Bright Light City...
, 12th-December-2007 at 11:52 PM (2410 Views)
... gonna set my soul on fire!
On 2nd December I ran the Las Vegas half marathon and it was awesome! It was a bit strange starting so early in the morning, I'm not really sure why it was so early - maybe road closures? It was unexptectedly cold while we were waiting - but the Elvis tribute band kept up our spirits. Then the fireworks went off and we were away - singing along to Viva, Las Vegas as we crossed the starting line.
Running along the Strip was fantastic - the first water station was manned by the cast of Spamalot and we had a performance from the Blue Man Group at about mile 3. The Elvis theme continued throughout - the event broke the record for the largest number of persons dressed as Elvis (208). I saw a group of them gather for an impromptu photo-call outside the Elvisarama museum. Apparently 55 couples got married at the run-through wedding chapel and there was a cake-station at around mile 5 although I graciously declined.
It wasn't my most spectacular time for the distance, but I finished having enjoyed the entire run. It is a cool medal, too!
I got back to find I had not got a ballot place in the London Marathon - but I now have a place to run for the Stoke Association.
To follow the next exciting instalment of my running exploits, come to my [url=]new blog[/url] and my []fundraising page [/url]