one tuition in WCS with several really lovely westies... THANKYOU guys and gals![]()
lovely night all in all although could have done with a few more dancers.
Would venture to Oxford again if they put on a second room.![]()
Well done to Coralie and jive+
Had a great time at the Aberdeen t-dance, with some lovely dances![]()
I made it to Oxford too, but I was very disappointed by Nigel's collection of 'Tracks played every week at all 500 modern jive venues' and '10 favourite swing tracks to play at MJ'. I guess they were at least danceable tracks, but not inspiring, or blues. I wasn't the only one to mention the repetition of some tracks either.
The music in the WCS room was great though, and some great dances.
Andto you to sir! I had no idea what I was doing for most of that dance, but I think the
on my face said it all!
I had a great weekend, with dances every night. Ashtead on Saturday was an excellent night, my first time there for just dancing, and I can see why it is there was such a long queue to get in.
We haven't danced yet UP! I'll look out for you at Southport! Not that you're hard to miss...!![]()
I'm looking to be lead by as many people as possible!! I had lots at Camber, want MORE at SP!! HEHE
Beginning to wonder if there's any point in us ladies going dancing anymore.![]()
Well Frankie, Rentaghost and I all rocked up to Ashton's last Friday night and despite a slow start i think we all had a great time.
Was great to wander over and ask forum ladies for a dance once i had worked out who they were before introducing myself. Troubles face was a picture when i asked "would you like a dance Trouble" took the whole track before i let on who i was. Although i think DT's way of introducing her self to me was somewhat different, if only us guys could get away with doing the same![]()
. Had many many great dances with lots of forumites, can not remember all there names though, but thanks go to Lory Dizzy? DT and Trouble, Frankie and Rentaghost and any one else i forgot, for all helping make the evening fun.
Looking forward more and more to Camber now that i know more people to terrorise around the dance floor.
I am sure we will come back to scare you all again at some point, just a shame it is such a long drive.
From my side, thanks to RobD, ESG and Gent (and any others I've forgotten/didn't recognise/didn't find out who they were!) for the dances and to Lory and Dizzy for taking the time to say Hi.
Loved the music too - although I wouldn't say every track was great, I do enjoy dancing to something a bit different - our local venues tend to play mostly the same tunes week in week out and from one to another, so going further afield makes that difference too (plus I got to dance to one of my fave tracks - Dusty Springfield's version of Spooky- for the first time since Breeze ... or was it Bliss?
I get confused so easily in my old age!).
Looking forward to going again ...
yes it was really active and great music in both rooms, couldnt decide which one to stay in!! Good to see a few other well known faces there too on their 1st visit and raving about the LeRoc club. Next ones their Valentine dance 10th Feb, you can pre buy tickets but they keep a fair number back so dont worry you can buy on the door if you get there early you miss the queue too, why when they say the cut off point for reserved tickets (its to stop apparently people who reserve who dont show, to give dancers waiting the extra chance of getting in rather than being turned away) is ending, everyone turns up at last moment causing those ques but also miss great Music, Nice to know you playing on the night too.
Love the 3rd hall for chilling in and enjoyed those cakes & coffee, fab, glad I got in too before the mad rush! Love it!!
Whats on this weekend in the South??
OMG! I picked Random Thread and this came up! I'm all melancholy now!![]()
"If you're going to do something tonight, that you know you'll be sorry for in the morning, plan a lie in." Lorraine
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