Blog blog bloggity blog
, 6th-September-2007 at 08:59 AM (1256 Views)
I thought I might post up a training blog. It's something a bit different and now I don't dance so much these days it might help keep me in touch with my dancing friends, I hope. If people don't want to read it then I suppose they won't.
Not much to report today so not exactly an inspiring start to a training blog - was supposed to get up and run 4 miles, the kit was all ready to go, but I woke up feeling distinctly icky and so I bailed on the run. Tsk. I should be OK as long as it doesn't happen too often.
Only 12 weeks to train for the Las Vegas Half Marathon and I would so love to finish it before the leading males from the marathon. Somehow I can imagine my last half-mile elation deflating as I'm overtaken by some bloke who has run twice as far.