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Advanced Dancer: Several competitions define 'advanced' and there are multiple posts about what makes an "advanced" dancer. Generally, winning competitions helps.
Aerial or Air-step: When both a dancer's feet leave the floor with the support or assistance of her partner. Think 'circus gymnastics'. There is discussion on this forum about what is and is not an aerial, aerials in competition etc. Aerials are not usually recommended in social dancing, because of the potential for injury on a crowded dancefloor. Note: "Arial" is a washing powder; try not to confuse the two.
Assisted Spin/Turn: Where the lead gives additional conviction to the lead and assists the lady in turning. Normally this results in multiple spins/turns.
BB: Acronym: Can either refer to the Aberdeen Beach Ballroom (one of the finest dance floors in the UK that has great parties) or the Beach Boogie (a week/fortnight long dance event held in the Isle of Wight with workshops/parties every day).
Beginner or Novice: Someone who has just started dancing. The line as to when this title no longer applies has been discussed at length; but Ceroc defines it as someone who has done less than 12 weeks of classes.
Beginner Moves: A set of moves that are taught in rotation in every Ceroc Beginner's Class in the country. They give you the basic building blocks of movement that most other moves are based on. ( First move, yo-yo, arm-jive, octopus, basket, side-to-side, in and out, man spin, step across, shoulder slide, back pass, shoulder drop, Ceroc spin, catapult, comb .)
BFG: Acronym: Big Forum Gathering - an event spanning a weekend of dancing and workshops where all of the Ceroc Scotland forumites try to meet up and dance with each other in real life. Prizes, awards, showcases and a great deal of fun.
Bible: Slang term for the 'Ceroc Bumper Book Of Moves' that every Ceroc teacher has for reference.
Block: Stopping the momentum of the follower. Normally with a flat hand hold or an arm acting as a barrier.
Blues dancing: A sub-form of dance, similar to Modern Jive which uses a lot of close moves and is normally danced to slower (blusier) music. Also see UCP.
Break: A place in music where the sound changes completely for a short time, then resumes. This is normally when the base stops marking the rhythm and since dancers are interpreting the music, they like to "hit the breaks" with some sort of pose or dramatism within the dance.
BTC: Acronym: "Better Than Chocolate"- used to describe some dances that are... well better than chocolate. {Originally referring to Bill as a BTC dancer.}
Collective: A slang term from star-trek's Borg analogy to refer to Ceroc (the company).
Consolidation Class: A class run after the beginner's class, hosted by taxi dancers, and going over any beginner's moves. These allow novice dancers to practice the moves and get direct feedback on how they can improve/develop their dancing.
Dance pimping: Slang: introducing visiting friends to ones favourite dance partners. Also see Gimping.
Demo: The person who helps the teacher demonstrate moves.
Dip or Seducer: Where the follower is dipped in the lead's arms; in these moves, the person being dipped supports most of their own weight and uses the partner for balance more than support.
Double Turn or Double Spin: When a dancer rotates a full 360º twice without stopping in-between. Normally on the spot, but can be done travelling. Good spinners can do multiple spins, leads can also encourage followers into double spins with an assisted Turn/Spin.
Doughnut: A spectacular aerial move seen performed by David & Lily Barker where Lily forms a ring by grabbing her feet on the horizontal plane balanced above David's head, then drops round him.
Drop: A move where the follower must trust the lead to take most of their weight. Normally lower than a Dip and the follower falls or "drops" (under the leader's control) into a position. Like aerials, drops should be done safely and with care.
Floorcraft: The skill of being aware of (and considerate to) other dancers on the dance floor. Also being sensible/aware enough to not place their partner in danger.
Follow or Follower: The person led around the dance floor; normally the lady of a partnership. The specific role(s) of the follower and the leadare discussed in great depth within this forum.
Footwork: The specific and deliberate placing of either/both partners feet to add stylistic impact to the dance, a more controlled look to the dance or to move yourself on the dance floor. Again, this is discussed in (extensive/boring) detail in various posts within this forum.
Forumite: Slang term for a user of this forum.
Frame: Term used to describe the connection between partners in a typical "close" hold. Firm, but not tense; the lead comes from the back and shoulders and the follower maintains connection through her back, hand and raised elbow. Think 'ballroom frame' (although it also applies to other dances).
Franchisee: Ceroc has multiple "managers" who over-see various areas/venues around the country. These people actually make a living from the rest of us dancers.
Free Spin: When a dancer spins without connection to their partner.
Gimping: Slang: The action of taking your current dance partner to one of your friends to try out. Also see Dance Pimping.
Harperlink: Slang: To post a useful link to another thread where the subject has been discussed before. Originally coined as a result of such actions by MartinHarper.
Hipsters: A MJ club in Ealing, London, running monthly Friday freestyles, with a reputation for "advanced" dancers.
Hotshot: Slang: a dancer, typically mid-intermediate-level, who habitually refuses to dance with other "lesser" dancers.
Intermediate dancer: Someone who has lost their 'beginner' status, but is not yet 'advanced'. Some competitions define this for themselves, but there is lots of discussion about it...
Jango: A dance style, mixing Modern Jive and Argentinian Tango - also, the informal name for a MJ Club in London, with a reputation for mixing jive, swing and tango music and styles.
Lead or Leader: The dancer in charge of the dance; normally the man in a couple. The specific role(s) of the lead and follower are discussed in great depth within this forum.
Modern Jive (MJ): The generic term for our type of dancing - that is, the dance as taught by organisations such as Ceroc, Leroc, Le Jive, MoJive, etc. It's the name that is used here to globally encompass all brands of this dance. There are multiple posts here trying to define what exactly this dance is, and even when / how it started.
Muggle: Slang term used here to describe a non-dancer. (Plagiarised from Harry Potter.)
Musicality: The interpretation of the specific music being played; altering your dance style to the tempo and style of each track. For example, hitting the breaks.
No-row: Slang: an area within a dance venue - typically by the stage - populated by hotshots.
Perv: Abbreviation from "pervert": Slang term for a dancer who's behavior is socially un-acceptable and sexually un-discriminating.
Pivot: A (normally) slow rotation on one foot, led rather than using momentum or the follower's own initiative.
Pretzel: Move: Both lead and follower end up with arms in half-nelson positions. Multiple ways into and out of the move; looks like a complex tangle of arms.
Return: A turn that 'unwinds' a follower. It can be in either direction, normally opposing the last turn that the follower completed. Most beginners insert a return onto the end of a move to signify that move ending and another beginning.
Ronde: An arced sweep with the trailing leg during a pivot, turn, or spin.
Semi-circle: In Ceroc, it is taught that every dance starts with a 'semi-circle' to signal the ladies to step back.
Sharking: Slang term for a dancer who is dancing purely to pull.
Shines: A term taken from Salsa that describes a form of break where both partners stop physical lead & follow to do some (normally synchronous) styling (normally footwork).
Signals or Signalling: An aid (visual, verbal or tactile) to let the lady know what move is coming up next. Signals are controversial in social dancing, and leads should be wary of using signals with dancers they have not explained the signal to: the same signals have been known to be taught as different moves by different people. Similarly, followers must be sure of a signal before throwing themselves into a move such as a drop - the lead may just be wiping their brow :what:
Spin: When a dancer rotates 360º or more without travelling. Normally led from a 'push'. If there is no contact with their partner, then it is referred to as a free spin to avoid confusing the term with a turn or assisted turn/spin.
Spotting: Technique used by professional dancers to prevent getting too dizzy when spinning lots: Fix on a point (spot it) and let it be the last thing to look at before turning and the first thing when head snaps round.
Stinker: Slang term for a dancer who does not change shirts/use spray/wash or generally smells bad.
Style: Movement that adds to the look and feel of a move rather than being necessary to perform it.
Taxi Dancer: Specifically in Ceroc, an intermediate/advanced dancer that helps beginners go through steps and gets them into dancing. Is also used as a generic term for "teacher's helpers" no matter what brand of MJ is discussed.
Travelling: The act of moving across the dance floor.
Trolling: Slang term for seeking a new partner to dance with.
Turn: Can refer to a rotation of the dancer up to 360º, normally assisted with the connection between partners. (See also Double Turn.)
UCP: Acronym: Up Close and Personal; a style of move using close/sexy actions. Also a slang term for a blues dancing and can mean "Unexpectedly cozy predicament" {thanks Lory :wink:}
Vinceslap: Slang: To take extreme action against someone with appallingly dangerous floorcraft. Originally coined as a result of action by SilverFox.
Walk: Move: Various footwork patterns that can add some style to traveling.
Weekender: A weekend of dancing and workshops. normally taking in an introductory party on the Friday evening, workshops during Saturday with the 'main' party on Saturday evening, then workshops on Sunday with a wind-down party on the Sunday evening. Times in-between workshops and parts are normally taken with socializing, or sleeping :).
Workshop: A small 'focused' class that aim to teach isolated concepts in a closer environment where more detail is given and specific issued can be examined with the teacher.
"Ceroc Basic" workshops aim to give new dancers more confidence and the basics of 'how to dance'
"Ceroc Intermediate" workshops go through some principles of lead and follow as well as going through some of the core moves in more detail.
Other workshops tend to focus on specific areas of your dancing like "Style" or "Dips", "Drops" or "Aerials" where the moves may be dangerous if done incorrectly.
Yanker: Slang term for a dancer who is forceful and pulls you about the dance floor.
Zouave: Fifteenth century, French infantryman. Renown for colorful uniforms and excellent drill-work. Nothing to do with dance, but had to have a Z in the list and thought Franck may appreciate this one :D