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Slog Blog

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I am pleased to report that I ran this morning - about 6.4 miles. I'm less pleased to report that it was a bit of a slog. My pace was all over the place and I had to slow to a walk three times.

Sometimes I find my rhythm and can just dig in and keep my pace steady as the miles pass. Sometimes - like today - it is a herculean effort just to keep my legs going and it feels so dispiriting because it shouldn't be such an ungainly scrappy fight to drag my sorry self out and home again.

Fortunately, there were some redeeming moments during the run - such as the tree with three red kites roosting in it. They took flight as I ran past - it was an inspiring and magnificent sight. They were in the same tree where the swallows used to hang out - I suspect the swallows moved out when the kites moved in.

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