Beautiful day for it!
, 11th-September-2007 at 10:15 AM (756 Views)
It is a lovely morning for running, this morning. The sun is shining, there's a slight coolness in the air which will disappear as the day heats up and the visibility is good enough to see the detail of London skyline.
I did my usual route around Regents Park and down through the backstreets to Tottenham Court Road. The thing which is so enjoyable about running before work is that my mind is completely free. Two observations from this morning's route:
#1 there are loads of herons in Regents Park but none that I've seen in Hyde Park - why?
#2 by evening Charlotte Street may be a swanky place to hang out but it is distinctly noisome in the morning with the sharp odour of stale alcohol and the rancid restaurant bins - maybe I should tweak my route to work....
This morning was supposed to be a 'speedwork' session. I'm never sure I'm really doing it properly, but I do try to have bursts of running faster. Anyway the total distance was about 4.7 miles (my GPS thing took a while to commune with the satellites so I lost the early part of the run) - details of the route and my stats [url=]here[/url]. I know it only says 3.9 miles, but there's a small running track at the north end of Regents Park and I did three laps of that.