Ceroc Scotland Homepage
I'm not quite sure what the point of blog's are. Maybe just a dumping ground for random thoughts and experiences? Maybe a place to record what's going on in your life in the desperate hope that people will read it and care? Who knows? Anyway, picked up my new car on Monday and I'm rather chuffed. OK so it's not a Ferrari or Aston Martin, but I haven't had a brand new car before so I'm allowed to be excited about my Fiat Grande Punto. :na: It almost didn't happen last ...
I'm trying this out!... My day today.... Well, I woke up and could hardly move my arms.. 'Body conditioning' has a lot to answer for. So I decided to give the gym a miss and have a lie in. Then, sods law, the doorbell went, so I answered it, still in my lightweight dressing gown. It was my water delivery. I asked the young lad if he could go to the back of the house and I'd run through and open the garden gate for him. After he put the bottles down, ...
... gonna set my soul on fire! On 2nd December I ran the Las Vegas half marathon and it was awesome! It was a bit strange starting so early in the morning, I'm not really sure why it was so early - maybe road closures? It was unexptectedly cold while we were waiting - but the Elvis tribute band kept up our spirits. Then the fireworks went off and we were away - singing along to Viva, Las Vegas as we crossed the starting line. Running along the Strip was fantastic ...
Forgive me, (theoretical) Readers, for I have sinned. It has been several weeks since my last blog entry. I have been doing some training in this time, although admittedly not very much. But with four weeks to go now until my half marathon, I'm thinking it would be better to get some proper miles under my gel-belt. Otherwise it is going to hurt on the day. Oh yes. I have recently discovered that the race is scheduled to start at 6:07 a.m., which seems an odd ...
i wonder if this blog has an audience of more than 3 ? :) [b]barmy yanks in hazmat suits[/b] Found [url=http://blog.wired.com/defense/2007/09/new-haven-has-1.html]this[/url] very funny story. A running group who use flour trails to mark routes for runners were arrested in the U.S. after slightly bewildered officials jumped to the perfectly natural (if you are insane) conclusion that it was an Anthrax trail. Because that what terrorists do to maximise the death ...