Dark Princess of the Geeks
Ok I AM The Geek Goddess!!!
It's all geek to me.
Geeky pudding!
HEY!!! Why am I on this poll???
As it seems a dead cert that Fi is going to win the title of Geekiest geek I thought it would be nice for all her minions to choose the name she shall be known as
("What is the name of the second chocolate cake in the last row?"
"We call that cake Muad'dib"
"Can I be known as Fi Muad'dib?")
sorry.. I distracted myself there...
make your vote. Am sure a nice Moderator will (a) Add in any further suggestions are they are made and (b) Change her byline to the winner when the polls close![]()
Last edited by Beowulf; 19th-December-2006 at 09:35 AM.
HEY!!!! Why is there YET ANOTHER poll with me on it!?!?!?
Ducasi you are so for it for starting this whole thing!
Deal with it...
How can 'hey why am I on this poll' get 3 votes![]()
Don't worry though O Great One I voted for Dark Princess of the Geeks![]()
Get a life mode engaged...
I had three copies of the movie on DVD as well as the TV mini series and the sequel Children of Dune mini series.
Needless to say I've read all the books many many times and have played Dune 2000 on my computer until my eyes turned blue within blue
oh yeah.. and it's very sad to say but the tacked on opening monologue by Princess Irulan.. I know it word for word.. inflection by inflection (mind you it is better than the "animated" opening sequence for the extended TV version..)
I had best stop.. I'm nerding myself out now!![]()
Get a life mode disengaged.
Personally, I think Fi's "byline" (it's really called a title, folks) should be "The Random Redhead".![]()
Let your mind go and your body will follow. – Steve Martin, LA Story
Now you are just trying to get yourself back into my good booksOriginally Posted by Duacasi
(But I'll let the boys get back to talking about TV/films/quotes that I've never heard of/seen/get)
am SOOOOO glad that Fi is still winning.. I had this horrible thought
for a while there it seemed like I was catching up .. and on this poll
"Dark Princess of the geeks" was winning.. I had this horrible image of this thread backfiring on me..
Dark Princess of the geeks
VOTE FI.. for my sanity PLEASE VOTE FI !!
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