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Thread: Moderation of 'off topic' discussions in technical threads

  1. #1
    Registered User El Salsero Gringo's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    I smell the heavy, heavy hand of a moderator deciding this witty repartee deserves a thread of its own. I don't know which particular moderator is responsible for that bit of idiocy, but if you don't want it in the thread it was posted in, please just delete the whole damn lot.

    Edit: I see DavidJames owns up to the idiocy then. Nice one. Just delete it instead.
    Last edited by El Salsero Gringo; 22nd-November-2006 at 01:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Sorry, I was just trying to keep the moderator thread on-track...

    I'll go and hide on the naughty step for a bit...

    P.S. If you think this is heavy-handed, you should see the MJDA forum

  3. #3
    Registered User El Salsero Gringo's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    Sorry, I was just trying to keep the moderator thread on-track...

    I'll go and hide on the naughty step for a bit...
    I think you'll kill all the fun chit-chat at the end of threads if every bloody time it's moderated into a new headlining thread. And for what?
    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames
    P.S. If you think this is heavy-handed, you should see the MJDA forum
    No thanks. I can't afford to lose the hefty deposit you have to put down as an incentive not to stray off topic.

    Now we're back on the topic of moderating (and way off-topic from "ESG's Stupid Publishing Empire" or whatever you called this one) what are you going to do? Cut-and-paste this *back* into the first thread? Or start a third?

  4. #4
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by El Salsero Gringo View Post
    I think you'll kill all the fun chit-chat at the end of threads if every bloody time it's moderated into a new headlining thread. And for what?
    That particular topic is in the "technical discussion" area, so extensive chit-chat is probably not helpful. I'd like to keep that thread as information-rich and banter-light as possible, because I think it's useful to explain the whole "what do moderators do" thing. That's why I split my own "Pratchett" stuff out of it.

    I certainly have no intention of moderating most other threads that way, but that area (and that thread in particular) is more of a "help" section than a "discussion" area, in my opinion.

    I could be wrong.

  5. #5
    Registered User Twirly's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    So, what do you think is the likelihood of a concerted effort to chatter on said thread now DJ?!

  6. #6
    Registered User El Salsero Gringo's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    That particular topic is in the "technical discussion" area, so extensive chit-chat is probably not helpful. I'd like to keep that thread as information-rich and banter-light as possible, because I think it's useful to explain the whole "what do moderators do" thing. That's why I split my own "Pratchett" stuff out of it.

    I certainly have no intention of moderating most other threads that way, but that area (and that thread in particular) is more of a "help" section than a "discussion" area, in my opinion.
    OK Boss, you're the Boss, Boss. Probably a good idea to copy that answer back into the original thread then, no? It's information-rich too. I hope I'm not giving you a headache.
    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames
    I could be wrong.
    No you can't - you're a moderator now.

  7. #7
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    Sorry, I was just trying to keep the moderator thread on-track...

    I'll go and hide on the naughty step for a bit...

    P.S. If you think this is heavy-handed, you should see the MJDA forum
    Are Ceroc employees allowed to contribute to other fora?!?!?!?

  8. #8
    Omnipresent Administrator Franck's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by El Salsero Gringo View Post
    I smell the heavy, heavy hand of a moderator deciding this witty repartee deserves a thread of its own. I don't know which particular moderator is responsible for that bit of idiocy, but if you don't want it in the thread it was posted in, please just delete the whole damn lot.
    I would like to see more moderation / splitting of threads that go off topic, in the last year or so, we've not had the man-power to implement it, but as DavidJames explained, the technical sections would benefit greatly from being kept on topic.
    I would rather the posts weren't deleted either, moving them to Chit Chat in a new thread or in a dedicated 'random chat' thread is the best solution, but if you disagree with the choice of title for the thread, you can report the post and ask us to change it to something more suitable.

    I would happily own up to
    that bit of idiocy
    as I would have done the same, unfortunately I was too slow!

    I will however move that 'moderation discussion' into its own thread now!

    There's an A.P.P. for that!

  9. #9
    Papa Smurf
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by TheVoiceFromAbove
    I smell the heavy, heavy hand of a moderator
    He might have washed it.

    go on then MrJames, split this off into a "DavidJames explaining his moderating heavy handidness thread" just append the number in brackets every time you do this.


    "DavidJames explaining his moderating heavy handidness thread (432)"

  10. #10
    Registered User El Salsero Gringo's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Franck View Post
    I would rather the posts weren't deleted either, moving them to Chit Chat in a new thread or in a dedicated 'random chat' thread is the best solution, but if you disagree with the choice of title for the thread, you can report the post and ask us to change it to something more suitable.
    In which case we must consider ourselves warned that any random rubbish quip or retort you make buried at the back of a thread is possible or likely to be the first post in a new thread, with your name on it and a random title according to whim to boot. If that's policy, so be it, but the less anarchic this place is the less fun too. Who knows, you might see ChrisA back on here yet!

  11. #11
    Registered User David Franklin's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames View Post
    Sorry, I was just trying to keep the moderator thread on-track...

    I'll go and hide on the naughty step for a bit...

    P.S. If you think this is heavy-handed, you should see the MJDA forum
    I'm all for keeping stuff out of the 'serious' threads, but the thread splitting is pretty confusing. Maybe you could add a link to the parent thread so that people can get some context as to where the split occurred.

    Quote Originally Posted by ESG
    if you don't want it in the thread it was posted in, please just delete the whole damn lot.
    In general, splitting a thread seems more 'gentle' moderation than deleting it entirely. On the other hand, if this thread is an example, it's not like deleting everything would actually lose much...

  12. #12
    Registered User Lynn's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by El Salsero Gringo View Post
    In which case we must consider ourselves warned that any random rubbish quip or retort you make buried at the back of a thread is possible or likely to be the first post in a new thread, with your name on it and a random title according to whim to boot. If that's policy, so be it, but the less anarchic this place is the less fun too. Who knows, you might see ChrisA back on here yet!
    I recall I split a thread on my second ever post. It was about 3 posts in a row off topic and someone split it into a new thread (I was new to forums and had no idea where my post had gone at first!). So this is not a 'new' pattern on the forum. The forum has grown a lot in numbers over the past few years with the same amount of moderators so that level of moderation became unworkable.

    One or two totally off topic comments, the odd bit of banter - that's fine. A new discussion - that deserves a new thread.

    And if it means dance discussion threads stay on topic - then thats a Good Thing.

  13. #13
    Registered User El Salsero Gringo's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by David Franklin View Post
    I'm all for keeping stuff out of the 'serious' threads, but the thread splitting is pretty confusing. Maybe you could add a link to the parent thread so that people can get some context as to where the split occurred.
    Hear hear. And a link from the parent thread in case anyone's going the other way would be nice too.
    Quote Originally Posted by DavidFranklin
    In general, splitting a thread seems more 'gentle' moderation than deleting it entirely. On the other hand, if this thread is an example, it's not like deleting everything would actually lose much...

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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by El Salsero Gringo
    any random rubbish quip or retort you make buried at the back of a thread is possible or likely to be the first post in a new thread, with your name on it and a random title according to whim to boot. If that's policy, so be it, but the less anarchic this place is the less fun too.
    Oh, I think having random quips/retorts headlining new threads with random titles is pretty anarchic.

    Keep your chit-chat to the chit-chat areas, and you won't have a problem.

  15. #15
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Twirly View Post
    So, what do you think is the likelihood of a concerted effort to chatter on said thread now DJ?!
    It depends on how much people see this as a contest between moderators and posters, and how much people see it as a collaborative forum in which we all try to keep to reasonable guidelines.

    There are more moderators now, so there will likely be more moderation. This is, I believe, a Good Thing within reason, as it hopefully means the place will be a bit more friendly, a bit less out of control, and a bit more welcoming, especially to new starters.

    I could be wro- oh hold on, no I couldn't

  16. #16
    Registered User David Franklin's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by El Salsero Gringo View Post
    Hear hear. And a link from the parent thread in case anyone's going the other way would be nice too.
    Although seeing as I couldn't find the fscking parent thread, I couldn't check if DJ had already done that...
    Quote Originally Posted by DavidJames
    It depends on how much people see this as a contest between moderators and posters, and how much people see it as a collaborative forum in which we all try to keep to reasonable guidelines.
    I agree with your sentiment, but during a period of shall we say, flux in moderation policy, I think you have to expect more feedback than usual.

    However, I would rather that feedback took the form of constructive criticism, and ideally positive suggestions. A war with the moderators is the last thing we need.

  17. #17
    Formerly known as DavidJames David Bailey's Avatar
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    Re: ESG's new publishing plan

    Quote Originally Posted by David Franklin View Post
    Although seeing as I couldn't find the fscking parent thread, I couldn't check if DJ had already done that...
    Hmmm... I think there's a "leave link to child thread" function, which we could use. I don't think there's a reverse function, that'd have to be done manually, which'd be a bit of a pain but I guess could be done.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Franklin View Post
    I agree with your sentiment, but during a period of shall we say, flux in moderation policy, I think you have to expect more feedback than usual.
    Feedback is always good - and I think we've had a lot of that over the past week* on moderation, which is helping to shape such policy (I think it's not giving away too much secret information to say that up until now, the "moderation policy" has been "Ask Franck".)

    * Hmm, coincidentally, that feedback's all been received over the same time I've been a moderator, maybe people are trying to tell me something

  18. #18
    Registered User CeeCee's Avatar
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    Re: Moderation of 'off topic' discussions in technical threads

    originally posted by El Salsero Gringo
    I smell the heavy, heavy hand of a moderator...
    originally posted by DavidJames
    P.S. If you think this is heavy-handed ...
    Splitting posts is a serious business and should not be undertaken "unadvisedly, lightly or wantonly" (solemnization of matrimony from the 1995 BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice)

    I still haven't recovered from the indignation of having my post severed on another forum.

    It was a forum which discussed dancing almost exclusively. It was serious. I enjoyed it, contributed and encouraged others to join in. I was inspired to start a thread for the first time ever. It didn't have time to go "off topic" because within minutes, my first post was severed and the amputated portions were used to spawn other threads, changing my original intention in the process. I was furious.

    The first I knew about it was when other people asked me why my post had been massacred. We were all confused. The unnecessary interference from the moderator was beyond our comprehension.

    I'm not known for requiring assistance with my literary skills, self expression or clarity of thought, nor had any 'rules' been broken.

    I haven't posted on that forum since the incident and am happy to stay here because at least here we can be ourselves.

    I feel so much better now that I've got that off my chest.

  19. #19
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    Re: Moderation of 'off topic' discussions in technical threads

    Are you allowed to name and shame other forums? Which one was that then?

  20. #20
    Registered User El Salsero Gringo's Avatar
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    Re: Moderation of 'off topic' discussions in technical threads

    Quote Originally Posted by CeeCee View Post
    Splitting posts is a serious business and should not be undertaken "unadvisedly, lightly or wantonly" (solemnization of matrimony from the 1995 BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice)
    You tell him, CeeCee. He might listen to you!

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